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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. well done nightwolf, the relief of FINISHING something you've spent soo fucking long on is close to orgasmic, oftentimes. First day back at uni today, for me. Turned up mildly late for the lecture and couldn't recognise anyone from my course so I was all "er, what module is this?" to the lecturer, and she remembered my name from two years ago (awesomeness has no half-life) and was nice to me for a change, and shit, and yo, I lost. No seminar, just lirbarbrrariy! got BOOKS! and new SHAMPOO! but that was from a shop. REALLY NOT INTERESTING. Wow. Crikey. new shampoo makes me feel silly; i mean, it smells much nicer, actually de-tangles my hair immensely and i don't need half as much. Bought a plug adapter for my beardy-trimmster so I can look less hobo-ish, and some MOUTHWASH to eradicate the smell of dogs and foxes. Indeed.
  2. I just pur-chased meself a copy of Condemned for £8 2nd hand from gamestation - I reckon it'll be worth that price. Still got Kane and Lynch to play through, too. I have a discerning habit of picking up the middling games; dead rising, prey, the darkness; mostly because shorty buys the top quality ones.
  3. Just learned I have a brand new deadline for february 4th that I have not prepared for at all. LIBRARY TOMORROW. T'is the first true test of the semester. Feck. Apparently the essay is a comparison of two texts and an article that was given to us in the first week. ARTICLEWHEREAAAAH!
  4. thankyouverymuch all sorted now (simple reboot, tsh) Yesterday! Well, the day before that I was supposed to go out and celebrate teh return of two allies to these shores after the absence equivalent to one moon cycle. Instead, I decided to have a quiet one in; ordered pizza, chilled with the flatties but then BAM we all got drunk and BAM BAM BAM we just kept drinking and then BOOM it was 6am and I was supposed to get on a train at midday to go to manchester. So instead I amble about, and manage to leave 5 mins too late to catch the train an hour later. Where was I going? Who with? Well, guv, I were off to a Winter Ale Festival for the selection of ciders on offer. I was going with some fellows from my juggling crew and their friends. I arranged, instead, to meet a couple of them a further hour after that 2nd missed train. So much time wasted. Then: Manchester! I thought it was going to be leeds. But it wasn't! So we got there, queued for an HOUR to get into the festival, then had some amazing ciders. Everyone I knew there was dressed as a pirate, which was ace. I had some skeleton hand and a bandana that I wore on my wrist, and a shark on my t-shirt. After some pirate-skewed songs and dances, we walked miles to some uselessly specific pub, had another pint, then left to get the last train home when suddenly I noticed my mate andy was nowhere to be seen -- shit! So me and two others ran back to the pub, couldn't find him, his phone was off... But the train was leaving in 10 mins and I had no idea where I was. The two other members of the search party had a place to stay, so I had to run and find a train station by myself, in a city I barely knew. And I made it! Just! With about 2 mins to spare. We all start fretting about Andy, then BLAM he's been standing over there for about half an hour, having wandered out of the pub without telling anyone. Tsh! Fewl. And that's it. My uninteresting story of the day. Home was accompanied with another take-away. Now to watch BSG and maybe squeeze in some gaming before the start of uni tomorrow, 9am sharp. YIKES!
  5. I've 'faked it' before. Sex can be *shock* boring, repetitive, or annoying just as much as it can be beautiful, romantic, or sexy.
  6. .smurof eseht no gnineppah ylno s'tI ?ti xif I od woH .erofeb ereh no esle enoemos ot deneppah siht erus m'i .lufesU !oot elgoog ni gninppah s'ti ,epoN :TIDE
  7. .'sdrawrof' raeppa ot ti rof redro ni ,sdrawkcab niaga tuo gnihtyreve gnipyter em fo tsisnoc lliw tsop siht fo tser ehT ?niaga siht xif I od woH .gnikool gnisufnoc lla dna sdrawkcab tuo semoc epyt I gnihtyreve erehw melborp taht gnivah m'I Check out this weird text that i woke up to today; Not sure what I'm feeling right now. I'm struggling i want 2 love you cos i feel4u a lot and i thought we ad something good" .from a number that I don't recognise , using syntax that I don't recognise.I have no clue, literally. I texted back saying "who is this?" and n response. .esnopser on dna "?siht si ohw" gniyas kcab detxet I .yllaretil ,eulc on evah I .esingocer t'nod I taht xatnys gnisu ,esingocer t'nod I taht rebmun a morF "doog gnihtemos da ew thguoht i dna tol a u4leef i soc uoy evol 2 tnaw i gnilggurts m'I .won thgir gnileef m'I tahw erus toN ;yadot ot pu ekow I taht txet driew siht tuo kcehC
  8. .cube - post a list of who HAS sent you a PM first? i think i did but i'm not sure. .erus ton m'I tub did I kniht I ?tsrif MP a uoy tnes SAH ohw fo tsil a tsop - ebuc ...sdrawkcab tuo semoc gnihtyreve dna epyt i erehw gniht taht tog I ko ... uoy yas I
  9. It doesn't say it's being returned to frankfurt - it's in frankfurt when the status is "return to sender", then the next location (posited above that entry on the list) is a "departing scan" as the package leaves Frankfurt, then there's an "arrival scan" as it gets to Nurnberg. Perhaps that's where the xboxes go after they've been serviced in order to be transported back to you via plane/truck/carrier pigeon.
  10. ^do what he said. I sent one in, right? Anyway; it boils down to how interested Cube is in sticking with it, really.
  11. Stayed up til 4am with the flatties drinking, playing games, talking shit, then a coupla hours of fallout 3 - I'm supposed to be on a train to manchester RIGHT NOW but i'll try one in half an hour's time but i don't think I'll make it so may get the one on an hour's time but I still might not make that but there's plenty of time but but but... Cider/ale festival. As a pirate. Only, I'm not going as a pirate. Would be silly. Then you either didn't do it right, were too pissed or there wasn't enough weed in the joint. Weed doesn't choose who it makes high.
  12. ash; why are you the one that has to uncover any such evidence needed by either party? Your parents should do it themselves, or get lawyers to do so.
  13. Yesss! 4-3 against Cube. I ummed and erred over tactics last night for ages - we both got our defense tactics spot on, but I pulled through -- he cheated and I still won. Looks like it would've been an awesome game to watch. Seems the top league's results all went in the favour of oddy and me... I have a game in hand over moogle too. Check out the x11 of the lower league, ReZ. You and (mostly) dyson dominate all the time!
  14. jayseven

    Fallout 3

    Liek, I've enjoyed teh last 5-or-so hours on very easy way more than I had the previous 20 hours on normal. I do think it's too easy, but I figure I'll be playing it through three times anyway. I think another problem I had was not doing enough of the main mission first -- coming to the hospital and getting all these stimpax would've really been useful, and doing riley's rangers and now getting paid to find new places on the map is awesome too. Got my own workbench and science theme now. How many weapon schematics are there? I've only got two. I also just turned level 14 and chose
  15. Can't you just make up the results like everybody else? :|
  16. Went to london today! Lots of trains, tubes and walking. Saw the sights, went to soho AND SAW IAN HISLOP. He walked right by me, and I said "wow, it's you!" and he... wasn't impressed, and treated me like a docile civilian like all the rest and just kept walking. MADE MY DAY. Had the most ridiculously overpriced rubbish cider ever at the southbank centre. £3.50 for 275ml (bought shorty one too) and it was faaar too dry, pretentious and made for alcoholics to help them give up. Was silly. Persons before and after me at the bar were like "how much is the orange juice? Oh, well how much is the coffee? What, you have twelve different types? Well I'll have the cheapest one, then." -- seriously, everyone there was there just because it was expensive and trendy. Now I'm home and my friend from newcastle forgot to buy her train ticket for tomorrow, so instead I'll sleep all day. Supernatural and smallville, mind you! Woot! Excellent! You'll soon get used to it. Then CRAAAVE IIITTT....
  17. Shit, yo. That's well gay. Gay cancer. Big gay. None are 'swear' words, just general cheeky, nice, playful "oi"'s to mon amigos. Etc.
  18. jayseven

    Fallout 3

    Well instead of starting again, I pre-empted what Cube said and just lowered the difficulty to "very easy". I know it's the wussy way out, but I figure I want to play through again as an evil bugger, and I can do it on easy for neutral and normal for evil. There aren't any extra achievements for doing it on different difficulties so I don't really see much point in even looking at the other options when I found it such a struggle on normal.
  19. lol... some guy who hated sterling 15 years ago declares war on it today, and we take that to be Werd? Pft. If we've got 10 years of painful struggle for investment, then that's what we'll have. British public won't dump the pound, especially if it's not at some hardcore boss level. Mind you, in 10 years time China and India = booooooom takeovertheworld.
  20. Damn man, you make it sound like I cursed you, or something! Birthdays in exam season are always a risky bet, but students are generally willing to get drunk as soon as an opportunity presents itself so I'm sure reasons for bail were fairly convincing, if not to you then at least to them - and I'm sure it tore them up more than you think to decide that way. Birthdays are birthdays *shrugs* You'll get another one. Whenever I think "holy SHIT I'm having an amazing day", the next thought is generally "omg BUT WHAT IF THIS IS MY BEST DAY EVER?!", because that would mean the rest of my life would be downhill. That's always something to take from a bad day. Sort of. And hey! I got extra drunk, just for you, dice-kun!
  21. Mmm. I watched Elephant ages ago, and it was interesting, just they made it seem like "oh, rite, gay kids shoot people! Fuckin' gays", which lost respect. But the thing is everyone watches the film knowing what it's about. It would be totally different if you had no idea, and if I ever lose my memory, please remind me to watch Elephant.
  22. jayseven

    Fallout 3

    for CASH. Everything for CASH. And I never have any moneyyy >_< Fuck it, I'm starting again on the noob difficulty.
  23. University squats might have their own bitchin' systems that quash online gaming; they don't like the potential bandwidth hogging sadface!
  24. EXAM were shite, but i don't care. Got invited to t'pub with all the english folks who knew my name and were genuinely surprised/pleased that I hadn't dropped out (as I've not been in for uni for about 4 months). Had a couple of drinks and some nice conversations. I know of a few plans for tonight, and may well merge one into my own plans. Feelin' goooooooooooooooood! Feeling fiiiiiiiiiiine! Got it all worked out, fo' sho'. Damn straight. I'd ALSO shave twice a day to get that back.
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