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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. well just to clarify the flying picture isn't photoshopped at all :P HA!
  2. 0. This game sucks.
  3. arg! I had one for over a year when I was 18, and since I've left sheffield people have repeatedly asked to see it WHEN IT IS IN SHEFFIELD ARG. If this thread is still alive in three weeks -- and probably even if it isn't -- I'll post some extracts. it is more of a notebook than scrapbook, but there's plenty of s'crap in there, ho ho.
  4. Today I woke up feeling generally awesome -- then i saw it was 9 frickin' AM so I rolled over, went back to sleep. But now I'm awake! Mission list for today is to get the mixtapes off in the post (while praying they don't turn into windchimes like bluey says), walk to town and back again aaaand... I guess see if anyone is up for a lagooooon session!
  5. (that was me! I thought the next person was going to make the air-strike land, and explode, and stuff)
  6. Yes! Ta :P
  8. I really, really wanted SO HARD to love the 360 version, but the save function really got to me. If it wasn't the psycho in teh food court, or the psycho clown by some weird monorail then it was the three psychos in a JEEP with some massive GUN that always killed me before I could save it. So with the Wii version we get some sort of better save function, but at the cost of a) the photo challenges, b) the time pressure, c) the massive numbers of zombies, d) the graphics and e) the achievements! Certainly a rent-first, if you ask me. But then, if you don't own an xbox360 then I guess you, too, should try your damndest to love the game
  9. What was it called - Raven's Wing, that Retro was going to do before they got picked to do Metroid Prime instead? Too Human (even though it's finally coming out on a console) deserves a mention, too. Forty Winks for the N64 never got finished either did it? And, of course, Sin and Punishment - not canned, but just not available in teh EU...
  10. A local gamestation always seems to have a couple of Tales of Symphonia games in stock, but it's never really interested me. I actually finally found Resi 2 and 3 for £10 each -- and the store had two copies of each too! Plucked Luigi's Mansion on the same day, and very glad I bought all of them. Only games I really want to own that I don't are; Pikmin 2 (I think I've got 1... can never remember) and paper mario.
  11. I rented this game shortly after it came out, and completed it in a weekend. It's a ridiculously frustrating game with the odd cool moments. The jumping was iffy, iirc, and enemies far too punishing. I think on that level you're, as someone said, supposed to go in unarmed, walk around and grab someone from behind and kick all their asses... You enjoying it then?
  12. .. Yeh I also signed up for no reason.
  13. more awesomeness pictures; The Day I Got Superpowers. I also have an invisible chair picture, but it's simply far too awesome.
  14. ... sorry I just wanted to play too!
  15. So nobody's seen our secret plot to make sheffield the new centre of europe? cool. 'Gratz!
  16. some sort of fancy, touch-screen internet thingum. Would be awesome in pub quizzes. Quizes? quizs?
  17. you didn't send me an address.
  18. I walked to town and back again today. Smoked 5 cigarettes so far. Sorted out the mixtape mashup, and now probably going to sit and eat a crunch corner while watching american history x. Shorty ol' buddy; curses to being bored at other ends of the country. We could be playing Rainbow 6 2! Rock Band! Omgomgogm... just generally drink away our miseries.
  19. ok, just compiled the list - will be sending out addresses now You'll get their forum names and their address, but try to keep it all a secret 'til they get it! ... of course two of you will be unlucky enough to get me, in which case... Whatever! Ok! 23 Pms sent OUT. Now it's down to y'all to keep up your ends of the bargain. I'll be nipping to the P/O tomorrow to get mine off and out. Coolies!
  20. 1/6,000,000,000? jeez, that's a pretty low score, dude...
  21. Can you just verify the jamba situation for us fish, then i'll shup
  22. doh! well if there's any trouble with my CD I will gladly send out again in more appropriate attire.
  23. nobody ever remembers the quiz... grumble grumble..
  24. Nor do I dude - I've made crappy paper 'cases', and will send them off via bubble-wrap-envelopes that you can get at the post office.
  25. Teh_Emo not only had underscores, but also illiteracy! people were not satisfied. I can do but asssume the lotus position and hope I achieve enlightenment before my tendons collapse.
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