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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Alright, I'll sort out a CD for you and get it off to you tomorrow, hopefully. I've kinda forgotten what my other CD covers looked like so you might get a special new Edit of awesomeness! Would it be cheeky of me to ask if I can have yours too? :P
  2. back to uni poorer = same here, dude. Wish you'd say more about the respect/non-respect, sounds gossipy! *hopes it's not him*
  3. ah, ok, my bad Well i guess it all boils down to sucks being you.
  4. The US had found the last sacred INVISIBLE chair, and were guarding it wisely. meh.
  5. I think from teh list that was left.. i really thought it would be impossible to kill chairdriver for a start. Knew beggilax would be a safe bet as he wasn't posting much but the rest of you... well if it went to another mafia day then you'd've seen that us admins had banned y'all and would've turned on us. I went for you 3 days earlier because I figured you weren't going to get lynched in the meantime as you were fairly inconspicuous! That's it, really
  6. But how much is a loaf of bread, a 10-slice pack of ham, a small pack of cheese? jar of peanut butter? A tomato? I suppose the fresher food is more expensive as it's imported. But then you do spend £90 a week on food/essentials (whatver that covers!) that seems to only cover breakfast and dinner. Wtf!
  7. I'm no more racist or homoist than I am sexist.
  8. Too many chefs, guys! Too, too many... Killthenet had the right idea - 'cept I interpret as a sort of animatrix envison, where all these awesome, lame, dire, and alright ideas can each hold their own courts rather than everyone slinging their own flavoured poo at a giant canvas. Some people want realism, some people want escapism. Hooray for the limitations of existence!
  9. .... went to bed at like 5am for no reason whatsoever. Woke up at about 3, and today I need to hoooover a few rooms. That's it. my day. I did find out, however, that my tutor has gotten my uni to email me my FAIELD coursework, and she thinks my work's good, but wasn't appropriate, and that I'll get the extra 2 marks no worries. Still, two whiney marks?! That's all it took? Fuck you. So yeah. Need to get to a library, borrow middlemarch and... er... another three books from my course that I can't remember, and read them all before august 12th. Fuckity fuck. Hate it. ARGH. QUOTETIAM! What?! You've been nice to me? ... well pre-ordering all those games wasn't a good plan was it :P How?! HOW is it cheaper to pay for a £1+ sandwich when for that £5 a week alone you can but a loaf of bread, butter, ham and cheese and peanut butter? I'm guessing you get some sor tof deal, like £2.50 for sandwich/crisps/drink... well that's still £12.50 a week which is quite often my entire food budget for the week, so sorry mate but there's definitely places to save money! And besides; £230 is an insane amount of money if you think about it. Far more than I'll be having for the next... forever. Look farther out - Boscombe is where my sister lives and her rent is way cheaper - £400 upwards rather than the £600 you're looking at. The area's rising financially too, so it's a good area to invest in, if you do decide to mortgage. Brighton seaguls are that big by default! It still gets me when I see them up close - which is usually several times a day.
  10. i think you can mention who you got it from for sure -- i don't really know if it's fair to talk about it or not, I really don't. Why no track list! People are going to have no idea what the songs are :/
  11. yes. Shadow would've died, and beggilax would've died by Coolness' hand, whould've... well nearly given us a majority, at least. So the good news is that all mafia games are over now! let the clean slate/one game at a time begin!
  12. Lies. You said the walkabout and everything. MIRC KNOWS ALL BIATCH!
  13. wow there were, like, 10 replies in the time it took me to write that...
  14. I imagine the movie follows a new member to the forums, who lies utterly about who they are. Then, through various strange events he starts to realise that everyone else on teh forum is, in fact, a neighbour; a co-worker; in his family... The 'hero' starts thinking he hears people on teh streat muttering his name, or talking about the topics from the gen chit-chat... And yeah. stuff like that. I think you could say my movie would come with the suffix "based on a true story" :P
  15. Me?! It was you that suggested it. But the manic amonst us do tend to get depressed when reality isn't as super-fun as we think we deserve it to be. It'll pick up. maybe do what I did - grow your hair silly long then SNIP IT ALL OFF, crazy stylee. I want a tattoo. The End.
  16. it's so weird. I'd not even heard of the movie before I saw it on dvd for, like, £4 someplace and when I got it back and watched it with Shorty I was just so surprised by it. yeah, worth a watch As for my batmanage; no confirmed date to see it yet! going to be going with about... 8 or 10 people probably, so should be good. Hopefully.. monday latest?
  17. Flink; STAY SANE PLZ. For, like, just another month. Then you can take me fatty-hunting, or something. Myday! Went to girlz house, had tea, watched being john malkovich and Transformers (first timelol) and... wasn't hugely unimpressed like the rest of teh world is. Bad that I don't mind Shia LeBeofeufoeuf? Didn't stay as she has doctors at INSANE O CLOCK tomorrow (today), but we're going to Batman-it-up soon, and she also said, as she dropped me off at my house, "so yeah, we should do that again, 'cept on a day where I don't hvae to get up early" and gave me a twinkle. BUTHWATEVER. *points to Tom's computer* tadaa! DVD PLAYAA! Though I'd recommend waltzing into the social room with a couple of bottles of cider/wine/vodka and declaring war on sobriety.
  18. OK, hopefully given D-d a make-up gift of a PM... I'm surprised the second CD that I sent hasn't seemed to have arrived yet, but it should do so by tomorrow.
  19. I didn't really get to use my timebomb too often.. I think i set it three times and only once it went off -- the first time the person got killed early by someoneelse, I forget. Also we admins/mods were told that if we banned the wrong person, something bad would happen. Not really sure what that was, and I think we generally managed to ban the baddies. But yeah! I can't believe we survived as well as we did! Can't believe I won again! woot!
  20. lawl, three Mes! i'd probably spend the whole time creating real-life acheivements wh-- holy crap, you just gave me a new thread idea! ACES! *opens notepad*
  21. Paff! If Skunky takes a pic of my artwork you'll see the standards are low So yeah! Woo! First CD received! i can call this a minor succes, at the least. EDIT: oh wait I took pictures of my CD... I'll upload and shizzle when the other person receives their CD
  22. Why do you say that?
  23. http://www.last.fm/group/Cube-Europe ... roadkill set that one up
  24. Alreet folks? How's it all going?
  25. a cat that has its eyes open, is laying in what looks like an uncomfortable position with its paws out, not responding to the camera-holder - some sort of catatonic (lols) state. It's not really scary at all, if you ask me! Just odd.
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