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Everything posted by *Dalco*

  1. i'm sure if you get the store as soon as it opens they will give you one as there not gnna make you wait and get out there list see where you were on the list and the wait for all the people before you to get there consoles before they get down to you. but i dnt work in a game shop and don't know how these things work
  2. that trailer don't look half bad just hearing that banjo music again was great (more and more i think about it the more and more better i remeber it being, may have to dust of my 64 and give it another blast)
  3. first one was good not brilliant and rares recent games havn't been brill so not hyped about this yet
  4. nice don't mind having it for free as its a nice feature to have
  5. ye i watch tna on and off but will be looking closer at it with angle being in it. anyone see raw last night, it was shockingly bad worst one in a while
  6. a price cut for the 360 was gnna hapen sooner or later as it has been out for a year now but i donm't think nintendo should be worried as they are two different consoles with different purposes.
  7. that red steel one is brilliant!
  8. hope he pulls through he is so good on top gear with him and clarkson arguing a;ways makes me laugh
  9. i dnt see the fuss behind the right handed/mirror mode i never noticed till i started reading this thread that it was even apparent.
  10. it would have to be wireless to work in its full effect due unless your PC in on all day with the USB dongle. you can pick up a decent router for 50 quid so shouldbe fairly easy to sort out
  11. if your mate works at woolworths surely he can just put one on the side for you so you are guaranteed one
  12. man those boxarts look sweet i like how its not plastered with nintendo sort of keeps the Wii like and individual franchise like the iPod
  13. i can;t wait for this game but havn't really been keeping up to date with the information as don't want to ruin hte game experienve but was just wondering the following: - are there any graphical differnces between the Wii and GC version - have there been any indications on the length of the game - and how does it fit into the zelda timeline the info is proberly already in this thread but 100 pages is a lot to backtrack through. cheers
  14. i am not really that fussed tbh as i am not currently gripped by the online gaming, i have got a 360 on live but havn't as yet enjoyed playing online but this may change later
  15. preordered mine today at gamestation so hopfully should be fine for launch, what my plan is to get outsite the store an hour or so before it opens so i am one of teh first there as there may be a chance according to the worker at gamestation it could become first come first served for those who have preordered the console
  16. i've sent my sister to gamestation today to preorder one so hopfully not to many people have preordered before me
  17. quite a good ppv the hell in the cell and TLC match were really good and was great to see hardys backstage
  18. yer i'll be watching it, be my first ppv i have watched for a few years as i have only started watching wrestling again during the past few weeks (since DX reformed)
  19. i think it was at E3 they said it or one of those key note speeches but it not recent so it looks like it has changed and is now not built in
  20. hopfully it will be free but if not i can't see it costing that many points tbh, out if interest is this the first console to have a full internet browser?
  21. yea its nice idea but you can do the same thing in the 360 by connecting your camera via one of the USB points its not a new idea but is a very handy one like someone said b4 no more crowding around the PC
  22. i'll be gettin one as luckily i havn't got many outgoingsd due to staying at home so no rent and parents paying uni tution fees and as i get paid around 300 a month i should be able to get one with 2 games easily
  23. 180 pounds not bad i was expecting 150 but whats an extra 30 quid?
  24. no it was off eurogamer
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