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Everything posted by jakeee

  1. I think that Ganondorf of TWW was better than the one in TP. Ganondorf in TP was only an evil person who wanted to conquer the world etc. Ganondorf in TWW was more interesting. I actually felt sad when I had killed him. His final words ("The wind... it's blowing")... pure magic
  2. It's been a long time since my previous post. I accept every immigrant who is willing to pay his/her taxes, behaves like a proper citizen, is willing to learn the official language and understands that different people have their own traditions and important things, which he/she should respect. Unfortunately, there are some immigrants who are not willing to integrate. They might commit crimes, stay home and do nothing etc. The ones who commit serious crimes (rape, murder) should be sent back to their own country. Racism isn't okay. It's not okay to prefer a person over another just because of their skin colour. But being against immigration is acceptable.
  3. I say no. I say no to getting drunk and smoking. If someone asks me if I smoke I answer 'Why should I pay for pack of poison?' I don't drink either because I'm a minor. But I believe that alcohol in small amounts isn't a bad thing. So why do I say no to any kind of drugs? Because I believe they can mess up your life. Someone once said that in order to make people eat more fish is to make it illegal.
  4. I think the story of Twilight Princess is much better than the story of Ocarina of Time. The characters are more interesting and the cut scenes are great. Thank you Eiji Aonuma for giving this game a decent story.
  5. Here is mine: 1. Metroid Prime 2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3. Resident Evil 4 4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 5. Super Smash Bros. Melee 6. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 7. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requeim 8. Viewtiful Joe 9. Soul Calibur 2 10. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
  6. I'd buy some new clothes
  7. If there was voice-acting it would mean that you couldn't use no other name than Link anymore. It would be a pity for people like me who don't play with the name Link but instead with something else. Unless they decided to speak some weird language like Hylian.
  8. Well that's the place where Wii should be. In a museum!
  9. I don's really care what scores Twilight Princess gets anymore. The reviews have showed that the game kicks ass so I have to get it.
  10. Remember that he's japanese. I bet he will still work for Nintendo for a few years after his official retirement. But it will be a great loss when he passes away
  11. Hell yeah! This game is damn awesome. If it gets scores above 9.5 it can't be bad, right? Oh and btw. please don't say:"FFS! stop talking about the scores. Experience the game yourself!" I know that looking at the scores is pointless but it gives a good idea how good game to expect. Now... Let's just hope that the Cube version is bloody awesome too...
  12. So how many of you are getting the Cube version. What about the Wii version? Does someone plan to buy both versions? EDIT: Oh yeah... I'll buy the Cube version. Damn! I have to wait over a month!
  13. Phazon suit + Phazon beam = Phazon 1337 <3
  14. Hmm... Does Epona look huge compared to Link in those art pictures? I wonder if I can get all the heart pieces and gold skulltulas in OoT before I get Twilight Princess.
  15. This movie looks great. Maybe I should watch Spiderman 2 before I watch this. Btw. Why do they use Playstation 3 -font in the movies?
  16. w00t! I'm so proud of myself. I haven't watched a single Twilight Princess video or looked at a new picture after E3 2006 \o/. I think I can make it! Oh come on December the 15th (or even 14th)
  17. I tried Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of man yesterday. Motorstorm looked great but it was slow as hell. I heard it was an old version of the game. Resistance looked quite good also but it was nothing special. Just another FPS.
  18. What about Daikatana? I thought it was delayed a few times. And then there is Duke Nukem Forever. I guess it'll crush every game ever made.
  19. Hmm... Is it safe to preorder this game? Is there a possibility that the game would suck (average score below 80%)? What do the previews say about this?
  20. Could you please put those pictures in the spoiler tags. Some people don't want to see any pictures of the game before they get the game.
  21. I wonder when it'll snow in southern Finland. It has already snowed in Lapland. I hope it won't snow in two weeks. After that... Let it snow!
  22. When is the GC version of this game coming to Europe? About a week ago I read (source) that it would come out on December the 15th but just a few minutes ago I read that it would come out in January. (source) Please tell me that I can play this game at Christmas!
  23. I have closed my eyes when I have seen pictures for a while now. I hope I won't see any spoilers not even minor ones before I get it on GC :/
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