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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Sounds worrying. Another quick cash-in? WHY?!?! I really want this game to be good, Dead Rising was one of my favourite games of 2007!
  2. I liked the first game, so really glad to see a sequel!
  3. It's walking around that i'm struggling with, i keep walking in to walls and doors and i'm generally finding myself constanly disoriented. Killing things while stood still is no problem :p I'm guessing sensitivity needs to go down rather than up? Prime 3 cost me a tenner :p I'm skint and catching up on titles i've missed at the moment. Priority goes on price, hence why i've bought Prime, Metal Slug and Vegas 2 in the past week. A tenner each for the 2 Wii games and £7 for Vegas. As much as i'd like to play Galaxy it'll cost me the same as all three of these titles put together!
  4. Hmm, yeah i hadn't realised. I'd forgotten how much of a pain in the arse it was back when i had a Touch. It's supposed to be possible through SSH (i don't have a Jailbroken Touch lying around to test it though).
  5. Just got this game (finally). It's absolutely terrific! The Wii finally actually makes sense! I'm struggling to get used to the controls, but i can already see their brilliance! The game looks fantastic as well, it's just a shame it's on such an underpowered machine (by that i mean i'd love to see how good it could look with more powerful hardware). I'd be right in saying that this has been Wii's high point so far though, right? I guess i'd better not rush the game because everything else i've tried has been pretty dull (i'm yet to get Galaxy, waiting on it dropping to the £10-£15 mark).
  6. Here's a simple solution; upgrade all of your iTunes tracks to iTunes Plus. You then shouldn't have any bother using an iTunes alternative. For future purchases use Amazon MP3 instead of the iTunes store, it's cheaper, DRM free and Linux compatable
  7. Ok, word of warning for everyone; don't try doing this. It's taken me all afternoon to remove Vista from my system, repair the MBR and get Win 7 working again. Next time i'll just buy another HDD so i don't run out of space However i'm happy now, got plenty of spare HDD space and don't have to faff about choosing which OS i want to boot at start-up
  8. You're trying to download straight to the USB? http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/3/3/633118BD-6C3D-45A4-B985-F0FDFFE1B021/EN/7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULXFRE_EN_DVD.ISO Try that link Getting it through the W7 site is a pain in the arse, you have to use IE and a special download manager plug-in.
  9. Here you go Flameboy. Windows 7 is proving pretty stable. I'm deleting my Vista partition today on account of Vista being a lot slower and actually doing nothing i need over 7. I'm not really finding any of the new features particularly useful though, it's basically a smoother, easier to use version of Vista with an alternative GUI slapped on.
  10. Surely if you bundle multiple browsers with the OS then the EU are killing competition? They'd either have to bundle literally every single Windows compatable browser with Windows, otherwise they'd be condemning the ones that they don't bundle. With IE as the only choice people will look for alternatives. With IE, FF and Opera bundled very, very few people will bother looking elsewhere. The only way i could see it working is if on first boot you're taken to an app store (in a dedicated program) where you can pick a browser, a media player, an IM app, a photo management tool, an email client, a word processor etc. It does seem a tad extreme though and in order for it to work seamlessly the EU would basically have to force Microsoft to host their competitor's programs.
  11. You'd have to buy a copy of Windows XP then install using an external CD drive. Instead, grab a 4GB USB pen and the Windows 7 beta here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/beta-download.aspx This page tells you how to install from USB: http://blogs.msdn.com/tims/archive/2009/01/12/the-bumper-list-of-windows-7-secrets.aspx The Beta is due to be a good 6 months long so that'll solve the problem for a while. With a bit of luck Microsoft bridge to Beta in to the product release and allow users to upgrade to the full retail version without a reinstall.
  12. GH:WT has the best guitar, but the drum kit isn't as well built as the RB one. I have heard that playing WT on the RB kit is a pain in the arse though, not so bad the other way around. With the games themselves i'd say RB has more to do and more content, but GH does tend to do songs better. I dunno what it is, but songs like "Float On", "Eye of the Tiger" and "3's and 7's" that appear on both formats just feel a lot better in Guitar Hero. This is coming from the point of view of someone that plays between Hard and Medium. The RB versions of these tracks are REALLY, REALLY boring to play in comparison (i'm not sure if it improves on Expert or not?). I'd say wait until the end of the month and see what prices RB2 comes out at. Guitar Hero: World Tour has been available in some really good packages e.g. 2 Gutars, Drums, Mic, Game for £120 (think this was Asda, can't quite remember?). There's also the chance of some good bargains on RB1 stuff.
  13. Yeah, it didn't work. All it did was download the file from my computer to... my computer! Nice to see W7 has an XPS Viewer buils in So far i'm not a fan of the new UI and i'm actually finding the OS a little sluggish. I find the new task bar too big and distracting. Seems a bit odd given everyone else is loving it.
  14. Guess which muppet printed his key code as an XPS file and now can't figure out how to open the bloody thing?... None of the software i can find seems to install properly so it looks like i'll be needing a new key
  15. Aye, pretty much the RAM. The OS should run a bit faster though too.
  16. If you've had a new PC since the days of Pentium 4 then it should be 64-bit. IIRC all Intel Core and i7 processors are 64-bit and AMD Athlon X2, Phenom, Phenom II and newer Sempron (not sure about Athlon single core). There's no reason to go 32-bit if you have a 64-bit processor unless you need applications that aren't available for 64-bit. Windows Vista and Windows 7 are perfectly stable and compatable under 64-bit so most users will be fine, it's just specialist applications that are beind the times (most of the time it's CAD stuff).
  17. Got mine last night, but the download is taking forever! Won't have it until tomorrow afternoon most likely
  18. Here's some direct links to the downloads on Microsoft's servers; Windows 7 64-bit: http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/3/3/633118BD-6C3D-45A4-B985-F0FDFFE1B021/EN/7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULXFRE_EN_DVD.ISO Windows 7 32-bit: http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/3/3/633118BD-6C3D-45A4-B985-F0FDFFE1B021/EN/7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.ISO I do it because i love you guys You'll still need to get a key though, it's just so you can start downloading while they sort their servers out.
  19. The beta finishes in August apparently, although it could be cut short. I'd expect it'll be released to OEMs over the summer for a consumer release in September. EDIT: You get to the end of the registration process to be greeted by this: Oh yay
  20. I now have L4D on PC! Also picked up a 3870 in PC World for £40! So far i've not tried any games with it, but my initial opinion is that it's a noisy bastard. Downloading the L4D updates now, then i'll take it for a spin! Got a feeling my CPU will bottleneck it though Gonna wait until next month and then upgrade to Phenom II
  21. They said in the afternoon, not at noon. Expect it within the next few hours I cannae wait, although i'm a tad annoyed that i'm in work tomorrow so i won't get a proper chance to play til Sunday (assuming it actually downloads in that time, my net connection is as slow as a turtle with parkinsions!)
  22. I will... soon Steam wouldn't take my card or i'd have it already I think i'll take the 360 version to town tomorrow and see about trading it in, last i checked it was £25 trade at Gamestation. If that's the case the extra fiver for the PC version is fine by me
  23. I'll be running it. Need to free up some HDD space first though, time to clear out some of these DVD rips Really looking forward to it, if it's as stable/compatable as it's supposed to be then i won't be running Vista much any more.
  24. And mine. Followed by Left 4 Dead. Everything else has been pretty average, though if i had a PS3 i'm sure Little Big Planet would sneak in there in 3rd place. I'm yet to try Fallout 3 though, much looking forward to it whenever i get around to purchasing
  25. I'm getting it on PC as soon as i see it sub-£20. Bought the 360 version, love it. Sadly there's far more people i know who have it on PC. I'm always getting invites over Steam
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