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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. If you say owned, pwned or raped when you kill someone then you are a geek and need to get a life
  2. If we changed ramadan there'd be a spate of suicide bombings
  3. is it Dick Tracey?
  4. People seem to be to bothered about offending people. Like the guy thats asking if its racist to call his white mates niggers of course its not cause they're not. If you find it funny keep on doing it. Its when some big black bloke called Tyrone kicks the shite into you that you stop
  5. Is that cannon fodder?
  6. Hey I just finished watching the first series of prison break anyone else watched it. Its not on TV over here yet but i highly recommend downloading it you'll love it. Basically its about the main character trying to get himself and his brother out of this prison. His brother to be executed in a month or something like that so they don't have a lot of time. There is more to the story than that but you find out the rest in the first episode. So yea all go and download so i can have prison break chats with people
  7. How much are these things what type of memorys cards does it take?
  8. Our freedom of speech is being taken away on this forum by people accusing us for being racist for calling people paki's. Good god get in the real world everyone does it and if you say you don't you're a bloody liar
  9. Owen i'm at the river level on co op as well if you're up for some co op add me scubahooduk
  10. They can try and enforce all of this Political Correctness all the want i'm still gonna call old people old, still gonna call fat people fat, the blokes in the kebab shop turks and so on. If you take offence to this you are either one of the above or a liar cause everything says these things
  11. Just played a bit of halo 2, boy oh boy does it make PD0 seem crap. On another note we need to get this xmas day game of PD0 sorted out whos gonna arrange it?
  12. Yea i did think i did read that newspapers had made up some of these stories but still there is a widespread problem. I remember reading about some lady that had to give a description of a man that attacked her or something like that and she said he was fat and the police told her she couldn't say that or something silly like that and made her look silly
  13. I can assure you this country will not be muslim in 7 years have none of you seen star trek its set in the future and theres no arabs on there
  14. I've only read the first post of this thread but this whole christmas lights thing is crazy. I'm sorry but this is a christian country and christmas is a christian holiday if anybody of another religion is offended by this they can quite frankly fuck off to where they came from
  15. I dunno why people say the PD0 story line is crap sure it doesn't stand out as being good but it didn't stand out as being rubbish either just a nice basic story which is what i like in games. If i want a huge story i'll watch a movie
  16. Come on you RE people add Scubahooduk to your friends list. On the gotham note i hate racing A class races cause as said above everyone drives the F50 but about two of the people can actually drive the bloody thing its gay. And for my next note my power brick electricuted me last night
  17. On a more constructive note i unplug my xbox every night to give the power brick some time to cool down anyone else do this. On another note to the guy that made this topic give me your address so i can go to yours bash you with my xbox whilst a disk is spinning inside and then beat you repeatedly around the head with the powerbrick
  18. What is everyones level in gotham i'm a 21 contender!!
  19. does this work yet?
  20. does it work yet we will know if this actually posts
  21. Can anyone recommend a good car in the A class on gotham other than the F50 GT. I'm sick of people that can't control that car coming roaring up behind me and spinning me out. I can't control the car yet so i don't race with it
  22. poo poo bet this is the one post i do today that actually works
  23. Point proven about Depp fans being everywhere.
  24. Can anyone recommend a car out of the A class which is capable of beating a F50 GT but not as hard to control. I hate it the way everyone uses that car on gotham regardless of weather they can control the bloody thing. On a second note what is everyones trueskill level. I was a 23 but then loads of newbies messed my races up by crashing into me at the start so now i'm a 21
  25. hello to all my fellow gotham players. I am the only person that is getting pissed off with all the people that either fuck up your race by crashing into you on the first corner or instead of overtaking you fairly spin you out then take you. And then secondly on any class A race everyone uses the F50 GT regardless of weather they can actually control the thing. Can anyone recommend a car which can keep up with the F50 GT but is a bit easier to handle. I'm thinking i may buy the McLaren F1 but i gotta save up first bit skint in the game been buying all the ferrari's so i get the award
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