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Everything posted by *Dalco*

  1. first impressions are its useful for just checking latest news and stuff without having 2 go n pc . loving fact i cn stream south park via dailymotion on tv
  2. i'm gnna give it till one, if it ain;t appeared by then (i doubt it will) i'm of to bed
  3. you can't find it because it ain't up yet
  4. no gamecube pad isn't alternative it is the only choice or you can use the classic controller
  5. i loved it as whith the DS/GBA incartions. only regret is selling it as i could do with playing it again. never played the 64 one due to it being relesaed late on so cnt wait for the VC one to be relesed
  6. can't wait for this one the last one has set it up nicely to bring the serious to a decent end. i thought the last two have been a bit below par (lol how sad a uni student discussing harry potter)
  7. i thought he had already been dead for a while but 95 wow thats a long life. sad loss as i still find myself watching there cartoons on boomerang
  8. brilliant show last night been one of the best i've seen in ages. last ride match and ladders match were sooo good
  9. has anyone else used there wii address as there forward address for there normal emails adds? i did it with my gmail account and its pretty good as i can just check my email from the wii
  10. gnnna sound really stupid but what are the component cables? i was just gnna get the RGB Cable is there a diffrence?
  11. there all like that blue light isn;t on all the time only when you on cosole, recieve email, load disk
  12. fine atm tbh in zelda you dnt really swing your sword often and thats the only game i been playing (only put in a few minutes in wii play and monkey ball)
  13. just done the second dungeon and really getting into this game, have been avoiding expolarion though so may just mess around before heading to the 3rd
  14. so what is the link between stars and wii points? is there a connection?
  15. hi dnno if there was a oficial thread for routers or not as i looked but couldn;t see one. anyway i need a wireless router to use for my 360. wii and DS but dnno anything about routers. dnt want to spend to much just want one that will do the job alright so if anyone can reccomend one then cheers. btw will be getting one from pc world (as i generally dnt buy stuff online due to no debit card) so if you look on there site for me then i can collect it instore. cheers
  16. yea just finished forset temple getting addiceted to the game now. i have clocked in 6 and a half hours already and only past first dungeon, the game must be bloomin huge
  17. 1847 0746 2354 0998 console name Dalco added everyone who posted so far so add us plz. if nayone after my post adds me pm so i can add you as well
  18. well finally got my wii to conncet to net so why i'm waiting for updates to install i'll discuss. first impression is wow its quite heavy! my arm ached by the time i got to the car park. once i unwarpped it couldn't believe how small it is as the controllers. Wii sports kicks ass as does zelda (once i got used to controlers). not big fan of mii as can't get it to look like me!!! all in all i am having a blast with it (more fun if a few hours than teh 360 has givien me in months) one minor niggle is the blue light isn;t always on!
  19. i'm having the same problem been tryin to catch a fish for 30 minutes now!!!! finnaly did it
  20. not really heymans fault as he was limited by vince in what he could do, oh well he's been sacked now anway and with sabu set to be relesaed as well (plus rumours of rvd not renewing his contract) ECW is gnna get even worse
  21. just rang my local gamestation and there getting 48 consoles in so i will deffo be getting one. he also said they have rang everyone who will be gettin one and will hold them until sunday so there will be nor worry of first come first serve problem
  22. i don't think i will go to midnight laucnh if there is one as not gnna have time to play that night anway, i'll just pop in the morning. i only gettin LOZ:TP at launch as non of the other games appeal to me, out of interest are any of the launch titles online?
  23. yea theres no way CM Punk will remain on ECW for to long he's to big to be on the C-Brand
  24. it was a good ppv not as good as i was epecting but still very good show, i was quite suprised how over CM Punk actually is!
  25. survivor serious is shaping up to be a decent ppv shame its on box office though as i'm not willing to pay 15 quid to watch it
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