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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. so, yeah Invincible... woah. sweet
  2. Next time I'm not going to tell them what I'm doing. It's good work, it's really useful and if no money (bar expenses- I get £3 a session) is involved, they don't need to know. They don't help me with looking for work so fuck em.
  3. Cheers! not vital I get it today but...it's an option. Been looking out for it for a while an all. looks great.
  4. Seriously man, it's not even an exaggeration that. It's making me so fucking angry. if this info is lost or something, they'll owe me almost £400 by the time they sort their shit.
  5. Want to get this today. Problem is my local indie is behind on delivery and I need to shop there so I can trade in certain games I can't trade elsewhere.
  6. cools oh yeah, my day! Last night was quite fun- went clubbing on a whim with some hombres which was a laugh. Wasn't keen on most of the music though. At one point I was overwhelmed with irony as the DJ- a talentless hack with about as much nuance for a proper set as a goldfish- played The Smith's 'Panic' and the crowd sang merrily along to the call of "Hang The DJ" over and over. In his defence, he did play some Prince so I'll stop short of calling for more literal interpretations of lyrics. Today is less good. Turns out that when my internet company in Hull told me they were going to refund the £81 they owe me last week, what they really meant was 'wait a week and call us back to remind us, then we'll claim we don't owe you and start the whole process over before we pay you what we stole' also: looks like my dole is still blocked, despite first class post sending everything they wanted from me on Monday. Why am I being punished by jobseekers for giving my free time to charity to improve my chances of employment? I don't understand these small minded bureaucrats one bit.
  7. unless you have a maaaasssive TV, I'm pretty sure that's true for anyone.
  8. Cheers. Will do that later.
  9. OK, I'll bite. how?
  10. na check it out: those little diagonals mean it's an 8-way digital. the 360 pads have a 4 way (a bad one at that) and SFIV is designed for 8. Won't mean much on any other game but those extra imputs make the all important quarter circle moves possible.
  11. That was my reaction to Knothold Island. Fark!
  12. whacked out DLC time trials, anyone? [/url] Sauce
  13. any info on how good these are expected to be? want. alot.
  14. oh em geee. happy birthday!
  15. that's a sexy motherfucker of a geetarr dude. sweet.
  17. good choice with catch 22. one of the great works of the 20th century. watermark raised, people. Keep up.
  18. that's ridiculous. I'm not reading that.
  19. i'll pm my picks tonight. I have several candidates for both.
  20. sorry but Felt Mountain is in no way Goldfrapp's best. That's crazy talk.
  21. no i just mean the documentary stuff. I'll be getting the game- it looks sick.
  22. And you say I never bring you treats? for shame, forum. Here: have some Ben Folds and Rufus Wainwright covering Careless Whisper
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