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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. Watched the movie a few months ago at the time made me really angry and brought out a lot of hate for those kind of people as for it being a cover up i doubt it was but i am willing to watch this loose change doubt it will sway me though
  2. scubahood


    When I go out i usually have a few pints of fosters followed by a few JD and cokes followed by a crunk juice which is hennessy and red bull
  3. scubahood


    It does make me laugh when you've got lads walking around bars with bottles of wkd with a hard look on their face
  4. I hate all this branding i like to keep it simple and class it all as rock
  5. The thing that gets me with rockers if the way they all like a band then everyone like them and they're like oh they're gay. Limp Bizkit being a prime example
  6. Yea didn't think much of it but still very cool
  7. Come on wheres the evidence
  8. I mean in the way he acts if you or i did that you'd be beaten shitless by every black guy in your town
  9. People are just jealous that he gets away with being black hehe
  10. How can you say he's a complete dick you've never met the guy. As i said in a previous post my mate met him and said he was friendly and what not.
  11. I'm really doubting that your mate egged him you'd have proof if he did. As for you guys slating him yes he comes across as a nugget but you guys are only doing slating him because he comes from hip-hop and you guys seem to have a vendetta against it mainly cause you link it to chavs
  12. The place where they film it is like a 10 minute drive from there i went to check out one of the cars last season cause my mate designed the wheels. Anywho my mate went there during filming this season and said that westwood was really friendly he gave him a free dvd which was cool. I often see Jamie out and about he's usually a local nightclub every saturday
  13. The guy proof allegedly shot died today
  14. Was pretty dissappointed to read that he shot first to be honest but i spose you don't know what was going on.
  15. I read on a different forum that they are going to get rid of it because of the amount of people that abuse it
  16. Yesturday was indeed a sad day for hip-hop. Proof was my favourite in the group his charisma was great and he seemed like a genuinly nice guy. I remember last summer when the anger management tour was on I saw a program about it and he was fooling about with the fans waiting to get in which i thought was cool. As for the knobs that come in here and make narrow minded comments they need to grow up you don't see the hip-hop community making jokes when people from the rock world die
  17. Hey all i'm heading to the states next week thinking of picking up a PSP i have a few questions though. How is the battery life? Are there many good games? And the most unusual of all if i was to plug a USB keyboard into it would i be able to use it on the web browser? cheers in advance
  18. The language is english theres no need for people trying to get clever with the technical crap
  19. I think its a crazy idea. I don't really care about my nationality it makes no difference to me and i'd hate it if we went all patriotoc (i know i spelt that wrong) like the Americans are its just silly and is probably the reason there are so many little snotty American kids that think they are the best in the world. On another note my dads mate got into a heated discussion with an American lady in a bar that said she doesn't speak English she speaks American
  20. I'm getting into final fantasy as well still don't have a clue what to do i've spent about 6 hours levelling up i'm now level 6
  21. Went to my tescos this morning and picked it up. Installing the software now takes a good hour or so. People on the xbox forums are saying it is crap but i'm gonna give it a look for myself.
  22. My city still doesn't have the mag fingers crossed for tomorrow
  23. I got my Samsung 27 inch hd tv for £550 from play.com but they think they've put the price up now
  24. The magazine was due out today but OXM obivously weren't aware that Menzies don't deliver magazines on a Monday so expect to see it in stores tomorrow
  25. Lol that'd put my girlfriend off of sex forever
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