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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. Clarkson is great i read his article in the sun every Saturday always puts a smile on my face. On another note whats with the 50 Cent my theory is that the haters think that the music is aimed at chavs and some chav has perhaps decked you recently therefore you hate 50 Cent. Honestly guys by constantly taking the piss out of rap you guys are just as bad as chavs taking the piss out of rockers. I know i'll get flamed for these comments but i'm not afraid to stick up for what i'm into so stop being narrow minded twats. On another note it does annoy me that chavs have adopted rap as their favoured music but it is in no way shape or form designed for them
  2. I've been on rita if that counts thought it was crap only good part was the beginning
  3. Every one!!! On another note i'm trying to decide what annoys me more the people that spin people out or the people that whine about it. Just last night i was playing with the biggest whiner ever all he did all race was moan about people spinning people out and then on one corner i went to take him and he turned into my path and i accidently span him out. Before i got the chance to apologise the guys throwing all sorts of language at me so i thought sod that. After the race he's still whineing so i tell the guy to turn collisions off to which he replys i i turn them off i can't block people trying to overtake me. What a tit maybe thats why he gets spun out
  4. Next year will be cool i got good things to look forward to at the start of the year 2nd February - 20th Birthday 19th February - Going to Orlando for a week with my best mate and my dad Then got the usual gaming stuff to look forward to like Zelda, Revolution and if we're lucky Halo 3 Just remembered 2006 themepark season can't wait to ride the new ride at Thorpe Park. And Charlie and the chocolate factory at alton towers
  5. The rate my profile could of worked if it was rate my myspace or something. If people enjoy the threads can't see why you guys lock them just cause you don't like them
  6. Tut tut to hardcore for most of you lot i suppose
  7. I think its one of the Tokyo cups that gives you loads of credits
  8. I haven't heard them in ages but i used to really like 3 doors down 8/10 Check out Guns At The Disco http://www.myspace.com/gatd
  9. Lol not sure if its been mentioned on here already but just finished Gotham on gold and one of the cups gave me 5 million credits for completing it
  10. That explains it all those people from France, Sweden, Germany, Holland etc play well dirty
  11. Play on the playtime mode people are a lot more friendly if not give me their gamertags and i'll spin them out i am the enzo king
  12. I'm not trying to do the glitch to cheat i'm doing it purely to explore. Mind you i've got the video on how to do it and i still can't pull the bloody thing off yet.
  13. You can tell the bloody asylum seekers are grateful for work they've always got a bloody great grin on their faces. Bet they're smiling about how much they rob from us cheeky bloody sods. All they're good for in my book is kebabs
  14. Asylum seekers take are jobs, at the least the ones that get off their arses and don't live off of us do that. Either way we all lose out. GET RID OF THEM!!
  15. Anyone up for a bit of gotham tonight perhaps we could do this glitch i've now got a vid of how to do it but i still can't pull the bloody thing off if anyone wants a game add me scubahooduk
  16. People that say what we have now is not a huge leap forwards are idiots. We're at the point now where they've got humans looking pretty lifelike in games well we were there last gen but now the only thing left to do is the fine details like hair and things like that. I think people were expecting to turn on the 360 and the graphics look like they're looking out of their bedroom window at the real world or something.
  17. Did you manage to pull it off. I'm interested in trying it out just to simply explore the levels and mainly to get a good look at vegas cause the detail is amazing on that city. Don't suppose you wanna tell me how to pull it off in a pm. If not i'm sure this is one of those glitches that will get out eventually
  18. Just been over at the gamefaqs forums apparently there is a glitch on PGR3 that allows you to free roam. But the people on there won't share how its done cause they reacon it will cause widespread cheating. Anyone know about this?
  19. Finally a good idea in this thread
  20. Yea i've played CS before. When i kill people i say ..................... nothing and go and kill someone else
  21. If you're saying it as a joke its fine but when all these americans say it after every kill it is a tad annoying. Its like well done you got a kill but theres no need to be so competitive
  22. In my opinion it is better than lost. Theres 13 episodes so far and starts again in march
  23. Just wondering if it is possible to update my current XP to Windows Media Center is there an update i can buy (yea right) or another way i could aquire it?
  24. Gonna if you have done this but go into music on the dash select computer then select your computer from the list if that is there. Thats what i did cause at first i didn't think my xbox could see my comp
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