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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. anyone in to music podcasts?
  2. I still need to get my mits on Whedon's x men finale. Anyone got the latest info on it? not that I can afford it now, but it's the only run I've followed in aaaages.
  3. ah I never realised that was supposed to be the very last one. Real shame- they were some of the funniest strips I've ever read. Up there with the best of Doonsbury and If...
  4. It's pretty small, size wise. Great map though. Just played a 5 man FFA and it was chaos. Really fun. Can't see it working for, well, anything else, mind. King turned messy and there's no room for CTF that I can see. Still, great slayer map.
  5. Quick FYI gents. The new Halo map Cold Storage is out today on the free, along with a theme and gamer pic pack that are only available today. they're also free.
  6. cool lineup for the fest. Shame I'm skint as fuck right now. It'd be a cool holiday. oh yeah, and I was going to ask- anyone in to Country? I've been on a bit of a 'Cash binge recently and I'm getting really in to the musical style. I'd like some more examples, without heading in to shitty crooner territory. Any blues would also be appreciated, as that's always great.
  7. 2nd was always my favourite. points above don't bother me much as I've not played enough of the series as a whole to comment on balancing. As long as IV as a stand alone product plays well and allows for some classic duelling, I'm in.
  8. It's fantastic, isn't it? it's like beating death at chess.
  9. The Bourne Identity Great film. It's been surpassed since by both it's sequels and bond, but you can still feel the craft here. It's an intelligent, fast paced thriller and looking back to when I first saw it, some truly revolutionary steps were taken with choreography and direction. Good stuff. slight lol factors: The CIA using big fat, beige CRT monitors now looks preposterous, somehow. Matt Damon is about 1/3 the size of his body in ...Ultimatum. Clearly, Jason Bourne spent a good deal of his three year Indian exile working towards pectoral enhancement.
  10. tentative date of Thursday, peons.
  11. Ok, next one caps it I think. much past 6v6 tends to be dogshit. quick note. Everyone will need the Legendary maps and Cold Storage. If you don't have them, don't sign up.
  12. I forgot to mention the CAD animated series Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. I've never seen anything that made me as angry as that. I wanted to die, just to ease the pain.
  13. CAD is atrocious. It's the place where fun- sick, old and decrepit crawls in to a shallow, dusty grave. All the jokes are shit, the art is terrible and inexpressive, the characters are at best two dimensional and boring while the plots...well, we've all seen what just happened. Utter gash.
  14. not sure. depends on how we do for numbers, either side. I'd like to see 4-6 a side, personally.
  15. Hi guys. Just had a thought: I want to organise a night of Halo 3 games with a team from this forum vs the EDGE Forum. I'd be playing with the EDGE guys so I need a team from here. The victors win a + Internetz prize.
  16. This just in: Al Green is fantastic at 01:29 in the morning.
  17. The Gloaming is incredible. seeing it live on sunday was a revelation: I really felt that it was a song written for performance as it gained so much on the stage.
  18. my hands are weird- I have ridiculously long fingers, bu they're really thin so my hands aren't particularly big. fun times. They look like I stole them off Jarvis Cocker.
  19. yeah, me too. Just astonishing film making all round.
  20. I think that as we grow older, our parents stop being just our guardians and start being more like real people almost. If you're not angry, maybe you should get to know your dad again as a man, not just a figure from your childhood.
  21. I seem to recall clean shaven Gaggle preferable to hermit Gaggle, so that's one problem solved. as for a tattoo: Full back image of an imperial eagle battling a dragon over a volcano for the prize of an Aryan temptress or nothing, please.
  22. A whole lot. I have Cerebral Palsy which has left me with a weaker right side- muscles, coordination and the like are all wrong on one side of me. So that, for starters. Shame somebody would have to invent a way to rebuild dead brain tissue and re teach my body how to do half of everything again. I don't think I'm bad looking otherwise, although I'd rather not have gotten my mother's nose. small quibbles.
  23. Dan_Dare

    GTA IV

    Ok, this is fucking crazy. Finished the game now but apart from the one Bernie gives you, I've not seen a single Infernus (Lambo style super car) in the game. Do they spawn anywhere? is there one hidden away? I managed to blow Bernie's up by driving over a petrol can in some godforsaken industrial dump somewhere after making a get away. Not going to be impressed if I can't get another.
  24. yeah. but you two are clearly bangin' on the side.
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