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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. Hmm, yes. I know what you are talking about. It seems to me that they only open once you are near them, so even if you shoot it from across the room it won't open until you get there, and they only open once the other room is loaded. So if the next room takes a while to load you will have to wait at the door. This is why I always shoot the doors from far away so that it can load while I make my way towards it. Of course, I am only halfway through MP2 and haven't played MP3, so maybe it is different there.
  2. I suppose in the old games those two would be a much higher level than anything you would encounter, but now with the variable xp, they are restricted from becoming too powerful.
  3. You can breed easily within the egg groups. As long as you have a female of the Pokémon you want, and a male of the same egg group you will get the female's species in the egg. If you only have a male then you need a Ditto. One Zorua egg coming right up. I should have it ready for trade sometime today. As for compensation, I don't need anything Edit: The egg is ready, just PM me when you want to trade.
  4. It seems that my Zoruas were quite popular so if anybody else wants one I could easily arrange an egg.
  5. I get the feeling that this thread has the highest words per post ratio on this whole forum Not that I'm complaining, there are some great discussions.
  6. That's very kind, but since I am spoiler free, and not that far in the game (6 badges I believe) I don't even know what there is out there Online now.
  7. I don't need anything, I'm just happy to help Sorry that I was offline before, but I'm back now. I'll be in the WiFi room in a minute or two.
  8. +1 to this idea. The Pokémon threads are simply unmanageable at the moment with other 100 pages
  9. The middle one, and you were on for about ten seconds before leaving again
  10. Added and in the WiFi club.
  11. In the Pal Pad, which is in your key items bag Also I think a dedicated trade/battle thread in the DS online section would be good too. This one is a bit random at times.
  12. Yes, I would be very happy to give you one. If it is ok with you, I'll take the Deino please
  13. As luck would have it, I actually have two, so if you want it just give me your friend code.
  14. I have a Zorua if you want one.
  15. I previously said that Archen was one of my favorite Gen V pokémon so far. For some reason it took me until now to realize how stupid its ability is I though abilities were supposed to be good, and helpful. What it has is "Defeatist", which lowers its stats when it is low on health! If it were the other way round it would be fine, but this is just silly. Am I mistaken, or is this one of the worst abilities?
  16. It's impossible to please everyone, and Nintendo knows this. It really also depends which audience they are trying to target, be it casual new gamers or long-time fans of the series. What I do think they should do however, is add extra stuff for the "hardcore" fans, this doesn't have to even be too obtrusive. It could be like that Super Mario 64 level in SMG, a concept gallery or other similar stuff. Of course, this would be more effort for Nintendo, but this kind of fan service does not go unappreciated. Even easter eggs or cameos would be really fun, and wouldn't make it any less unfriendly to the new audience that may be targeted. I'm not sure about the surveys, because other people would say things that I don't like :P. In a way it would remind me of Minecraft, where people suggest all manners of things that pop into their minds. Many of these things don't fit into the game-style and I fear that this would be the same case with these Nintendo surveys. What they could do, is give a bit more news about what they are working on, just to see the general reaction of the public. But seriously, I hope that Nintendo already knows what we want
  17. What I mean is that the photos I took don't look as good as possible, because I messed up some of the camera settings. That's why I also showed some other people's in-game photos. Both EO1 and EO2 are really great games, in case anyone has ignored them so far. They may not seem very interesting from an outside perspective, but they offer a tremendous relaxing experience.
  18. Yes, wireless means local wireless, while WiFi means internet connection.
  19. Taking a break from all the jokes, I hope this event with the possible nuclear meltdown will sway countries to look into other energy sources such as solar, wind or tidal. Germany has already temporarily shut down some of their reactors, and I wouldn't be surprised if this unfortunate Japanese event will make the public even more anti-nuclear power. I don't know about other countries, but in Switzerland we will vote if we should have more reactors (we have two now) in a year or two, and I think right now that plan would get very little support. So, what I am trying to say, is that nations should fund more research in renewable energy, because even if a nuclear event like this only happens once a decade, that is still too much
  20. I realized that I may do Endless Ocean 2 more justice if I show some photos with better focus and aperture settings (disclaimer: these aren't mine.)
  21. I would love to do battles with some of you, in fact I already have once, and it was very fun. I have 5 lvl. 30s right now, so if anybody is up for it, so am I
  22. Yes and yes I think Archen might be one of my favorite Gen V Pokémon so far, but then again I only have four badges
  23. I can't say that I've ever used a guide for Pokémon, or any game, for that matter (except sometimes checking on Gamefaqs if I get stuck somewhere.) Maybe I don't know what I'm missing, but it seems to me that they would detract from the experience, since you know everything instantly. I like the sense of exploring and discovering new things, not just looking at a page and seeing "Here's a hidden Rare Candy, over here is a Hyper Potion and this trainer has two Patrats etc." Obviously others think differently, seeing as how popular these guides are, but they aren't my cup of tea
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