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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. 1st is a Friday as well
  2. I'm not saying who told me out of respect of the source i'm not sure if they are aloud to tell people. He could be completly wrong i'm just repeating what he is saying for those that are interested
  3. People can think what they want i'm just sharing information that I have been given.
  4. A very reliable source is telling me it will be 150 and on the 1st of December
  5. Ahhhhhhhhh Tokyo games show starts on the 22nd they're cutting things really fine here
  6. Am i the only person that loses faith day by day i'm now off to shower myself of the disappointment. On another note when is the Tokyo games show?
  7. I knew you should of had a lay in today
  8. We're so not getting release date info
  10. They were gone for 10 mins and surprise surprise we didn't miss anything
  11. Theres only about 10 mins of the conference left assuming it is an hour long
  12. I'm slowly losing faith
  13. I get knackered and look like some crazy river dancer on ddr but i still have fun
  14. Looks like i got up an hour early for nothing well back to bed for me
  15. I live in jeans and t-shirts mostly g-unit t-shirts
  16. My mates now selling them for £130 only one left though
  17. I'm not touting my mate can no longer go to reading and has asked me to get rid of the tickets I have four weekend tickets selling them at the standard price of £150
  18. Hi all recently formatted my pc just need to install the drivers for my video controller (vga compattible) only thing is I don't know what make it is or anything like that just wondering if there is a program that can tell me what I am running?
  19. My mates friends with Lily Allens brother so he got free vip ticket didn't get one for me though:(
  20. Facebook don't you mean faceparty or is that another one?
  21. Hey been to Florida a stupid amount of times now Islands Of Adventure is a must as said above Hulk is amazing I rode it ten times in one day six of those were in a row. If there are huge queues be sure to take advantage of the single rider did it on Spiderman 6 times in a row and most of the time was with my mate anyway.
  22. I had a pint and a half of bud in hooters when i was in the states it was called the big daddy
  23. thanks for the reply luckily I managed to find the software for it now just need myself a windows product key
  24. Hi there decided to clear my pc over the weekend as it was running on the slow side boy oh boy do i wish i never did that. I deleted the partition and then created a new one and installed windows on there. The problem I have is I have no sound i'm assuming the reason for this is no sound drivers have been installed but I have no idea what drivers I need. Can anyone help? My next problem is I lost my cd key before anyone asks it is a legit copy of windows I have so anyway for the installation I nicked the cd key from downstairs but now it wants me to activate windows within 30 days and it won't accept the cd key i have given help. Hopefully one you clever peoples will be able to help me and thanks in advance
  25. Where did you guys get your custom gamercards from?
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