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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. Replace (or just altogether cut out) your beer with a non-alcoholic version or another beverage of similar caloric content (anything besides energy drinks and other alcoholic drinks.) Here's a list of withdrawal symptoms a typical alcoholic will go through: Anxiety or jumpiness Shakiness or trembling Sweating Nausea and vomiting Insomnia If you don't experience any of those things, then you've just developed a habit similar to the oral fixation a lot of smokers have. They don't really need to smoke, they just like having something in their mouths, and cigarettes do the job. #AdviceFromAteetotaler.
  2. Spider-Man, Hanging Out in Cairo http://kotaku.com/spider-man-hanging-out-in-cairo-1669726828 This is from the same guy who took the "camel photobomb selfie" picture:
  3. ZombiU 2 listed on Amazon France http://www.vg247.com/2014/11/25/zombie-u-2-listed-on-amazon-france/
  4. These glitches remind me of moveset swapping from Brawl
  5. As previously mentioned, destitution is mainly a sign of failure in several sectors of government. The prevalent stigma associated with being homeless doesn't help matters either as no class seems to have any compassion for the the plight of the common man, and there are entire industries that profit by keeping them poor. For a first-hand account, here's a fascinating article on what it's like to be a bum in the US: http://www.cracked.com/article_20720_7-things-no-one-tells-you-about-being-homeless.html
  6. Found in a book store here in Egypt: Masonic Assassinations: The Most Famous Political Assassinations by The Global Shadow Government Both Old & New
  7. I think that's the one most likely to change. If my memory serves me well the problem with that boss fight was that you couldn't Z-target after turning into a giant, so you had to swing blindly at it hoping one of your strikes will connect. I can't remember where I've heard this, but supposedly this was intentionally done for the boss fight to add a bit of 'realism' since you're supposed to Z-Target using Tatl, and she hasn't grown to scale the way you have by wearing the Giant's mask.
  8. The remix:
  9. Well in that case you have a week from today to get ready: bit.ly/OnePlusPreorders2 http://preorder.oneplus.net/ I highly recommend you prepare your pre-order ahead of time, and leave the browser tab open the night before pre-orders begin. It took me almost 3 hours to get my order through due to their servers being overwhelmed, and I wouldn't trust them to say they'll have it fixed for the next round of pre-orders. Edit: OnePlus is set to release their next phone in about 6 months, if you'd rather wait for that.
  10. I wouldn't recommend it. Other than the camera there's not that much of a pressing difference between the two, and the actual process of buying the phone is a pain in the ass (I pre-ordered this phone on the 27th of October, and they only accepted my payment yesterday). Unless you desperately need the money gained in the price difference, then maybe.
  11. You mean beating the entire game in one cycle? The game is designed to make you go through multiple cycles to get all the masks/items/quests/etc. The Kafei and Anju sidequest for example would be almost impossible because that alone requires one cycle dedicated to it. Now imagine having to do that and all the other quests over the span of 3 actual days, when ideally you'd want to play for an hour max on any handheld console. Not to mention how terribly slow everyone's schedule would be when stretched out enough to allow for anything like this. There would be too much reworking required to make this idea work, and even if it were possible, it wouldn't be Majora's Mask anymore (which might be a good thing for some people, I'm sure).
  12. Random thought: Since the new moon is the same model as the one from Hyrule Warriors I think it's safe to expect the Fierce Deity Link to be the same model from Smash Bros. 3DS.
  13. Why did the trailer end the way it did? When you see a "post-credits" scene you usually expect some sort of easter egg or something, but I don't get why they chose to put Anju's mother in there, then end with the mask salesman's laugh.
  14. I don't like the new moon either. For a game that relies heavily on atmosphere, I think Nintendo dun' goofed big time. Take a look at the difference in lighting for example. The remake is too clean and sterile.
  15. Sadly no. I'm almost 100% done with all this game has to offer me, too. I'm almost finished with the challenges (playing them feels more like a chore tbh) and I have about 30 or so trophies left to complete the collection. I have the most fun playing regular Smash but whenever I get to the Stage Select my mind goes "ugghh, not this again." There are only 3 or 4 stages I genuinely like to play on. The rest don't just interest me as much.
  16. I'm sure I'm not the only one turned off from playing this game on the 3DS after the last Smash Direct video.
  17. The problem I see with liking things on Facebook is that it promotes the idea that the validation of others on a certain piece of content is equivalent to it being credible in some form. In a comment/forum debate, you're more likely to find a comment with 260 "approvals/likes" far more credible than a comment with 26 likes. It has nothing to do with the content, and everything to do with the herd. Your opinion on a particular statement is going to be highly influenced by its perceived social value. When you have a voting system for everything (likes/shares/comments) it essentially adds an element of "social proof" to nearly everything you publish. Take the herd mentality of most people and multiply that with the average internet user's attention span, and what you get is people "liking" (or "sharing") things based on their perceived value (via social proof) instead of substance. I like to think that by taking that away you'll force people to at least attempt thinking for themselves.
  18. I'm actually quite surprised this photo made it on here. It's been making the rounds on my Facebook page (seeing as it was taken in Egypt). Didn't expect it to make the jump from my [very localized] feed to this forum at all. It's similar to that false sense of pride in finding out the cover for the new Pink Floyd album was made by a 18 year-old Egyptian. http://www.vice.com/read/meet-the-teenage-egyptian-artist-behind-pink-floyds-new-album-art
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