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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I think !!! baffles most search engines (myspaz and google for sure) so look for their album title 'Myth Takers' instead and work your way from there.
  2. Anyone know if Joss Whedon's X men run has wrapped up yet? would like to read the rest of that in paperback.
  3. did someone say £80? hahahaha. hahaahahahahaha.
  4. I was never that in to Gears MP. Maybe if I owned a copy and gave it time...but it seemed a bit clunky to me, especially in tight quarters. I was a Halo boy at heart really- now that's a game I can control effrotlessly at all times.
  5. yeah outland is WAY better than Azeroth. You can really feel the designers were acting on years of experience and feedback building it. I can only imagine how cool Northrend will be, if you'll excuse the pun.
  6. it fuckin better do. If so, I'm getting a crew together and not playing it solo, ever.
  7. urrrrgh! shhiiiiiiitt that looks sweet as for 'identical engine'.....eh, what? Ok so the graphics aren't a big jump but did you not notice the sheer scale they're now applied to? that battle is *massive* compared to, what, 8 enemies at a time in the first one, tops. looking forward to this. the first game was pretty enjoyable stuff.
  8. k guys will update the OP now with game details
  9. The Sleepy Jackson and Simian's second album, we are your friends are ace summer tunes.
  10. I just bought NG Black on 360 in a kind of hype trance. Lost my x box copy of the original, see...
  11. bah. rumbled.
  12. obscure meory: reminds me of that fairport convention album with the guy pulling the same pose and we decided he was describing how big a dog was...or something.
  13. thanks for that. Just had to double up in a silent library to stop getting the giggles.
  14. that'd be da straight truth, aight. what's with the speedball II hate? surely that's grounds for perma ban.
  15. o look! death knight details! http://www.wowinsider.com/2008/05/09/death-knight-info/
  16. fucking quality.
  17. yeah well, anyway: game is Gents Diplomacy, password is p4ssword. make sure everyone is on from the list before you tell your mates so they don't both join and knock one of us out.
  18. oh right, well there's only 7 places in a game one of your mates will have to skip it I guess
  19. ok, that's 7. above list + gARY gREATIE* Jonny Houli
  20. mmm..puppet states... ok so far we have: Dan Dare The Fish Dyson my mate Tom
  21. Once more I feel the need for more diplomacy games, brethren! Only this time I'm making a thread that might actually be organised and good for discussing each game. Recently, I've noticed we keep getting confused as to who's who, who's in which games, who they're playing in each game etc. Also, it's come to my attention that not everyone is particularly clear on the rules. anyway, consider this thead a vast improvement on previous efforts, and It'll be edited as games start and progress. Ok first things first: Here are the rules Finally, to set up you just need a facebook account and the diplomacy application. Game One: Gents Diplomacy England is Tom, a friend of mine and gARRY gREATIE*'s France is Dominic, presumably that's our very own DomJcg Germany is Dan Dare Italy is Dyson Austria is The Fish Turkey is matthew- someone's mate, oui? Russia is Jesuis Une Dreamboat, aka Patch, aka gARRY gREATIE* So far, everyone has 3 units, except Russia who has 4.
  22. that'd be shit. they could do the baltic or some cold war flashpont pretty well, methinks.
  23. a bioshock film would suck. Why is that anyone would want one seeing as the reason the story was good was because it was told on gaming terms rather than cinematic ones? makes no sense.
  24. oh ages dude. I don't feel a great need to move on so it's all gravy.
  25. it was awesome. so very awesome.
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