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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I'm up for both, naturally.
  2. happy birthday
  3. ummm...the rest? just get a few albums (though perhaps skip the unauthorised biography... number for now) it's all excellent
  4. pretty sure she has to be stood up for that. I've heard the hunting rifle does the trick though
  5. shh you. one day i'll be bothered. hopefully one day soon.
  6. chapter 3 speed run can smoke my pole, fyi. I'm SO close. Just can't seem to stop making dumb mistakes on easy stuff. Restarts on this game take the piss too for two reasons: they take ages and mock you by showing you stuff you can't do in game. bastards.
  7. I don't think it's supposed to be about trying to get it per se- just that it's a reward for long term players and a bit of a joke from Epic and their 'bigger, better and more badass' line.
  8. played the demo today superb stuff. I love jumping around n shit in games, me. Lovely animation, quality sunlight graphics and some nice, natural feeling puzzles. now I just need the cash to pick it up.
  9. the horrors of that mental image are Legion, for they are many.
  10. by next week I'll be owed almost £400 from bureaucratic bullshit and incompetence. Pr0. It's all coming back with little or no fuss but I'm very skint. Gah.
  11. I love the director. he's like the bastard child of john romero and skynet.
  12. That's the kind of thinking I can get behind.
  13. yeah. It's a bit mental. Accumulative obviously. It's inevitable you'd get it as a serious player (I'm on about 3.5k in about a week of campaign and horde). bit of silliness from Epic. see also: Left 4 Dead has one for killing 53,534 zombies or something which is one higher than the one in Dead Rising.
  14. It's 100,000 (yeah you read that right) kills on Gears 2 in any mode. Savage.
  15. yeah it really adds to the melancholy theme. Particularly like it on Welcome to Heartbreak and Street Lights
  16. re: achievements: If they act as a guide and a reward for interesting play, bring em on. If they amount to a stat grind they can kindly fuck off. also, zero respect for someone who exploits the game repeatedly to get an achievement. If anyone already has 'Seriously 2.0' then I just pity the fool.
  17. Great, isn't it? I love Paranoid so, so much. Amazing beat.
  18. aw awesome stuff shame about the lack of fa-fa-fa, though. That's a tune an a half.
  19. that's quite...creepy.
  20. what a user name. Classic.
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