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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. Hope you get it.
  2. Your an american right? Just kidding. 4/5
  3. Glad to be of service.
  4. I´m NOT sure but you could try to find the game here. (as I said, I´m NOT 100% sure)
  5. Which stage do you prefer to fight in and why? My nr.1 choice is Big Blue for two reasons: first, the music. The Big Blue-music is AWESOME! Second: because the stage keeps changing shape. My nr.2 choice is the Temple also for two reasons: one, the music again, both the Zelda & Fire Emblem-music are great. Second: the size of this stage make fighting alot more fun since one will be able to inflict a LARGE damage %.
  6. It´s Joseph Blanchette himself.
  7. GC: Tales of Symphonia SSBM (plays it every day) PS2: Ys: The Ark of Napishtim Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary
  8. You´ve probably seen this before but I thought it would be funny to post it: Zelda Movie made by: Joseph Blanchette aka "Legendary Frog".
  9. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha!!!!
  10. Well, since I play GC far more then PS2 & since I´m not interested in Xbox, I will only post GC titles: SSBM Gotcha Force Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Resident Evil (Remake, Zero, 4) Tales of Symphonia Baten Kaitos Skies of Arcadia Legends Mystic Heroes (future: Zelda Twilight Princess)
  11. I would like to see Gotcha Force. Using the controller to aim precisely where to fire would be great.
  12. 1. Super Smash Brothers Melee & Gotcha Force. 2. Don´t know. Probably.
  13. Ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha. Hilarious
  14. You said it. Arcadia is classic Turn-based while Symphonia is full action (you controll the characters real-time) so it´s up to you what you prefer but I recommend both.
  15. 1. Roy (he´s so cool) 2. Marth (he´s so fast) 3. Ganondorf (he´s so strong)
  16. Well, we are all different I guess. But hey, that´s what makes us special right?
  17. Yeah, I really like this game. Haven´t played in a while now but will soon. I´ve got lv. 99 with Kalas & Gibari and closing in with the others.
  18. Own: NES x2 SNES N64 GC GBA Saturn PS PS2 Commadore 64 Used to own: GB DC
  19. No question here: Gamecube. By far the best console of the three and here´s a few reasons: SSBM GOTCHA FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Metroid Prime 1 & 2 The best controller ever.
  20. Skies of Arcadia is an awesome game. I bought a Dreamcast solely for this game. When later it came for the Cube I was overjoyed. The game was even improved so it became EVEN better. Short: This game is exellent and should be owned by every Cube-owner. (unless you hate RPGs but you don´t, right) :wink:
  21. Own: Baten Kaitos Eternal Darkness Evolution Worlds F-Zero GX Gotcha Force Mario Kart DD Megaman Network Transmission Megaman X Command Mission Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Mystic Heroes Resident Evil Remake, Zero & 4 Skies of Arcadia Legends Sonic Heroes Soul Calibur 2 Star Fox Adventures Star Fox Assault Super Smash Brothers Melee Tales of Symphonia Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage Viewtiful Joe Zelda: Collectors Edition Zelda WW Used to own: Extreme G 3 Final Fantasy CC Prince of Persia Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (twice) Sonic Mega Collection Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader II Super Mario Sunshine Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 I believe I used to own other games as well. (can´t remember right now)
  22. Hooo boy, this was a tough one, but I would have to say Zelda III on SNES. That ending has a place in my heart. The music during the entire ending (especially where the camera goes over the mountain-range and the credit is shown) was, IS, a masterpiece.
  23. Without question: the SNES. I say that the SNES is the best console ever. The games where alot better back then.
  24. The Cube is absolutely NO letdown, on the contrary. The Cube has brought me countless playhours with games like: Baten Kaitos Eternal Darkness Evolution Worlds F-Zero GX Gotcha Force Mario Kart DD Megaman Network Transmission Megaman X Command Mission Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Mystic Heroes Resident Evil Remake, Zero & 4 Skies of Arcadia Legends Sonic Heroes & Zelda WW I do agree that Starfox Assault was a bit of a letdown (too much run-around) although it offers some fun. But the three titles that I´ve found to be THE greatest among all others, which offers the ONE key-thing that makes a video game great, Playbility is: SSBM, Gotcha Force & Mystic Heroes. WHHAAAATT!!!!?? You say? Gotcha Force & Mystic Heroes?? You say? But honestly, these three titles DO have the most important thing a game can have: Playbility. For I have experienced countless (note:COUNTLESS) hours with these three games. Because, let´s face it, if a game does not have any playbility, and becomes boring after first or second playthrough, it isn´t much even if it has killer graphics, monster sound & has been hyped through media and such. At least that´s my opinion.
  25. Final Fantasy III (or VI, if you prefer) on SNES. When I saw the intro, when the three characters are walking towards the town and you see the credits, it just blew me away.
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