Did anyone buy this?
I did and i’ve just finished story mode. I played the Switch version and enjoyed it - classic 2D Sonic and they have really nailed the MegaDrive physics which is great to see.
I agree with the review scores - it is a 7/10 game at best:
- Graphics on Switch are pretty basic which is inexcusable when you have Mario Wonder showing beautifully.
- Music is hit and miss. Such a shame they did not use the Sonic 2 boss theme imo
- Camera is a little too close for my liking resulting in some cheap hits.
- bonus stages are a little naff and uninspiring.
- i’ve been glitched a few times resulting in once having to reset
- unlockables are disappointing as they can only be used in the battle mode.
I did enjoy it and it is very like the MegaDrive classics but it is not quite there. The bosses are great. Some of the levels do have a interesting twist too.
After nearly 30 years since Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I think the 2D series should just be better than this game. I’d say this is the series Mario U moment - a little bland but standard 2d platforming.
I enjoyed Mania more and wishes we had a Mania 2 instead.
Discounting Mania, I think this is the best 2D Sonic game since the MegaDrive classics.