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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. hello to all my fellow gotham players. I am the only person that is getting pissed off with all the people that either fuck up your race by crashing into you on the first corner or instead of overtaking you fairly spin you out then take you. And then secondly on any class A race everyone uses the F50 GT regardless of weather they can actually control the thing. Can anyone recommend a car which can keep up with the F50 GT but is a bit easier to handle. I'm thinking i may buy the McLaren F1 but i gotta save up my pennies first :D
  2. hello to all my fellow gotham players. I am the only person that is getting pissed off with all the people that either fuck up your race by crashing into you on the first corner or instead of overtaking you fairly spin you out then take you. And then secondly on any class A race everyone uses the F50 GT regardless of weather they can actually control the thing. Can anyone recommend a car which can keep up with the F50 GT but is a bit easier to handle. I'm thinking i may buy the McLaren F1 but i gotta save up my pennies first
  3. hello to all my fellow gotham players. I am the only person that is getting pissed off with all the people that either fuck up your race by crashing into you on the first corner or instead of overtaking you fairly spin you out then take you. And then secondly on any class A race everyone uses the F50 GT regardless of weather they can actually control the thing. Can anyone recommend a car which can keep up with the F50 GT but is a bit easier to handle. I'm thinking i may buy the McLaren F1 but i gotta save up my pennies first
  4. hello to all my fellow gotham players. I am the only person that is getting pissed off with all the people that either fuck up your race by crashing into you on the first corner or instead of overtaking you fairly spin you out then take you. And then secondly on any class A race everyone uses the F50 GT regardless of weather they can actually control the thing. Can anyone recommend a car which can keep up with the F50 GT but is a bit easier to handle. I'm thinking i may buy the McLaren F1 but i gotta save up first
  5. Owen i see you mentioned Clacton and Colchester i live in Colchester where are you from? On another note in issue 4 of official xbox 360 magazine you get the beta version of final fantasy 11 to test so basically you'll have the whole game to play for as long as the beta test runs for
  6. Dunno if this is an achievement but the batteries that came with my wireless controller are dead already. Anyone else managed this or am i the only one playing to much
  7. Theres ten episodes in all and they're meant to spend 5 days in "space" so i reacon they'll do the take off on sunday or monday
  8. Just been playing some dark ops games for the past few hours i'm loving infection and the one where you have to kill the people guarding the base
  9. BAH they're amazing i genuinly don't think they ripped off the name by the way
  10. Shenmue is my favourite game of all time so i look forward to watching this will post impressions later
  11. My favourite album of the year was probably The Documentary by The Game followed by the Get Rich Or Die Tryin' soundtrack On another note before i get slated for my favourite albums check out my mates band forget Panic At The Disco these are called Guns At The Disco http://www.myspace.com/gatd let me know what you all think
  12. Can someone ban rab for his first post to be like that he must be a prick
  13. Most of them are more than likely pissed cause they can't afford one so vote against
  14. What game is it?
  15. No need i already have five stars cause i'm such a nice guy
  16. I think the best times i had in my three months with the console were super bouncing and getting out of the levels in halo 2 i still do it most nights just to see what cool things we can find
  17. Is there any way to preview the downloadable themes and gamerpics either on a website or through the 360 i don't wanna buy one only to find out i don't like it
  18. It says add one of the following hmmmmmmm dunno if i should add them all i wanna play with them just to call them ****s
  19. I finally managed to get the streaming going sadly cause i don't have a media center pc i can't stream videos. What is all this media center pc stuff all about is it a program or something?
  20. Anyone managed to get media center working everything has installed fine but on the 360 it gives me a code and says i will have to type it in during setup but set up never asks me for the bloody code. So i can't get past that screen on my xbox 360 anyone have answers?
  21. Lol anyone with todays sun check out the review for fifa on page 72 i do believe apparently the game was completly remade for 360 and the players are even modelled in 3d!!! Get in 3d modelling! Do they not realise its been done for years and years they also rated it 95% lol
  22. Yea its still good. I see you have all been playing PD0 and Gotham but what about HEXIC i'm in love with that game
  23. How good is hexic!!!!
  24. YAY its here i'm off to play
  25. Then theres poor old me still waiting and play gotham 2
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