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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. sounds good to me, nice and refreshing - I'll join.
  2. cluez? I don't understand the questions :P And I don't know the song - let alone if I can get drunk enough to do it...
  3. I want to hear from R_A again. Unless the game-makers are a tad obsessed with hooded figures, surely they're kin to one another? changevote: noone
  4. ... *mumbles about the mumble mumblers*
  5. Then why is raining suspicious? Didn't she say something about targeting him as one of the three in teh write-up?
  6. 1) The bright lights of the big city, they taught us how to think, they taught us how to steal.
  7. It's entirely up to you - but just so you know I don't really know the answers to the other 2 questions, so I'll be attempting to steal his point before he gets to repost... Drama!
  8. lols. Free point for anyone who notices, then :P
  9. ok - slight confusion - raining_again which night do you say that you investigated strider? Night 3; Was this the pair of you? Arg. Confused.
  10. So you're darkred, not red :P Ok. But the reason raining_again suggested your name is due to your activities during the night investigated, right? So what were you doing on the night of the fire that raining_again saw you?
  11. ... that's what I was thinking... *doesn't change vote*
  12. I've been having internet problems the last three days or so. I really don't understand it - sometimes it will let me post, sometimes it will just load indefinitely despite other pages loading. I can only get on facebook on internet explorer for some reason, and I can't check my hotmail nor my student emails! Can't upload images on imageshack, and I can't post my fairytale in the creative board. So yeah, I wasn't silenced
  13. vote: strider, clearly, seeing as if this is wrong then R_A is stepping forward for a-whupping, and in turn we'll have to question any such allegiance with beggilax...
  14. I've only ever played it using a wiimote via usb :P I teh win.
  15. Happy birthday to the co-founder - now working in germany for nintendo, no? More greetings for weeyellowbloke, and of course a special nod to surrealist too - his dali-esque notions are missed.
  16. That film sounds like my kind of thing, killthenet. Existential whatnot. Had a quick look on imdb and couldn't find it anywhere. All I can find on google is a real radio station called "Radio M-O-E" :S Any tips?
  17. thanks cube. Well I played a very poor first 4/5 games and forgot to do any settings for the last 4 - not sure if it would'be made any difference... Oh well!
  18. Yup. It's official. I broke shorty's xbox. One red light = faulty scaler chip. I played 10 hours of GTA4 in two days... I think I have gremlins following me around as pretty much everything mechanical I touch gets buggered. Curses, world!
  19. I thought it might've been a similar thing. Searched the internet (very limited, like, thanks to this connection issue you know about) and saw one report so far of a similar thing. Similar thing. Similar thing. Need to think of more words. WoW! Nevar! Yeah, I'm being emo. Surprising how it doesn't end once you're not a teenager anymore. Gimme somma' lovin'!
  20. I haven't been able to get onto that website all weekend, so I'm guessing I've lost. Could someone post my score in here please?
  21. Lols :P When I said "haggis" I was referring to the member Haggis, not the foodstuff :P So yah! GTA4 all day. Slightly concerned about something. I seem to get two rows of rectangles that seem to be like difference layers on photoshop whenever I play. Shorty will read this and have a minor heart attack, I'm sure. In other news; life is so very empty most of the time really, isn't it? It's empty because we all rely on other people to confirm our existence, and when nobody does what you want them to do, it's hard to really feel that your existence is worth anything to anyone else, let alone yourself. Pizza and Cider seems to be having this theological affect on me a lot recently. Hum.
  22. Haggis isn't from scotland/ It's like people saying "so you're a crackhead then?" when they see your name. SILLY.
  23. Review for what? There's rating threads for movies, books, tv shows... even meals. *shakes head at thread*
  24. I think if we do it how dyson says; it's up to the quizmaker to accept/decline the answers. I think that's got to be the best way to do it, so long as the quizmaker is open-minded I'm not putting it in the rules just yet because... er, yeah just because :P I'll update the first page with teh scores grunchie posted
  25. apologies - I'm having a rather irritating lack-of-internetz over here. Check out my thread in tech for more info. I basically can't get on facebook at all on firefox, and only exceptionally rarely on IE. It may be frustrating for you but trust me, it's a lot worse for me.
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