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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. I know what you mean, but I still think it holds true when you apply the idea of selling a system to both the Xbox and Playstation platforms. A new triple-A game on both current-generation consoles can still potentially leverage their sales, regardless of what system consumers choose to play the game on. I feel that had the difference in hardware been as drastic as those witnessed in previous generations, games like Watch Dogs or the last Assassin's Creed would not have been ported to both last and current-gen systems simultaneously. Publishers aren't comfortable pushing their IPs as "next-gen exclusives" because they don't want to gamble with the idea that their games will encourage people to buy the new system they're on. Of course there's still a point in them wanting to cash in on the existing user base of PS3/Xbox360 owners, but if you look at the difference in technology between that generation and this one, you'll find that porting these games to either platform and its successor is an expensive pain in the ass for them to do. I think most of these games were built from the ground-up to be PS3/Xbox 360 games, then had their PS4/Xbox1 counterparts coded from the PC release. Judging from my knowledge of the hardware, it just seems easier for them to do it that way, since the newer systems function more similarly to PCs than their predecessors, and porting PC code isn't as big of a hassle to do. This makes particular sense with the Far Cry games as they have all been optimized to use AMD graphics technology, and AMD has had a hand in developing all current-gen consoles (with particular focus on making them run more like their PC counterpart).
  2. There's no real reason to buy a console just to play a title you'll forget about in a few months' time. Let's face it, the Far Cry series isn't a system-seller (unlike most Nintendo exclusives), and the graphical differences between these AAA games from the last generation isn't particularly noticeable enough to entice people into buying a new console. I strongly value my purchases, so I usually wait a year before buying a new console. By then the price would have dropped and what money I saved I could spend on an expanded selection of titles, extra controllers, or a bundle offering me something I'd be pissed off by had I bought the damn thing at launch (like the Mario & Luigi Wii U Bundle). Regardless, I think FPS games have always been shit if you're not playing them with a mouse and keyboard. I'm disappointed at the lack of any real news with this announcement. No trailer, no screenshots, no real information other than "this game now exists." Why couldn't they do it the way they announced the next Assassin's Creed? More importantly, why didn't they make a full game out of Blood Dragon instead?
  3. Flush with coke: UK so high on cocaine that users have ‘contaminated tap water’ http://rt.com/news/158232-cocaine-drinking-water-uk/
  4. A website where you can write anything and the little machine prints it: https://onion.io/
  5. I watched it. It's an interesting and unique take on the zombie trend, and I liked how the first season's main story arc was self-contained. The little strings they left with Amy and the Undead Prophet felt a little underdeveloped however as I couldn't find myself caring to see what'll happen to them once the season ended. Based on what I've seen this looks like it was supposed to be a one-off series, and the subplot with the ULA was just there in case the series got renewed. Other than that, there were a lot of things going on in my mind while I watched it:
  6. Reminds me of these:
  7. Now in Doge flavor: http://doge2048.com/
  8. http://www.chrispington.com/Flash/lineoffire.html
  9. That's a lotta Ludo. Lol.
  10. April Fools tech round-up: http://www.engadget.com/2014/04/01/april-fools-2014-roundup/ My favorite: https://twitter.com/SEGA_OFFICIAL/status/450772040866222080/photo/1
  11. Here's a cool little thing I found on the wiki. You can check out the set location for Terminus using Google Street View https://www.google.com/maps?ll=33.731259,-84.397485&spn=0.18,0.3&cbll=33.731259,-84.397485&layer=c&panoid=4ItQ8jL_6AvcV_U8oezR0A&cbp=,285.81,,0,10.160004&output=classic
  12. I actually dug through my bookmarks just to post it on this thread. I was surprised to see the link still working--and have it sport ads for mobile app versions of the game as well.
  13. Kagi Nochi Tobira - Collect the keys and escape It's like WarioWare, only escape-based. http://escape-game.com/dak_en.html
  14. "Goat Simulator has become the logical endpoint for all of videogames."
  15. http://petapixel.com/2014/03/18/superman-view-creative-gopro-video-lets-fly-around-man-steel/
  16. I'd be very appreciative if someone could help me out with my problem: there's another Steam sale going on for Rockstar Games, but due to me living in the Middle East the only title I can purchase from that weekend sale is Midnight Club 2. I wish to purchase GTA 4: Complete Edition (I think it'll cost 4.50 GBP or so), but I can't. From one gamer to another, would anyone please gift me a copy? In return, I'll give any of these keys: Far Cry 3 (Origin only) Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition Batman: Arkham Origins DLC Mortal Kombat Kollection F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin F.E.A.R. 3 Scribblenauts Unlimited The Lord of the Rings: War in the North The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack Guardians of Middle-earth Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit http://store.steampowered.com/app/901583/?snr=1_614_615_rockstarpublisherweekend2014_616_3 It's shit like this that makes me understand piracy.
  17. I didn't even notice the Sean Connery thing was supposed to be talking about that until Cube mentioned it. Anyway, I bought extra copies of Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider for $14. You can find more deals here including a 66% slash on Rayman Legends, currently selling for $14. http://store.steampowered.com/sale/baftapromo?snr=1_41_4__42 You can also grab Crysis and Dead Space 2 for $6.79 each--assuming your prices match my store's region.
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