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Everything posted by *Dalco*

  1. 180 pounds dec 8th
  2. 13:25 - Ah! Logan's back and she's showing us Tennis. She's bandying around the names 'Tim Henman' and 'Greg Rezetski' - a name I've never needed to spell before. Logan's just spend a good five minutes hunting around for a bunch of avatars bearing likenesses to them. And now the curtains have just whizzed open and there's a fake tennis court on stage! Guess who's there! Yup, REAL LIVE TENNIS STARS!
  3. great Iwata is giving his life story
  4. yay there on the Wii
  5. how many time can they go on about nintendogs :zzz:
  6. rumour has it he is there to showcase Wii Tennis
  7. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/732/732732p1.html
  8. not yet just blabbin on bout DS and 50 50 gender spit in gaming blah blah blah
  9. 12:56 - Bloody hell. This video's going on a bit. Oh... it's done! Gabby Logan has just appeared on the stage. "Many of you here are BIG gaming fans!" - but she's not apparently. Anyway, "She's not alone" and apparently loads of non-gamers are here. Who'dathought? wahey Gaby Logan
  10. Scissor Sisters = Hairdressers Music
  11. 12:53 - It's started! WE're kicking off with that Wii trailer featuring those exuberant ii's. Okay, so we've got a fact video thing going on now with some peeps prancing with the remote and some lovely quotes about the Wii. Also the Scissor Sisters are on the soundtrack. We HEART the Scissor Sisters. yay
  12. ign are also going on about tim henman being there, nice idea by nintendo though it will dleay the information longer!
  13. 12:46.07 - The last few stragglers are taking their seats. There's a danger it might actually start soon looks like its gnna start lol
  14. 12:42.25 - Fan request #1: "Totty commentary". Well, there are lots of women in Wii t-shirts. There is nothing yet to rival Germany's magnificent pink-dress DS creature. euro gamer still updating
  15. 12:36.51 - "Please switch off all electronic devices." "No."
  16. they better hurry up with this Neigbours is on in an hour
  17. its starting to fill up more according to eurogamer so hopfully not much longer
  18. still being updated though still no news 12:24.24 - I'd estimate about a third of the seats are still waiting to be filled. Give it time. /impatient
  19. well if its coming in dec 2006 for austraila least we know in the UK it deffo won't be 2007 12:21.17 - Still sod all happening. Lanyard commentary: elegant, simple, nice font, while the strap bears the "Wii Play Together" slogan. Decent clip mechanism. 7/10.
  20. i am going crazy i always hate these press conferences when were waiting for text updates!
  21. oh yea forgot how much he will babble the first 20 mins or so will proberly be DS sales figures like always
  22. by the looks of it seems eurogamer shoulf be fine with updates
  23. ahh hopfully they won't get shutdown i can't wait no more!
  24. 5 minutes.........all this waiting reminds me off e3 again
  25. all this talk of food is making me hungry, gnna go make some breakfeast/lunch (brunch?)
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