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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well if Tellyn is Mcoy, does that mean he's good or bad? I mean he's not been banned - and if the admins are some sort of mafia, he isn't one of those either? But then, why's he learning the workings of the forum? Hmm. Well after the last few games where we've sat around waiting for the mafia to pick us off one by one, I'm willing to follow eenuh's lead as she's brave enough to stick her neck on the line on teh first night. Vote: Oxygen_Waste for now. I'm open to swaying. If eenuh's wrong though...
  2. Woah.. five down already? I didn't get an appearance in teh write-up so I have no info. I guess it's the waiting game, 'til someone has something to say :/ EDIT: Looks like Tellyn is Mcoy then :P
  3. Can be due to generally too much sex *shock horror*, in my experience. My ex felt guilty about that sort of stuff, so she made it up in other ways As for the "Love" question earlier... I don't think me or my ex said the words until the 4-6 month period, and I'm glad it was like that, because it felt more true. It wasn't something we said often, or needed to, so when it was said, it felt good!
  4. I'm more of a cider drinker than a whiskey or beer drinker... Any good irish ciders?
  5. Mokong exFREEEM?! .. Usual ***** posting on your comments... always amazes me, though. Watched another of your vids - the "tagged" one and I share that compulsion to watch an entire boxset in one sitting. Very unhealthy but damn it's fun! I totally beat you though; I tend not to funish until three in the afternoon, having watched 18 hours straight. Booya. You seem like a right happy chappy in your videos. If I ever come ot ireland (got a grandpappy over there someplace) I'm afraid I may just have to hunt you down and demand alcoholic sanctuary.
  6. Won 2-0 this time! Not an overly impressive win - got two injuries and a booking. Next game is aginst FC Creamola at the top of the league... Yikes! Want to buy a new player but I guess I can't afford any good ones yet... I think that's where I'll fall down in the next game...
  7. Well I was going to leave it 'til the 31st as some wanted extra days. I still believe that there are a lot of easily acquired photos to get. Perhaps next time I'll enter myself and kick everyones asses? Sigh...
  8. Utterly failed to do my CV yesterday. Chose el vino instead. Fucking hate CV's; can never rememeber anyone's names, or the dates or anything. I've worked out that sans bills, rent, owed bills, I have approx. -700ish to live on until april. When summer rolls round hopefully I'll have the choice to stay in sheff and work, or go back to brighton where I have a guarenteed job of painting a school like I did last summer. Siiigh!
  9. Just read a couple of books lent to me - Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland and Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Girlfriend is actually a fun read. It spans the lives of six friends after a pair of tragedies affecting other amigos. It is paced in such a way that you don't suddenly jump from a 17 year old kid to a 35 year old man, and it isn't your simple, predictable sentimental romp through how a guy deals with love. Coupland is known to write well aimed books, focused on the youth of today's apathetic yet worrisome views on the world around them. It's not as unwavering as books like fight club or as beautiful as Time Traveller's Wife, but it paints an accurate image of the unquestioning nature of society today, and has a sweet unpredictable nature in the lines. I did feel that it became a little lazy with describing the world that the main characters were plunged into after a certain plot point two-thirds in, but perhaps it's just a personal desire to have heard more about that scenario, but I can admit that the book was different to other similar ones, and certainly an 'easy' and enjoyable read. 7/10 Lovely bones - admittedly I still have 15 pages to read, which I shall have finished by the time anyone has read this post - but I think it's fair to say that I get the gist of it. Roughly speaking, the novel is spoken from the omnipotent voice of a girl, viewing from heaven, narrating the unfolding lives of her friends and relatives after being raped and killed in her mid-teens. It was heavily praised in america due to its handy timing -- it was published around 9/11, and also came out shortly before a media-clamouring event that was a girl's kidnapping, and thus got a fair bit of publicity. I found it hugely sentimental from the get go, and largely predictable and, to be fair, up its own arse. It doesn't really seem to attempt any thing too deep, despite its superficial promises. The characters are see-through, and the relationships are, as I said, fairly blatant and obvious. But the charm of the story is in the telling, in the description. There is no doubt that I read it and was able to imagine the neighbourhood it was set in, and the characterised individuals in the story. Perhaps I am missing a helpful chunk of my life that would hugely increase the benefit of the book; Death. I'm lucky enough to have not witnessed or experienced much death at all, and as such I do not have the questions that the book attempts to answer; do the dead watch us? Can they hear us? Is there a heaven? But as I said, it is all too predictable. By taking the easy route, it feels weak. The only area it works hard in is in comforting and pleasing the reader - but there is no challenge in that, and I am sure that when I finish the book I will feel cheated out of several hours worth of reading. Admittedly, my position as a budding creative writer means I've surely learned from the book - the descriptive element, the homely and lived-in world Sebold has written is to be commended, but the dialogue is rarely humerous and usually perceived too heavily-handed to be anywhere near subtle in the aims of the novel. I've got a Marquez book next, and I look forward to it. 5/10. It's a lot harder to rate books than it is movies, for in my mind there are a lot more shitty books out there. I don't think Barbara Cartland would even get onto my scale. Starting a new module soon -- will be reading some children's literature Golden Compass, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and all. No Roald Dahl though... Shocking.
  10. Jord; you probably didn't 'finish' the first time? I've experienced that sort of stuff, but I like to think of it as prolongued ejaculation rather than a wholely separate entity... Ahem. Wine is evil. makes me post secret things.
  11. FAO = For Attention Of. I laughed a little that someone thought me to be 'trustworthy'. I used to be a fricking admin on this forum and I live with a current one... Brilliant selection process there! In a way it is a shame the forum has to screen new users. People on the outside don't know how nice the forum can be when they're just trying to sign up. I hope that the screening process doesn't take long at all, and that we can welcome new members quickly Stops the place from going stale.
  12. Vote: No Lynch, of course. This game should be interesting! Makes me wonder what the list of users would have been 6 months ago, or a year ago, or 5 years ago... Looking forward to seeing who's featured!
  13. num um numm... Yesterday left my house at 8, got back to sheffield at 1.30 relatively unscathed and untroubled, unlike my trip down to brighton before xmas. Played poker with Shorty and showed him and his gf the first ep of Carnivále. Drank a bottle of wine, ate a pizza, unpacked a little, watched some eerie indianna. Today got up at a grooby 1pm, walked into town a little, and got meself some sheets for me bed and some wine glasses. Also inquired into a job in Playtime (or whatever it's called...) so I begin the whole cv/interview debacle - I hope, anyway. Don't have a cv on my laptop so that's going to be a pain in the arse to put together. I never know who to put as my referees, because the managers of all the places I worked left soon after I did (clearly I had an affect on my co-workers..), and I guess I ought to get going on some more revision too.
  14. Teh futuur is a big... er... cheese fondou of a melting pot that doesn't actually exist yet. I have, like, a couple of "aims", or "dreams" which I'd like to happen; have kids. Publish a book. But no specific path to get there. I'll just wander the wilderness that is life, taking in the view, not realising that everything I do affects who I am and how long I'll live for. *nice guy pose*
  15. Oooh... I won! Bit surprised there, but happy Next game is against the Gooners, 2nd bottom. Got me two players in the xpert 11 of the league, but FC Creamola is looking like the team to beat already. Yikes!
  16. MBAM, those are awesome! I lolled excellently
  17. ... Right. Ok so if we're in a group together, you're the guy who will open teh doors first Ultimate plan; get an oil tanker boat thing. First thing I'd do is nail tables to the windows and generally block them - or if in sheffield, skip to the next step... Fashion some sort of belt/satchel to carry home-made lightweight slashing tool, a bludgeoner and a bunch of knives. Wear lots of layers, perhaps mould some baking trays (or other bite-proof material) into shoulder pads, attached over garments probably. Also bite-proof gloves will be handy. I'd try and find other survivors, and figure out whose house is easiest protected, and try to get all of our combined supplies and useful things into one place. Best house would have a roof/garden/balcony with access to neighbouring rooves, and not too many windows. A lot of houses in student areas have metal bars on the windows and doors - an outer cage would be best - could even rig it to electricity. I'd probably not be too worried about any incoming help, but perhaps have large signs on windows/roof saying "survivors inside" and the date, so that rescuers would know how accurate the sign is. I think I'd arrange for small groups of us - no smaller than four I'd say - to try and recon teh area, check for other safe houses or survivors. I'm sure looting will be very commonplace, and we'd need a good food source. Tinned food would be good for the short-to-medium term, but ultimately we'd need to grow our own. perhaps if the house has a roof garden it'd be easer, but if it just has a regular garden, it'd be trickier, but manageable with some decent fencing I suppose. That would be taken into consideration when choosing a house. Either we'd work towards clearing the area - maybe try and lay down a perimeter fence that we'd try and move outwards bit by bit. And so on, and so on. As for how prepared I am right now-- well fuck that paranoia. If i had to be prepared for zombies at all times, i'd have to be prepared for every possible natural disaster, nuclear fall out, nazis, aliens... too much. Ideally we'd be able to kill zombies for sport to pass the time too
  18. The TURHT? You can't HANDLE THE TURHT! ... Sorry. Serious note; dude, your 'relationship' with this girl sounds like the nasty end of a relationship rather than a hopeful beginning. How old are you guys? She sounds like she's a bit immature, unsure of herself or what she really wants, and unable to say 'no' to anyone. Now, I was giving her the benefit of a doubt while I read that; after all, it's your side of the story, and I do believe that you probably ended up playing the same game as her - not texting the other person straight away because they didn't do so before. A vicious circle, it seems. I can understand why she might think you're going a bit over-the-top so quick. I think you're assuming that you're in a relationship, and she is not. If I were in your position I... Well I'd probably act exactly the same (i.e. making a fool of myself, being too blunt with her and just getting angrier at her lack of trust or honesty), but from my seat way back here in what seems to be another country, I would say that she is bad news, stringing on another fellow (whoever this other fellow is; you or the other guy?). I assume she deleted your message because she didn't want the other guy, or perhaps anyone to know about you. My advice would be to either confront her and demand honesty and answers, and perhaps a clean start, or just end it; walk away and just be thankful for the good times before the bad ones erase those memories -- your summary focuses on teh negative aspects which suggests you're more aware of those, and you're angry about them. Whatever you do, don't just play by her rules. Don't do what she wants, and don't wait around for her. She can't know that she can have you with teh click of her fingers. Oh, and congrats for longest post EVARR!
  19. I think I'll just have to start playing wii sports or something. Me and Shorty go to Hallam, it's not a bad uni. What course are you doing?
  20. When I was still with my ex-, I honestly felt that if we'd gotten pregnent and she wanted to keep it, I'd support that decision. yes, it's a decision the two of you need to make together, but it's her body that'd have to go through an abortion, which I could imagine to have the potential to be mentally uncomfortable. Of course I say 'play it safe', but you gotta realise that by 'playing' you're accepting all possible outcomes. I don't agree with abstaining from sex, just that you as an adult should be prepared. I had my fair share of scares, and my girl wasn't the type to want to abort a zygot let alone a foetus. And at the other end of the spectrum; I also agree with iun- if the guy never wanted kids, it is quite harsh for him to be lumped with child support for the next 20 years. my dad was hugely against child support, because my mum didn't actually get half of the money he was paying. he much prefered to give her the money himself but the law objected to it.. but that's a whole other story.
  21. I've put on a whole bunch of weight -- i'm the heaviest I've EVER been, weighing in at a few pounds over 11 stone. Mostly due to the increase in booze - I was thinking of for a start switching from cider to spirits to try and reduce calories. Just going to cut down on meal portions -- my stomach's shrunk a bit since I came home for xmas for some reason. When it's summertime I'm usually a lot more active anyway, and I hate the idea of jogging, firstly because I don't haev running shoes, nor jogging attire, and secondly because ALL THE PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU!! In brighton it's alright, because you can just go to the seafront where lots of far uglier, fatter people are running way slower, but in the centre of sheffield... well it just appears silly to me. Also I think my lack of sex has made a massive difference to the amount of exercise I do Any 16-24/f/sheffield? I r wizard, feel mai staff? Rhino? No? Damn.
  22. 21 so far. Not spawned any sattelites yet, mind. Must try harder. Awesome! Those symbols at the end are like a "sh" right? Til hamming jew mesh af meelish? The matrix-ish one? Hell yeah :P
  23. Liek, there should be a list of people who sign up to all mafia threads automatically... of course I'm in!
  24. I think I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to be sitting in a dark, dank room, fag in hand and booze in teh other, creaking over my laptop trying to be CREATIIIVE for the rest of my life. I've been depressed, sure. But let's not go there Feeling relatively upbeat at this stage in my life. We'll see what depression is like as a 20-something, as I'm sure the teenage years are a fairly depressing period for most people anyway.
  25. Requiem for a Dream So, liek, first time of seeing it. It was a widescreen stuck in 4:3, mind, but I could still tell it looked sweet. The film is possibly one of the bleakest, horrible depictions of where drug addiction can lead to I've ever seen, if not for any film at all. I was cringing and forcing myself to see it through -- But I tell you what, I didn't half feel bloody fantastic about how my life was relatively hunky-dory afterwards. Don't know if I'll be able to watch it again any time soon, but definitely an awesome film. 9/10 hackers ROFLAMAIEn! Heh. 2d characters, 2d storyline and a 28.8kb modem YOU WILL WANT TO HAVE BABIES WITH! Sorry for that bit of paraphrasing from teh movie there. A flash of Angelina Jolies nipples, a ridiculous nightclub with some form of wipeout in it and middle-aged men on skateboards. It's not classy, it's not clever, it's Dawson's creek with swear words, smoking and - woah-- a PENTIUM PROCESSORRR!! ... But it's fun :P Only one really bad actor in it (the youngest kid - pete?), and... well just like eXistenZ, it has a place in my nerdy heart. 7/10
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