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Yars Revenge

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Everything posted by Yars Revenge

  1. It is indeed one of the better titles on the machine,people of course compare it too Mario Kart 64 and i think they are as good as each other for different reasons.In fact at times i felt Diddy was actually more interesting as single player on MK64 on some tracks was so boring that you could hold the controller in one hand and eat an apple in the other while playing lol
  2. Classic! and i have never seen a poor version of it on any format.
  3. I quite like Doctor Who but prefer the older ones from my childhood,I have never had a problem with any doctor as i have felt they have all been very good except maybe Paul McGann (film) and no problems with assistants or companions (even Bonnie Langford lol). To me personally the modern Dr Who has sort of got close to perfect but is let down in important areas,the Original old episodes had mostly excellent stories and writing but with a low-adequate budget and special effects but the newer Dr Who is visa-versa with better budget and special effects but most of the stories are terrible and corny.
  4. My thoughts exactly Dannyboy but is there no larger body or orgaisation who you call who then bounce up and down on landlords or provide help. For example i think here in the UK if you suspect your landlord is messing you about or not providing adequate repairs with plumbing or gas i think you can call the environmental health who then take a great interest in whats going on and get involved,although even mentioning that you are going to call someone makes the offender suddenly spring to life and get things done.
  5. Accidentally knocking a toilet roll in to the toilet itself and having to throw the while lot away,thats about as exciting as it gets i am afraid lol
  6. Very Interesting good to see compassion towards animals and in this case it was returned thankfully lol
  7. Woman at home having a shower when her 5 year old son unknowingly walks into the bathroom,both look at each other in surprise.... Boy: "Mom! mom! whats that between your legs?" Mom: "Umm...er" (thinks of something to say) "dont panic sweetheart its just where the axe hit me...." The boy looks confused for a second and then replies "ouch it hit you right in the c*nt!"
  8. Yeah something they can make to either go on display on the class wall or something they can take home to show their parents what they have made ALthough i imagine that is pretty normal
  9. LOL I agree, marriage is just an over priced tradition in my opinion but if it makes people happy then hell why not,i think its quite unusual but i am sure there are many cases of this method by now
  10. 2. Jimmy Whites Snooker
  11. I think The Outnumbered is really the only thing i have seen recently with any level of quality. Ricky Gervais is the least funniest person on the planet,he is so bad that when he cracks a joke he has to laugh himself because nobody else does.
  12. For novelty a Vectrex is a rare thing and its vector monitor certainly make it desirable to collect but the games on it are dire! with Berzerk and Spike being about the best of the small bunch
  13. Any Sony Playstation Controller
  14. I wonder what the inside looks like,a mains death trap near the monitor probably,although i have just realised it most likely a tv
  15. The biggest memory of disappointment for me is Elite II (Frontier) on the Amiga,apart from that Super Metroid on GC and on more recent console Perfect Dark Zero unrealistic pants AI
  16. A Personal favourite of mine is the Atari 2600,it is interesting with it variations of the console itself 4-switch,6-switch,wood finish ,all black (darth vader) and variety of cartridge labels for each game (space invaders and Centipede carts spring to mind),the pc engine is worth a look if you fancy a challenge lol
  17. HI It is quite difficult on Megadrive,the Master system version is actually rarther good
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