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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Must... quote... all... lines... of... TopGun...
  2. Ahhh ok.... well that means that Mr-Paul isn't Kero then. This changes all of the evidence surrounding Coolness. Change Vote: No Lynch
  3. Yeah, Kero is defintely good (99% positive). LazyBoy could you explain the logic behind why Zell is silenced and why you are voting for him?
  4. Look, I've told you my evidence and I am voting the way I see fit. I'm not betting my life on it because even I am unsure, hence why I have been questioning Coolness. His answers haven't really convinced me so I voted for him. We have to lynch someone and Coolness is the best that we have right now. Nothing is seeming to prove otherwise.
  5. Errrm? I'm not saying that Coolness was the one forcing people to vote, I'm suggesting that what he has told us is made up to cover himself. Thats also perfectly possible Dom. Do you remember when you got roleblocked on Night2? You ended up delivering pizzas.... and that happened twice so you were forced to mimic someone. Who said that didnt happen to fish?
  6. Well, your protection didn't work very well on the 2nd night cos Ellmeister got some kind of curse forcing him to vote for Domjcg all day. Doesn't look good dude, sorry...
  7. Tell me more about your protection of Ellmeister and Eenuh Bears? Sorry to have to grind you dude... (love you Bears!)
  8. Can you give us more details please Coolness?
  9. Last thing he posted was at 1PM ish so he won't have seen any of this. He's usually on all the time though :/ On a seperate note: What do we think of this big monster character? Anyone got any ideas on him? He sounds dangerous and quick to act and now the head of the mafia. There cant be that many maifa left can there? What are the Good: Neutral:Bad ratios usually in a game of this size?
  10. Has anyone actually seen Coolness in the thread recently?
  11. Why are you worried about Kero being bad? He doesnt have his own agenda in the series and unless we have a Sakura player around then he shouldnt be anything but good.
  12. Haha... whoops, I mis-read your post. I thought you that that you had conflicts with that. :p Well lets see what he has to say. Vote: Coolest of the Bears
  13. Really? Please explain, because I'm obviously not 100% that my power was what resulted in the write-up. Any info would help us, especially if that means sending a good person down. To Clarify: I targetted Mr-Paul last night, not Coolness.
  14. I targetted him last night and Kero disappeared from the show which complies with my character's power. But it seems very likely anyway. Also knowing Coolness, he'll have wanted to lay low after everyone picked up so quickly on how dangerous mistah ooze was. He only ever posted once and that was on the first day. TBH we would lynch him anyway just for staying quiet.
  15. Didn't really look like there was normal mapping from the sceens... but yeah good news. I hope that this turns into a really great Wii game, I really do.
  16. Haven't I given you something to go on?
  17. You were meeting the ransom agreement? Say the vote thing once for no and twice for yes.
  18. Well if I'm right about Mr-Paul then that means that Coolness has to be the Blob. Volcom is dead and so that leaves our list with Coolness and Dyson and as MBAM (now Dyson) did nothing in the first 2 days and got kicked then it must be Coolness. Question is, is it worth wasting a day lynching him when we don't know his alignment (although he does seem pretty evil)? Also if the person who got kidnapped and the person who met the ransom agreement could come forward, that would help narrow things down.
  19. Thanks buddy... dammit, who ever is doing this is going after goodies only. Damn the swines!
  20. Esequel, if you are being forced to vote Mr-Paul then post again please. Also, I'm pretty sure that I know who Mr-Paul is now. He seems to be Kero from the information from last night. There is a chance that I'm wrong though but it would fit things very well.
  21. Not a bad control system, although actually trying it will be the test. I'm still not a fan of devs using the D-pad in these situations and if the AI on the camera is rubbish i can see that im gonna need it all the time. It's looking nice and atmospheric so far though.
  22. Done some more work on my animation character, hopefully will be able to show you those animations fairly soon. Rigging is a bastard and it makes me want to kill lots of folk very, very nastily but its coming along. And yeah, i know shes not very well textured or modelled but she'll do for what she's for.
  23. One to break up the auto-merge...
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