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Everything posted by *Dalco*

  1. cheers fot that
  2. hi i just picked this up for the mega cd but with no instructions. i know the controls etc but i don't know what the signs : Past/future are for and how to use them. if anyone knows let us know plz cheers
  3. most likely PS3 unless shemue appears on 360
  4. Pro Evolotion Soccer Street Fighter Classis 2D Bomberman
  5. that is really pretty cool
  6. ye they are brilliant, i gt a CD of 18 MP3's of theres and had it on constantly since getting it
  7. between the 360 and PS3 me thinks
  8. X for me as it is direct in line with my thumb
  9. Brougght the game of ebay yesterday but was wondering if its easy enough to do the masterleauge as it is in japanese cheers
  10. Paper Mario Lylat Wars (get rumble Pak) Piolet Wings Wave Race Mario Tennis Mario Kart Bangoe Kanzooie Cokers Bad Fur Day F-Zero X Blast Corps Jet Force Gemini ISS 64 Donkey Kong 64 Diddy Kong Racing
  11. gt the first serios on DVD and think its brilliant! Favourite episode has to be the splicing one the guy who plays dixon is class in that one. its one of the greatest comedys i've scene and is only just under darkplace in terms of greatness
  12. at the moment i have got NTL broadband though a cable modem but i was wondering how do i go about setting up a wireless connection from this to use for Wi Fi gaming in nintendo DS? What i need to know is what i need, what type of router is best, how easy it is to set up and also anything else i may need to know e.g. how to prevent other people who dnt live in my house getting access. Cheers
  13. What i mean is (casue title ain't clear) when the revo is launched do you think stores i.e GAME etc. will have a revo set up to play? the reason being as the controllers wireless they won't be able to bolt it down? The reason i am wondring this is becasue the revo will need to be in stores to entise those who are hessitant. P.S if a Moderator don't see th point in this topic feel free to delteter or lock it
  14. Mario 128 Smash Bros Revo Nintendogs Revo Wario Ware Revo Wave Race Piolet Wings (be amazing i remeber playing the N64 one for the first time) New Franchise from Shigsy SSX From EA New Sonic Game Advance Wars Street Fighter (can't see it happening but be amzing) Bomberman Ridge Racer Then couple of EA sports games i recon Metroid prime 3, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing will lanch 6 months after launch. Zelda 1 and a Half years after launch
  15. i was origanally planning on getting a PS3 on launch and then slowly save up for a revo a couple of months after launch but now after seeing the revo's conroller it has completely changes my mind. I will now make sure i get a revo on launch and not bother at all with the PS3. I don't see the point anymore of paying 300 quid for a PS3 that has the same style games/input methods as current gen but with improved graphics.
  16. i had the same feeling when going from 64 to gamecube and its going to be the same for sony/microsoft fans. The reason being that most people who own a PS2 owned a PS1 only the previous generarion (X-Box owners had nothing) therefore the PS2 was the first chance many of them got to play complete 3D games e.g. look at the leap from GTA 2 to GTA 3. Thats why i think more and more peole will eventually turn to revolution after maybe a year or so after PS3 launch
  17. Revo for me. I love the DS. also i'm seeing that it as a beta console for nintendo to see how the gaming world took to innovation to make sure they were going in the right way with the Revo
  18. some people are really missing the point but come next next gen i.e PS4 or wheatever "original" name they come up with, the revo controller will be industry standard. i remember when the N64 controller was first shown, the gamin public (saturn and PS1 fans) were like "whats the point of that stick in the middle when you have a D pad.
  19. i think Gamespot will have delayed video i.e an hour after speech but during speech will have updates with images etc
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