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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I just love Ultimate Cap. He's such a baddass.
  2. Ultimate Avengers #4 Fuck Yes.
  3. Stark Disassembled part 1 is brilliant. lots of talking, but it's necessary. Very, very good as always.
  4. Jesus Fuck, grunch. I mean, I'm fairly confident that I know my words n stuff but that's mental.
  5. exactly Edge are proper critics, while the resty of the games industry press are, by and large, a bunch of charlatans and pretenders, devoid of integrity and authority.
  6. 100% free, Jayseven sah. And yes, for cookies.
  7. no need to censor yourself, chap. We say cunt round these parts How does that compare to the Spas-12? I unlocked that on a few guns recently and haven't hand the mind to switch it on.
  8. Richard Hawley leaves me stunned in a metaphysical lilly pond, literally.
  9. But...you didn't move. What does that make you? Good day today. Had a nice morning at uni chilling with some friends then, faced with like 3 hours + to my next seminar I thought 'fudge it' and went home. Played some MW2, Watched How I Met Your Mother (top episode.) then
  10. Yeah i saw that. Duly noted
  11. Win XP,Firefox. Few adblocks etc. Nothing huge nothing's changed on my pc lately that I can think could alter how gmail works. It's really weird. I had a virus for a couple of hours but I got rid of that straight away. oh and also: my university email uses gmail as a base and that works fine.
  12. Great idea for a site. I have issues with quite a few games myself. Anything that requires an exclusively right handed control scheme is off the books for me, as is anything on the wii requiring complex wrist or thumb movements on my right hand. Demos on XBL help these days but it used to be a huge gamble as to whether I could play a game or not. Great to see someone is taking this issue seriously. (in before Rez: Left handed so any 'wrist' jokes are wasted )
  13. Hey dudes. For some reason I can't attach files to my gmail account it claims it may be caused by firewall or proxy but windows firewall is on normal (unchanged since it did work) and I don't use a proxy ideas?
  14. Sorted yet dude? I had the same thing infect my pc this week I used Avast! Anti virus. Did a boot scan and it found it straight away and killed it dead. I win!
  15. *looks at name* *Reads post* *has an ironygasm*
  16. use chemical bleach and write 'FUCK OFF' in his garden? oh and re: chest hair. sup?
  17. I think it's been three of the strongest opening issues I can remember. It's great- if you liked Weapon X 1-5, you should be all over it. It's like a Noir spy movie, with pr0 art. Win.
  18. Gotta say, team: Spider-Woman is probably the best series I'm reading atm. Very unusual- not super hero at all- but it's got so much going for it. Probably my favourite possible creative duo, great protagonist and some truly brilliant concepts going on. Everyone should be reading it.
  19. I... I've started shaving. Daily.
  20. Iron Man: Hells yes.
  21. Unlocked the M16 last night. Pretty meaty. Fires like the FAMAS but the rate of fire is faster (between bursts) and I think it's more powerful. Nice. Tempted to unlock everything with my FAMAS first though for the 10,000 exp or whatever it is.
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