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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Prepare to hate... I received my copy in the post this morning. Gonna play it now!
  2. @Serebii it's definitely worth me making the trip into town to get a Meloetta isn't it? I'm still weighing up if I want to go in today or not, will probably go in on the very last day of the download (Friday) in any case.
  3. I just use a wired Xbox 360 headset (one of the newer ones with the line-in volume control) coupled with an adapter, plugged into an extension lead (so as to reduce wear and tear on the Gamepad's headphone socket) it seems to work pretty well. : peace:
  4. I don't know if I would expect it at this Nintendo Direct or not but I am almost certainly expecting there to either be a portable Pikmin game for the 3DS or something at least Pikmin related that interacts with Pikmin 3 on the Wii U, for some reason I think it's almost a certainty and would certainly go some way to explaining why its been delayed perhaps. Thoughts? : peace:
  5. Cool, will probably be on tonight and tomorrow night if you're online by then so feel free to add me, I won't really be around next week much but after that I'll be on the game at least most evenings.
  6. It's well worth persevering with the game only really 'clicked' with me around 15-20 hours in and now you can barely get me off the game! Did you get the Wii U version? If so I'd be happy to help out online. : peace:
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Personally I'd be grateful for your help and would be a fool to refuse it, I know I've only fought alongside you and Lost once but I really enjoyed myself and I think that if I were to play a game with either of you again that wouldn't change. : peace: However... ... I kind of hear where Zechs is coming from too but ultimately I don't mind some of the quests becoming 'easier' due to having a very experienced hunter in the party though I suppose sometimes it's fun to play certain quests with those who are the same level as you. But I don't think it's the be-and-end-all, so if I'm on and am playing with my Fiance - who is really starting to enjoy the game now - then there will always be a space for you Hero or anyone else who wishes to join.
  9. The demo is unrepresentative, unhelpful and really doesn't sell the game that well. The full game is much better but you will need to invest a decent amount of time in it before it really 'clicks' for me it was around the 15 - 20 hour mark. It's not perfect but it is a good game... : peace: ... once you get hooked.
  10. Oh that one will be next April... ... we laugh now. :wink: But seriously, E3 is going to be something special this year I'm sure and at least we have a good few games to be getting on with until then thanks to MH3U and Lego City Undercover.
  11. I must admit, completely forgot what day it was, read the title and thought... 'O.o eh? well this is plausible I suppose, but a bit of an odd time to announce it... oh well, best go and pre-order the ga...' *clicks on thread* 'Oh right... yeah, how stupid was I? Duhhhhh!' :P Ah well... oddly enough I was only considering pre-ordering the game after reading that title - shows that there is clearly a market for it - because as a game I'm not even that hyped for it but I know I'll end up picking it up when it comes out. ---------------------------------- Anyway, this one from Nintendo Life isn't bad... http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/04/new_luigi_code_to_provide_a_fresh_take_on_virtual_console_classics
  12. I finally captured Lagiacrus last night! Really I have no idea why it took me so many attempts, it was really close too as I beat it into submission underwater, set a trap, it was inches away from it then it turned right around and retreated to the water cave in Flooded Forest. Naturally I had a second trap but alas I could not use it for a full 2 or 3 minutes - however long a trap lasts when put down before expiring - so cue me trying desperately to keep Laggi busy by running/dodging out of the way while also avoiding the annoying Ludroth which kept getting in the way - and were eventually killed by Lagiacrus anyway - but finally the trap expired so I whacked down my trap there and then, was charged by the creature - knocked down to nearly absolute zero health - which was then caught in the trap so I scrambled to my feet, ran up to it and made him eat tranquiliser bombs! Very happy to have that quest out of the way finally, I know I'm not advancing that quickly at the moment but I'm still playing every day, making a bit of progress each time, I'm gonna be trying to increase my HR rank by a bit over the next couple of days though hopefully.
  13. I enjoyed the episode, not much more to say really... a good start to what will hopefully be a decent second-half of the season.
  14. Assuming no one else has experienced this then I guess I can just put it down to some sort of glitch, just beware though. : peace:
  15. So I just had another pretty good night helping my friends with getting certain items but just as I was about to go offline someone joins with the character 'Lexia' and the game freezes :/ I didn't lose anything but it was annoying as I had to pull the plug on the Wii U. Now I'm hoping that it was just a coincidence or a glitch because if it isn't then this means that Monster Hunter will suffer from the dreaded 'FSOD' that plagued PSO on the DC and GC, I really hope not but it sure seemed very similar.
  16. I've just clocked in 101 hours and I helped my fiance along with one of my friends and another random guy up to HR 2, I haven't done much level advancing myself but we did hunt Lagiacrus quite a lot which is a help to me seeing as I'm aiming to craft all of his armour. All in all, a fantastic night. : peace:
  17. 5 Minute reveal trailer = 5 hours of in-game cut-scenes. :p Hmm but seriously, could be decent... ... for a Metal Gear Solid game. One to watch anyway.
  18. This AND Lego City Undercover arrived for me today... but Bioshock only arrived for me yesterday plus I'm still very much into Monster Hunter so I will most likely be playing this later on, but god damn! Luigi's Mansion 2 get!! So hyped.
  19. This arrived for me today, but err yeah... busy playing Monster Hunter and Bioshock so I guess I'll be playing it later, but I'm still excited for it.
  20. Thanks -Dem0- :) I'm glad you enjoyed the review, I've corrected the error, that one must have slipped through the net so thank you for your vigilance. :D

  21. My copy arrived... ... literally right before I had to go to work this morning. But I'm glad that I now have it, forget Gears, this is surely going to be a prime contender for Game of the Year I'm sure and I haven't even played it yet. Seriously looking forward to playing this.
  22. It's a good price for Mercenaries but I've always thought it a shame that there's no way to patch the game so that the Circle Pad Pro/XL can be used with it, because after playing Revelations with the add-on I don't think there's any way that I'd go back to playing a Resident Evil game without it. :p Fantastic game if you can get past that though.
  23. Well forget that, no post today... I guess it'll all arrive tomorrow - Bioshock included or I get money from ShopTo - now I'm wondering why I agreed to work overtime tomorrow. :/
  24. Currently waiting on this to come in the post, any minute now...
  25. It's a prequel, so probably... but best to play Bioshock 2 at some point because it's still awesome.
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