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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. ...maybe. don't hurt me. i have broken interwebz and need comfort and support.
  2. well this spiralled widely out of control...
  3. mine too. |I hooked up the ethernet though and blamo. perfect connection for 2 games straight and I even got a 10 kill streak on Halo. I hooked the wireless up in the room too and got perfect connection there. I think that, somehow, it can't pick up the signal at the range I (have to) use it from. It's extremely frustrating.
  4. wouldn't worry about your homehubs guys. several tests later and it looks like my 360 wireless adapter is to blame.
  5. it's nowhere near as good as Hounds of Love. It is sublime though, and I may well have listened to it about 15 times today.
  6. yeah that's why it's good- Kirkman has a great story and he's writing it very well. No filler, no fluff. Just classy shit issue after issue. sheeeit, I need TPB 10
  7. ehh why not Dan Dare Issue 47 (TPB 9) Invincible is the most consistently enjoyable comic I've ever read. It;s never been short of brilliantly and astutely written, drawn and coloured by one of the best creative teams in the industry.
  8. the problem is that anyone interested is already set on their own collections. I know I am!
  9. yes! Longley farm is amazing.
  10. Yeah the blue text is temporary. Once we pimp it with Photoshop, the text will be integrated with the watchtower image. The blue text there now is an overlay, and will soon be history.
  11. as you asked! http://watchtowerblog.wordpress.com/ it's rough as funk atm- but the words are good. also, massive props to the lovely Bluey for the banner. we need to poke it more to make it prettier
  12. It's just a saying. translation: it's fucked
  13. It's not a matter of wasted resources to me- it's simply that, beyond a certain point, death is a mercy. Sad but true. Personally, I'd want it known that if I ever ended up permanently reliant on machines for life, I would want to die.
  14. I'm unsure of the legality, but Bat For Lashes' new album Two Suns can be found on the internet, should the desire take you. I suspect it should- two listens in and it's amazing.
  15. I'm proper rusty, and now my XBL has gone to hell in a handcart. Fuck.
  16. last night I made a vegetable pasta mix in tomato sauce. It was pretty good, but may have required more seasoning. Veg was excellent, though.
  17. Me and Ashley have started blogging! oorah! it's work in progress still, but things are taking shape. More soon.
  18. a guy walked in to a school in Dunblane and shot a bunch of children. now, years later, the privacy ruling from the courts, which had previously guarded the survivors identities from the press, has expired with the children turning 18. The Scottish Sunday Express took the opportunity to investigate who they were and went with a moral outrage slander piece decrying the (perfectly normal) lives of the teenagers as they are now. Apparently, a life anything less than saintly devotion to the memory of long dead victims was deemed a sickening mark of shame. It's quite possibly the most horrific piece of 'Journalism' I've ever read. Utterly abhorrent poison.
  19. I'm hoping this isn't the case. After years of The Wire, BSG and more recently a revitalised Lost, I'm finding no tolerance for filler-as-standard. I don't want a show that just keeps running, I want a show with a concrete concept of structure.
  20. jesus we're all fucked for sleep ay? took me ages to fall asleep last night. blah.
  21. overstatement! however, it is absolutely brilliant. I'm very much looking forward to her new album. She's playing Leeds soon too- think I'll be going to that!
  22. to be fair, if it wasn't for modern medicine, I'd have died when I was born. My case was far less extreme though, and a line has to be drawn. Clearly, baby OT was far beyond that line.
  23. I think, looking back on Jade Goody's life, and it's ending, one thing is clear. she probably should have done a barrel roll.
  24. on the basis that it was largely lacking in culture, I disagree.
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