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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I love the bird picture. It almost looks like a photograph.
  2. I think they're just trying to get this thread closed to spite Moogle. That would be pretty awesome.
  3. You don't like watching children get hurt? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  4. You can't say people didn't warn you.
  5. I spent forty minutes mixing clays to get the colors I wanted, and after that I couldn't be bothered sculpting anything. Oh well. :p
  6. Sorry for bumping this thread, but House is officially ending this season. I'd say it's about time, but Diageo doesn't like it when I complain about shows outstaying their welcome, and this is one of his favorite shows. But it's about time. I hear the latest episode was great, though. Will watch it later tonight to confirm.
  7. The cast of Parks and Recreation could read the phone book and it would still be hilarious.
  8. That's what the rest of us have been doing (some days, anyway)! I'm just going to put the Xenoblade characters on a shelf somewhere and hope that someday I'll be able to sell them to someone with more money than sense.
  9. I much prefer the more scientific explanations to things in the Ultimate Spider-Man universe. Leave the aliens to Superman.
  10. To quote some guy who reviewed GoldenEye back in the day: "no one buys games just for the multiplayer". I don't really mind linearity, but being teleported to dungeons and going through the same areas several times sounds kind of boring. And I can live with a mediocre story if the gameplay makes up for it. Sadly, combat does not. Oh well. It's not like I was that interested in the game to begin with. *Waits for Mass Effect 3*
  11. Everyone does Mass Effect, ReZ. Don't be silly. Pun intended?
  12. Even fans of the Persona series say the first game is hard to get into. It has first-person dungeons, a huge amount of random encounters and it's pretty difficult (or so I've heard, I haven't played it, either). At least the story is supposed to be decent/dark. You'd be better off playing Persona 2, which is supposed to be a bit more modern, though still very different from the PS2 games.
  13. I really need to find time to sculpt tomorrow, because I just feel stupid when I post drawings in this thread.
  14. ESWAT: City Under Siege for 12.
  15. Well, I didn't mean in terms of size. I'm staying away from any 150-hour games at the moment, too.
  16. I did do some research before posting, but only because you said the story wasn't very good. :p I was expecting something more akin to Xenoblade Chronicles (good story, plenty of exploration), and all these comparisons to Gears of War don't exactly fill me with confidence. I'm not saying I definitely won't get it, but my interest in the game has dropped significantly.
  17. Nah, it has to be Bionic Commando.
  18. I was interested in this until Burny said the story wasn't any good. Now I don't think I'll bother. Not too interested in combat, even if it's fun/innovative.
  19. Yeah, this episode really didn't live up to its premise. Also, Robin's hair looks terrible this season and I really don't get some of her fashion choices. I miss Community.
  20. I haven't felt up to sculpting today, so I thought, "hey, I'll just draw something!". Then I realized that that meant I'd have to draw something. Hmm. At least it kind of fits today's theme!
  21. 9 has to be Yar's Revenge.
  22. Is 7 the awful-looking Football Manager on the ZX Spectrum?
  23. 14 is Head Over Heels.
  24. 2 is Castle of Illusion.
  25. My ears are burn- Oh. Never mind.
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