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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. We weren't talking about the PS2 and GC in the discussion you posted; We were talking about whether the PS3 will be suppior to Rev next gen and whether the situation would reverse; hense my comments! Anyways i fail to see your point; how the PS2 having more games makes up for it having worse graphics!! Personally i'd rather have fewer games on a console and each one be superior; than loads of games that aren't all that good!
  2. I guess the celebratory 20th Anniversary Neighbours episodes are finally here with ALL these faces from the past appearing!! Great to see Phil Martin (along with all the others) back in it today, he was a good character and i'd forgotten the story of him writing books under the name of Phillipa Martin until they brought it up today! Issy, Issy, Issy; when will she learn!!
  3. This is much more like it!!! http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=8057&type=wmv (49mb) The daytime level in this video is AMAZING; the action is just non-stop (helped along by the game showing you where to go!)!! A few things though; - Joanna is almost like a completely different character (so far removed from the original Perfect Dark); i know she's meant to be younger, but only by a few years and with her neon/styled hair and her casual clothes, it's a little wierd. - I'm not sure about some of the 3rd person; the leaning around corner thing is really cool, but things like climbing ladders and entering pipes is not needed in 3rd person. - Why are there ziplines everywhere?? How convienient!! Are they supposed to be telephone cables doubling up as them; because they sound like ziplines! As a standalone game it really does look good; i think the problem is that it appears to be so unlike the original; therefore it depends how you want to look at it; - Standalone game - Great!! - Part of the Perfect Dark series - Dissapointment!
  4. Here is a 'weapons' gameplay video of the PS2 version; showing off the game and the new 'laser' weapons; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7925&type=wmv (22.8mb) I thought this new weapons was supposed to be a 1 hit kill on ALL enemies as it removes the parasite from the host; however, whilst it seems to kill off villagers etc... when FULLY charged up in 1 shot; the same can't be said for El Gigante!! The Magnum is capable of taking down El Gigante MUCH quicker (either at full upgraded 25 FP or maxed out 50 FP); you can finish him in 2 shots! Therefore i don't see the point of the new (futuristic and out of place) weapon!
  5. I seriously would have never guessed! I guess when they do the live links to 'This Morning' then, it is infact them just live in the studio filming one of the shows for the next day!! Who'd of known!
  6. Yeah I did here about it at the start of the week aswell, but it was still not official; but the official announcement was made today! (OK, i''m clutching at straws!)
  7. It was officially revealed today that Daniel Craig (who starred in Layer Cake); will be the new James Bond! and the first blonde James Bond at that! He has signed up to play the role of 007 in the future Bond film; Casino Royale (remake). Apparently the commitment for James Bond nowadays is for a minimum of 10 years; so unless he gets a bad response and the production company EON let him go, it looks like he'll be around for the next 3-4 Bond films! IMO, i don't think he's the best for the part, but then again who else was there; no-one really! I wouldn't have liked to see the role go to Clive Owen, Hugh Jackman, Colin Farrell or Orlando Bloom! I'd have liked to see Pierce Brosnam again, but that just because i think he is perfect for the part; but Pierce was going to have to be replaced someday and i suppose this is a bit of a new direction (him being blonde) so it could be a good way to go. I do think he looks abit more of a Timothy Doltan in style though (and that's not a good thing for James Bond, lol)!
  8. And if development cost are kept low and Nintendo can bring their games out for £40 (instead of the expected £50+ for next gen), that's sure to help Nintendo when it comes to people buying games (especially kids/teens who can't afford much).
  9. You already said that! With the Revolution though Nintendo will have innovation on their side; and IF it does lack in any ways, this should make up for it! Just look how well the DS is doing!
  10. That's exactly it yeah; and i agree with you that it could be great; but it does look like it is being used ALOT; and it looks abit wierd how you can so easily get rid of the badguys in these scenes, e.g. you just roll through them! What would have been great would have been if the game had had a few smaller battles but been gearing up to one of these HUGE war scenes on a MASSIVE size, as a way of ending the game, so it was kinda unexpected and then when you did see it you'd have been amazed!! That's true; but even if they'd used only 10 different character animation and applied them randomly throughout the battle, i'd imagine it would have worked; as it would have been hard to tell them apart. As is the case however, it does pretty much look as though everyone is doing pretty much the same thing!
  11. Congrats!! I've been driving for 3 (going on 4) years now and absolutely love it! Got 35/35 on my theory (passed first time), Passed my driving test first time too! (one of the elite 16% as my driving instructor put it!)
  12. I couldn't get the PS2 pictures to show up for some reason when i posted (only the GC ones); so in the end i just linked to the site! But yeah that is probably the best comparison of the lot you've shown there 'Redshell'; the trees look terrible!! - Also on the picture with Leon entering the house; notice how the logs have been removed aswell as pretty much all the vegetation on the ground!! - The picture with Leon diving through the window is another GREAT example of just how beautifully well the GC can do lighting!
  13. The game looks really great; though one thing i would say i don't like about it; are the huge battle scenes with LOADS of people on screen. It looks ALOT like the same character model/animation has just been copied and pasted all over the place and in a very organised and therefore un-natural way (e.g. the last scene with all armies on the path leading upwards and especially the scene with all the people on the stone bridge and you are firing water jets at them). All the characters seem to be doing the same thing. Also, i would say there are too many in some of those scenes and it doesn't feel like a natural war. It seems to me Rare has thought that HUGE numbers of people on screen at the same time, in HUGE battle scenes would really show off their skills and the skills of next-gen hardware; but it looks a little rubbish IMO! Anyone agree?? Rest of the game; visuals, setting, characters etc... look great though
  14. It's funny to see just how much has to be dulled down and removed for the PS2 version! Trees, vegetation, lighting etc... and the fact that although it is daytime on the GC version, the same section of the PS2 game looks like it's dusk! Basically the PS2 doesn't have the GC advanced lighting or polygon count; http://ruliweb3.dreamwiz.com/ruliboard/read.htm?main=ps&table=img_screen_con&page=1&num=8547&find=&ftext=&left=h&time= Still doesn't make up for the 5 hour Assignment Ada!! Doh!!
  15. I dunno, he is a pretty good character if you get good with him (though i've never played as him really). He does have some powerful moves and also his teleport is one on the best recovery moves in the game.
  16. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=439 There's already a thread for this!
  17. How would you know that to be in the slightest bit true?
  18. Have you watched any of the gameplay movies that have been posted in this thread? In some of them the game looks simply terribly and NOTHING (NOTHING) like the original! Just watch 'showdown at the carpark'!
  19. Sorry, but there have been SOOO many threads like this (especially around the day the controller was shown)!!
  20. I may have to change my mind on this game! After watching this very cinematic-trailer-like movie i thought the game looked really good ( http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7973&type=mov )! However after watching some more gameplay movies, i'm not liking it at all; - 'showdown at the carpark' - I didn't think it was possible for Rare to make the game so far removed from the original, but this was absolutely shocking!! Joanna looks terrible, the clothes, the setting, the games over brightness (the original was dark and moody), this whole scene with the punks on motornikes! This isn't Shenmue!! Also i watched the advert for the game and that's terible too! What is with Joannas cartoon like look?? it makes her not really fit in with the rest of the game! and the settings and overall wierd colours and brightness of the game aren't good!
  21. That area is really great; rolling around at such high speeds!! Have you entered the race yet? Great fun!!!! The path to the Snow temple is really cool; and the boss of that temple; Fantastic!!
  22. Just to clarify, that rumour is for the DS version of Zelda! Don't think i'd like a First Person Zelda on Rev (if they want to experiment with it on DS then that's fine by me)! I'd be happy with a number of First Person elements should they want to include them, especially because of the controller; such as the standard First Person Bow and Arrow, Hookshot etc.. and perhaps fishing, some swordfights, some FP puzzles etc... But not the whole game!!
  23. Yeah that's what i thought; and yeah it's likely Metroid 3 could of been on the GC, especially if Sony and Microsoft weren't rushing along the next-gen of consoles! Am i right in thinking that it looked quite alot more futuristic when it was for GC, and set on a Space Station?Though we don't know much at all about Too Human on X360, i did liked the GC scenario alot and hope it hasn't changed to much.
  24. http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/748/748783/vids_1.html "The Saga Begins" "An Epic Trilogy" I didn't realised there was going to be a Too Human trilogy; cool!! I wonder how long each game will be and whether we will se them all on next-gen (it's most likely; but we did only get 2 Metroid Primes out of the trilogy on GC!). The game seems to be mixing the future with some mythology (the settings and some of the themes; gods). I have to say, this isn't what i was expecting Too Human to be like! From the GC coverage i thought it was set on a giant space station! and some of the characters were human-machine crosses, or genetically created, as this is what was becoming of humans (or something like that; though i could have just made a story up for myself!). Although trailer does say; "make sure those who fight monsters don't become one themselves", so maybe it is the case.
  25. That looked really great!! I don't think her voice was the best, it didn't really seem to suit her IMO (but maybe that's because she's quite abit younger). I notice however that they featured alot on the city levels and less on the jungle etc... levels. IMO the city levels manage to retain the feel of the original Perfect Dark, whereas a number of the new areas seem to lack that same feel; i think this is the only problem i have with the game really!
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