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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Man I love the colour blue... I'd eat any thing blue (Except from meat). I wish I could do photography...oh well I get a lil bit of practice with my media course next week with a camera...
  2. Very nice, I like blue one best.
  3. Holy.... thanks for finding that! Made my evening. Its more than probable this well sell more than gamecube...its had more media attention and developer attention that cube did.
  4. Or another way... Guy smashes controller over a little kids head and he looks at the tv and it has displayed: HIGH SCORE! Or a guys playing Revo Nintendogs (hehe, gr8 title), he's out in the park and he's about to throw a frisbee, and he throws he's controller to throw the frisbee. And the slogan : TAKE CONTROL. DONT LOSE IT. appears on screen (Thanks to the guy who suggested the take control slogan)
  5. Im not expectin anything mind blowing. Im just asking what people think could be the other features. Its an imagination game realy.
  6. No, its coming out 25th. It was listed on Nintendo's websites and magazines as 18th because all the sega dates Nintendo announced were actualy a week earlier than expected. Unless Sega have updated their site to make it on the 18th...
  7. Ok, a while back there was an interviw with NOE's Jim Merrick. One of the quotes I picked up from the Interview was quite interesting. Since I cannot find the interview (If any one could find it and post the link, i'd be very grateful), the quote was kinda like this: Im suprised Nintendo is going as slow as it is revealing revolutions features. Theres so much to be revealed. So, is he talking about games in development, more controller features, or perhaps even more revolutionary aspects to the machine which we've had no hint on? So, now to the point of this topic: What feature would you like revolution to have and why? Suggestions for a toaster are accepted (If any one knows what im talking about :wink: ).
  8. Well mines working now...after 1 and a half days of it not working...
  9. Sonic adventure series - Earth Sonic heroes is NOT in the adventure series. The only story it carried on was shadows, but with only 2 paragraphs of his mystery. It was a totally different game. Sonics always been with a different story in different series... The only thing Shadow the Hedgehog extends is his charecter story line. And guess what, were the hell he ends up does fit in with the story. Last moment Chaos control -> Unknown destination -> Alien world. Or maybe he chaos controls on to earth? Who knows? It wouldnt matter were he ends up because you dont actualy know were he chaos controls to in the ending to Sonic Adventure 2.
  10. Chicken gun from South park game. I can not remember such a time that I laughed harder than I did the day I first played it.
  11. 10.31.05? Ok..it cant be the launch date...and it would be highly stupid if it was the reveal date because you want it to be revealed at suprise... Its like a twist in a game story line, but putting posters telling what the twist is in the game shop.
  12. Whats an ipod gotta do with any thing? This is gaming accesories... not an iPod. iPod mainly revolves around music, while PSP is multi-media orientated with this giga pack. But yeah, i would choose an iPod over it. But the iPod has nothing to do with competition to the iPod.
  13. I hope not, i'd be very suprised too..i've had the same email for 3 years..
  14. Same, November - December - January (2007) would be the months i'd guss for the launch here. A pretty long wait i hate to admit. Im just waiting to hear more of the features and through them i can guess easier on the release.
  15. Hey guys, I've had a problem with messenger for over an hour now and realy need help. Everytime I try signing onto msn, it says Contact list unavailable. My bro signed on his account fine, so I tested. I made a new account, signed on alright, added a few emails then tried adding my old email which I cant sign on with, but when I tried adding my old email, it said it couldnt update the adress book. An hour later, nothings worked. Installed 7.5, tried shutting down, waiting a while. Nothing works. Any of you guys have the problem or have any idea on how to help?
  16. Well, the site opens at eight tonight. But what would the number 168 have to do with 360? Its not half of it, its no were near a quatre of it... Most prob some crazed hex people with nothing to do with xbox, or a massive live clan maybe?
  17. ^^Im keeping a very close eye on that site now...^^
  18. It isnt, these are just a random selections of classics, and yes microsoft said they'l have some downloadable things before nintendo. Nintendo dont have to threat, they are actually offering what the old and new generation want.
  19. Yes, your right. I signed this purely for hope of the game, I dont expect it to happen. Petitions online are awful, I dont think their petition gets noticed.
  20. Jeez....do you hate creativity or something? I remember in the gamecube part of these forums you were complaining because shadow the hedgehog had guns, what is your problem? I'd like to see you come up with creative games, instead of moaning at them. On topic, I cant imagine how it would play, but i'd be happy with online battling. Sure, pokemon would be great to actualy interact with other people without battling or trading.
  21. A question they should of asked is whats the revolution. This would realy demonstrate if it has interest. But they should of done this on members of the public.
  22. Its all about opinions here, so dont ask people to disregard some one because you have a different opinion.
  23. Yes, i know its not completely free, but Nintendo doesnt have to do the stars catalogue does it? You buy a game for the game, not for random items to appear on a list on the website. Infact, I mentioned this in my post which i quoted fatrox.
  24. Agree'd. Unoriginal humour, with the script written in a quick way to gain attention. And xanikseo, i dont think any one cares if its mean or not. Its the lack of creativity with the joke. Humour is so weird today, people think laughing can only be achieved if you insult things.
  25. Yes, I read that. Not sure were that interview is now, but they didnt say all, they said an estimated date, price and more info. Im sure there will be some of it revealed at E3 if it hasnt been launched any were by then.
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