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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. I rofl'd.
  2. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/story/24892576/2014/03/05/man-accused-of-sex-with-pit-bull His mugshot perfectly encapsulates his crime. What would someone like that look like? This guy. Maybe in prison he'll be someone else's bitch.
  3. Man stabbed with Legend of Zelda Master Sword in serious condition http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-stabbed-with-legend-of-zelda-master-sword-in-serious-condition-9167520.html
  4. They remind me of the Star Wars movie reviews by Red Letter Media (aka Mr. Plinkett):
  5. $1.94 $19.99 $248
  6. A squirrel burying its acorn:
  7. http://www.bigissue.com/features/interviews/2722/bradley-walsh-i-want-apologise-fanny-chmelar
  8. What movie are we talking about again?
  9. They work with Siri on iOS as well.
  10. I missed out on this back when I had a Gamecube and GBA.
  11. Newly released footage of Felix Baumgartner's freefall from 2012: Watch it in 1080p with good headphones for the full experience.
  12. I don't think you can play games on two completely different engines, even if one is an upgrade of the other. There are too many changes in the maps, hit boxes, code, etc.
  13. The trailer made me cringe.
  14. http://www.valvetime.net/threads/source-2-left-4-dead-2-prototype-screenshots-leaked.244266/ Original: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=758999 Source and Source 2 comparison: Note that the hl3 folder doesn't necessarily count as confirmation that the game is in development:
  15. Am I doing it right?
  16. Daft Punk's performance of Get Lucky on the Grammy awards: In case you want to watch it in 720p (and you do): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k2POqw3m6OUUcF5gNEk?start=1
  17. ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Halloween Costume Reveals New Turtle Design http://screenrant.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-2014-turtle-costume-design-images/ Might look a little something like this fan art:
  18. http://pando.com/2014/01/23/the-techtopus-how-silicon-valleys-most-celebrated-ceos-conspired-to-drive-down-100000-tech-engineers-wages/
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