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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I don't have the time to do one
  2. At work :p nothing stopping any of you from sending your PMs in though. Votes: EddieColeslaw (4): heroicjanitor, ReZourceman, Diageo, Esequiel No Lynch (1): Dyson Aqui1a (1): Ellmeister DAY 2 HAS ENDED. Night 2 starts now, please SEND IN YOUR PMs. Night phase will last until 11:30pm BST on Tuesday (working again tomorrow night, write-up will be around midnight) 20 survivors: Aqui1a Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Dazz Diageo Dyson Eenuh EddieColeslaw Ellmeister Esequiel heroicjanitor Jayseven Jonnas MadDog mr-paul Mundi Nintendohnut ReZourceman Rummy Tales
  3. I am disappoint. Still... at least we get something.
  4. Me too (despite saying the same thing about 22 and not having done any of them)
  5. Day phase will end at 5pm today. I won't be online to officially end the day but no votes past 5pm will count.
  6. It's nice to see the bridesmaids seated in the order I'd do them... Sorry tubby, it's reverse order.
  7. Thanked just for Pomplamoose. They rock!
  8. I did that too. I put Chairdriver in and instantly put Paj! afterwards as well. I haven't seen Shino post in aaaaaages
  9. hahaha these are ridculous
  10. I think he did. He said that Dannyboy serves the princess. I think it's a bit of an oversight on Jonnas's part because she's actually Queen now... we've all still called her the princess this game though just because of our frame of reference from the first game. Unless he got something else and hasn't revealed it.
  11. Oh I see, Flink targeted ReZ. That makes sense.
  12. Dannyboy can you confirm who you ended up targeting then? Because Flink was incapacitated in some way so did you end up at him or at ReZ? I see no reason why a townie would want to stop Flink anyway - as he said, all of his information has been correct so far. Vote: Jayseven
  13. Jay, you redirected a known killer to a major source of information?
  14. That's quite worrying actually. We all know you can kill.
  15. Sometimes I climb into laundry basket and tickle my ears! Sometimes, I do not.
  16. Traded in Gears 2 aaaages ago. Didn't enjoy the multiplayer all that much so once the campaign was over that was that.
  17. Did not know that. I've put down my pre-order now, this game looks amazing!
  18. Have at thee, automerge!
  19. I just want to see stuff about: Mariokart, Super Mario, Kid Icarus, E-Shop, f-zero, luigi's mansion 2 (lol), starfox 3DS & please announce a new starfox game. Probably more stuff. Café real name reveal as something not shit. Online experience similar to xbox live. No friend codes (never happen).
  20. But post count is nothing =\ why does it have to be credible. It is literally a count of how many posts you have made.
  21. Yeah if playground posts counted I'd be higher, not sure if it'd push me up by 3000 posts to make the list though lol. I don't really see why Playground posts don't count towards your post count. It's an arbitrary figure that shows how many physical posts you have made and for me, it's incorrect :p I guessed 28. I thought I'd do better but it's funny how your mind goes blank.
  22. Votes: Majority is 11 EddieColeslaw (5): heroicjanitor, ReZourceman, Dyson, Diageo, Esequiel
  23. Except it sounds remarkably like Womaniser still.
  24. Crabs Retaliation At PrimeMinister
  25. You win mock the thread! Winner does a round - either a 'scenes you'd like to see' style one or another funny headlines

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