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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Can you fit us all at once? Votes (9 is majority) Chairdriver (7): The Peeps, nintendohnut, ReZ, Cube, Diageo, herojan
  2. Not a real image.
  3. I think three mafias can exist at teh same time, if one of those is mine :P my last one lasted something like 2 months, was only like 3 nights long and I think there were several other mafia games started after mine and completed before it!
  4. Votes (9 is majority) Chairdriver (3): The Peeps, nintendohnut, ReZ
  5. What's the 'default' costume going to be this year, after jacko/joker?
  6. I've decided to do volunteering for a few months. Going in on monday to have a gander! I think it's the whole "must have a careeeeer" thing that gets me, so I'm going to ride teh waves of life and PT/Volunteer it to get a taste of things and see what I really like doing. I think mostly life is shit when you have no friends and all your friends are busy and there's nothing on telly and you have no jigsaws.
  7. Woo! Nobody retiring this year. Could potentially have 4 next season though. Brusling still going is insane! How much is he worth, Chaz? Going for dev. now. fucked up two games, so it's all about FORM.
  8. Chair; perhaps our games would've benefitted from each other's time limit strategies :P
  9. "You know what sucks?" He said, as he turned off the news app on his screen as violently with a demure swipe at the screen, "I never got to play the judge at chess. I hear he wasn't all that good, either..." I see the irony. Karpov, our source has not been in contact. "Whaa... Aw, shit. Fuck it. Fuck. This. Day." He grabs his waterproofs, a sure sign that he's had it with the night, too. "I'm going to the bar. Don't wait up." He clinks the door shut as she is saying something heavy with pedantry as a retort to his closing words. He hums down the corridor, and out of sight. A small beep is heard as a small device is turned off. The man with small planets for fists silently walked in the other direction. Jacob had better luck this evening, finding the room he was after. He used his USF on the door, and entered. Who's there? He said nothing, merely went up to the wall control unit for the computer and found the About section, then left. As the door clinked shut for the second time a man in a baseball cap followed the robot to the lift. The chessboard in the apartment on floor 409 was still as it was, except there was a chess piece missing. Cain was out on the lower floors, with a determined air about him. He figured he could wave a few credits and he'd find out what happened in no time. He was buzzed out of another bar, but this time he had a lead. As he was about to ring at the apartment, he dropped what he was carrying the whole time - the black king. he went limp. "My masters will be rather pleased, I suspect." Sméagol is dead. He was Cain, a liberal. Out on the 5th floor, the man put his cigarette out, pulled out his jetski-emblazoned lighter and lit up another one. He didn't have to wait long before the barrel-chested robot strolled by. The robot must've been distracted by its own thoughts of trying to come up with another joke as it was taken away, prevented from its own chores. Below, at the plaza at the bottom of the atrium, a man in a fedora hat was running from pillar to pillar, keeping a tail. Thankfully his much untrained espionage skills got lucky - his target was oblivious, scratching away at that spot behind his ear. The doctor had been standing in exactly the same place since the night before, and without replying to his partner, he left immediately, and headed to the plaza. He saw his target exit the plaza, and a strange man clanking across the tiled floor from post to post. But what was more important was something that nobody had noticed - something that rang a bell in the doctor's slowly-normalizing mind; that sound, the crackling booms... he turned his head and saw the smokey pixellation worming across the ceiling. He quickly opened his bag and rooted out his micrEMP and pointed it at the cloud, watching as it dissipated into the walls. Unaware of his tail, the determined individual headed out of the plaza unprevented. He walked up to the soap box. The hooded figure did not stir, instead, lowered his head to make it easier. CH-KHNN A vile snap. As dawn suggested itself, That Damned Preacher made his way to his spot. He saw a pile that could be construed to have once been a body. The pile slowly began to rise up, cracking back into place. The Preacher was not impressed. "That's my bloody soap box." CH-KHNN Mundi is dead. he was Adam, a liberal Night 3 is over. 16 players remain, with a majority of 9. Chairdriver Cube Dan-likes-trees Diageo Dyson Eenuh Ellmeister Gmac Heroicjanitor Maddog Nintendohnut Paj Meen Ah ReZ The Peeps Tellyn Zell Day 0 Night 1. Night 2. Day 4 begins. I really should rename these 'weeks'...
  10. 'Fraid I can't see a way to do that.
  11. First things first; it mostly sucks because I'm a lazy SOB who is shit. Right. Today I woke up at 1pm (I know), in a slow but persistent determination to go to this stupid thing the job centre signed me up for (some 6 week course). I grab my mail as I head out of teh door for my 2pm appointment and I find a letter telling me that the appointment has been cancelled as the entire fucking company thing is closing down permanently tomorrow. - Surely they knew this when they set the appointment last week, so why waste my time - Letter arriving the DAY of the interview is stupid, but then so is waking up at 1pm So I decide to job-centre it for a bit (online). An hour later and I've just come away furious and depressed! I search "copywriter in brighton" and it gives me manicure positions and anaesthetiologists (or however it's spelt) positions, the latter is depressing because it's a 90k a year job with a shitload of benefits and, honestly, how hard can it be to be? Sure, years of training blah-de-blah but I just feel like I could've done that. But no. Instead I've got a shit degree that'll get me nowhere. And my girlfriend's in another continent I'm just so fucked off with the whole system of society right now (blaming everything else before I blame myself). GRAH. FFS. POOBUM.
  12. Edited your post with Dannyboy's colour mafia results.
  13. Just to say that there pretty much all halls come with that rumour attached! Few are true. I've been wanting to go to Chernobyl for aaages. Tell me when you're thinking of going, goaf.

  15. Fairly sure I did. This was a very frustrating game for me - away for the weekend when it started so I missed the first 3 phases, then muted for teh next 2 (or was it 3?) days, then when I finally get to talk and accuse diageo/peeps (iirc, cba checking) nobody follows and then I get killed that night for being a talky talker. My role, as you know, meant I had no night powers, so I was cockblocked the entire game. This kind of game requires more of a gambit approach in figuring out who is lying and who is siding with who. It was just depressing sitting back and watching nobody do anything. Fair play to chairdriver for doing this sort of game. I will just say that theming the game is rather irrelevant if we're not having any sort of narrative at all.
  16. Cryptonomicon is different to the other two I name in the sense that it's not invented nearly as much - There are three narratives through the story, one of a 'China' Marine in what I presume is the 60s/70s, one is of a genius (at least) mathematician during the pearl harbour incident who is involved in the enigma/indigo codebreaking stuff and teh other is presumably the latter's son/grandson in the 90s, a man of many failed business ventures who is cynical, realistic and burdened with a long term girlfriend in academia who early on in the book publishes a thesis on why beards are unnatural just because her boyfriend said that growing a beard was more natural than shaving. It's not about the future, or an alternate reality. This book is more of an historical fiction piece - a 900 page tome dedicated to... well, from what I can tell, codebreaking and symbolism, with cameos of real-life people like Alan Turing and Ronald Reagan. Stephenson is utterly fantastic in describing these three totally different individuals and their worldviews in a very subtle and unobtrusive way. I read his other books and was usually enthralled by his ability to create a well thought-out sci-fi world that didn't leave behind any factor of society (art, engineering, politics, etc). In this book he manages to create, so far at least, a reel of terrific/hauntic/juxtaposing/makeyathink anecdotes that are altogether human and pitiful. So, uh... if you're just into the ~punk stuff then idunno. It's a boy's book. Techy stuff, war stuff.
  17. I like your order of play. *procrastinates some more*
  18. Well I'm currently 5 PMs down and as it stands the write-up would be... shite... and we may as well just go to the next night phase. I'm just asking them if they want do die, huh, HUH, DO THEY?! Because I'll DO IT! I WILL!
  19. [to tellyn] oi! Still not as awesome as my day :P
  20. I've just started reading Cryptonomicon (and I fear I will be at it for some time). Finding it quite enthralling! Only 80 pages in but it's so dense and well researched that it's well worth spending the time to read it. I've read Snow Crash which I greatly enjoyed, besides the fairly rapid and unconcvincing ending, but never finished Diamond Age just due to being given too many books to read at the same time. Will get back onto it after this (i.e. 2011 sometime!), and I suppose pick up Zodiac too. I know nothing at all about any of his other stuff, or even if there is any. I'm sure there are some cyber- and steam- punk fans out there! Not sure what category Cryptonomicon would fall into...
  21. Saw my baby niece for the first time! Neice? Niece? asasadssdag? She's a fairly calm little 'un. I gave her her FIRST teddy bear (a giant piglet) and gave her mum the Times newspaper from her birthday, coincidentially with the first non-cryptic times crossword I've ever managed to completely DO. Also started on Neil Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, an absolutely fantastic book. I may go make a thread.
  22. My take on the sub-board is that we ought to have a 'general' topic for anime/manga, tv, movies, books, comics perhaps stickied, then a smorgasboard underneath in combination with smart thread-ripping to ensure nothing is rocked too much. Nintendohnut MCJ METROID!! I'll try and be brief, as I kinda promised myself I'd not get too involved in the decision making; When we were first talking about a sub-board months ago we were directly comparing its potential effect on the massive-thread GCC. In comparison to that period of time, GCC would remain roughly 150% more 'busy' but to the now GCC it would be roughly 70%. The proposed board would in a sense encompass the closed large threads; rate the last film, rate the last tv, anime/manga, comic thread [pre-resurrection]. Cliques already exist throughout. x11 is populated by the same 25-30 individuals, mock the thread by another number of people, the mafia threads are pretty much 20-30 of the same people all the time, too. The playground was made in teh first place to house these because it became ludicrous having those as the most active topics in GCC, and somewhat frustrating for members. The argument of whether it's easier to click on page 3 of GCC or click on a link to a sub-forum is another me and flink waded through. My argument is that while both require the same amount of non-trivial effort on the reader's behalf, they are more likely to visit the subforum - maybe because they feel confident that they've not missed anything important in a previous page, maybe because they know what they're getting if they click on a 'media' board link while page 3 is somewhat of a lucky dip. The current 'hwyd-alike' threads that you make a claim to be effectively horny rabbits in waiting for the chance to breed more aren't really that prevailant. We had goafer's thread, which was abused and closed, and we have nightwolf's, which is more focused than HWYD ever was. Different threads work in different ways, and I think for serialised forms of entertainment a subboard would give threads a chance of survival. Daft's Film Club revival quickly turned to ash, and there's no doubt in my mind that it would've lived longer if it didn't slink off to page 4 of teh site, and thus teh wastebin of our minds, so quickly. I would dispute playground's ineffectiveness as a separate entity, but would agree that there are other areas of teh boards that are useless, however I do not think a separate board is imposing to a new member. We had this debate about the massive threads and we couldn't between us come to a definitive conclusion, but there were noobs at that time who said "i prefer the old style" and "I prefer the new." I would argue that the reason this place has had members stick around for over 8 years even after they've lost interest in nintendo is to do with the people, not the website we're attached to. If it was only nintendo you wanted to talk about then you could stick to the comments sections. To me, the forum is first and foremost a place to talk about anything you can't discuss on the main site. Well actually, for me the forums is my home and pretty much the only thing that's been completely stable through the last decade of my life. We really have nothing to lose in at least giving this a shot. We're not a government - we can go backwards if backwards is best. [/"short" summary]
  23. BB; yeah share the wealth! Except those dirty pictures I sent you. They're FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE GOLDENBALLS for your eyes only...
  24. Enjoying reading about your holiday and how it makes me RAGE WITH JEALOUS WRATH OF GLUTTONOUS, LUSTROUS PRIDE or whatever. But where are the Daily ReZ's!
  25. ... Are the key points here that do not clash with what I said greatly. The law, though 'black and white' is incredibly grey on most things!
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