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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Nah OK I wont say anything! Todays Episode; I don't think Dillon should bother with Skye, She is SOOOO high maintainence!! Also, anyone notice the annoying way she grabs the side of her head and scrunches her hair up whenever she's stressed/annoyed? For me, Skye is beginning to catch up with Sindi for annoyance! Still a long way to go yet though!
  2. It would be in a spoiler box, but i suppose there's the temptation to look!! This is an EPIC EPISODE!!
  3. I think i just accidently saw (on the internet) what you are talking about! HOW ANNOYING!!! All i can say is OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This story/episode that has just been shown in Australia is one of the biggest thing to happen in Neighbours in a long time!!! I can post what happens (obviously in a spoiler box) and pictures if anyone wants to know!!
  4. I CANNOT WAIT....... oh no wait, who cares!! No date for Zelda!! No date for Baten Kaitos 2 either! and it looks as though Kirby may not make a GC appearance! Maybe it's been moved to Revolution! Cheers 'Hero-of-Time'
  5. Yeah, it always seems to be that whenever a dream is getting good, you wake up! If you want me to get psychological; i think it's because dreaming tends to take place most (dreaming is strongest) during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) part of your sleep pattern, which occurs at the beginning and end of your sleep cycle! Therefore you could be having a great dream at the end of your sleep cycle and wake up! DOH!
  6. Yeah you are right; if you get them in a group and then just aim the shotgun upwards at their heads it's also extremely useful.I like to try and conserve ammo in the first 2 chapters though, because they are much easier than the rest, and there are scenes later on (such as the house under seige, the grand hall, the wrecking ball room etc...) where it's nice to feel you have some ammo!
  7. Yeah but if you are trying to save ammo!
  8. A good tactic i've found for the village i to take cover in the small house on the far right that has a bed in the back room. Villagers can only get you from one way in that house; The front door. Just wait until they are about to come in through the door and kick it open in there face so they fall back; then the door nearly always has time to close again and just keep repeating. You can use the bedroom door if they get through the front door! Or just go into the bedroom and blast them in the doorway! Of course it matters where you hit them! Early on in the game headshots have a chance of killing an enemy in one shot (and later on in the game; depending on the power of your weapon). An arm shot for example would do practically nothing (unless they're about to throw dynamite!).But your right about that tactic you use. I use the same, especially in the Castle and onwards (where the enimies are stronger) because shooting a Zealot/Soldier in the knee is your best chance to kill them (maybe just using one shot), because you just run in and suplex them!
  9. Yeah true; the only laugh out loud moment i've had that recently was the Episode with the Badger (the one where they build a wall deviding Springfield and 'The Who' sing);Bart and Lisa are staring into the dog house saying "Dad, Dad, there's a badger in there" and Homers like "pfft, don't be so stupid! It's just Santas Little Helper!" and he put's his head right in there and is like "Here boy, Here B..ARGHHHHH" and the Badger launches onto him! One of my favourite ever lines from the show is; (Homer in posh voice) "Hello, My name is Mr. Burns, I believe you have a letter for me!" (Post Office) "OK, what's your first name Mr. Burns" (Homer in posh voice) "I.....don't..know!"
  10. I had a really wierd and bordering on scary/freaky dream once. I was in a huge old abandoned warehouse that must have been an old supermarket or store at some stage because it had isles. It was really run-down with next to no lighting and any lights there were, flickered on and off. I think it must have been a supermarket because there were rows of freezer units and cabinets in some places and they were making the place all misty as they venting cold steam and chilling the place. It was just me there, and now the extra freaky part; I was being chased around this abandoned warehouse by both a REALLY REALLY fast running, half cyborg baby! and a Really Really tall and SCARY, but slow moving giant guy (very much like the Nemesis out of Resi 3!). Such a wierd combination!! There was constant tension because of how the building was setup; it was hard to know where anyone was!! Constant suprises! There was also a metal walkway around the top of the warehouse which i remember helped me to get out their way for a while! You could make a scary film of it believe me! If anyone remembers that advert (for a car i think), where a baby breaks out of hospital and is running on all fours (like a cheetah or something) down a corridor at night (It was on quite a few years ago); that's exactly like the baby in the dream; although it was kinda half machine! You know when you are in a dream and they are scary (or it's not good) and you are so relieved when you wake up!!
  11. I heard that you could only buy the extra weapons; Infinate Rocket Launcher, Chicago Typewriter and Handgun on second playthrough files! Is this true? If so, then you would have could complete Professional once without them! (I'm on a second playthrough so the weapons are availiable to me, but if you start a brand new game can you buy them?)
  12. Yeah, that name would be TERRIBLE; 'Nintendo Future' I like as a name (that sounds similar)!
  13. Cool! at Christmas we took their trays, tied a rope to the back of our cars and went toboggoning/sledging on them around the racetracks frozen carpark! Couldn't really return them after that But worth it!!!!!!!!
  14. Yeah but there's no need for it when you can lock onto an enemy and the speed boost (double tap B) and space jump around it; I think that works great.
  15. Great drink; it's what i use to get drunk, and they're only £1.50!Those and Tequila shots!
  16. I have a mate who plays in the team for Bristol Uni
  17. Any kind of Roast for me! Could be Chicken, Beef, Pork Chops... Accompaniment include; Roast/Mash/New Potatoes, Bacon, Peas, Stuffing, Yorkshire Puddings, Parsnips, Carrots and of course; GRAVY!! I love Roasts!! (and I find it hard to put weight on; so it's all good! Bring it on!)
  18. Always Great to hear that all the key franchises are underway! And it's reassuring again to hear that third parties can use the 'classic-style expansion controller'! Sometimes i feel that journalists etc... forget about this when talking about the Rev!
  19. Please lets not talk about Nintendo On!! Not again!! Can't take it!! It's fake; we've seen the Rev and just look at Mario in the video!!
  20. Me too!!Though I found most of them on my second viewing; as I didn't know to look out for them the first time!
  21. Carling Extra Cold Best there is!!
  22. Hope you've all found the Millenium Falcons appearance in Eps.3!! And noticed the part when Yoda is fighting the clone troopers outside the temple and actually throws his lightsaber (and the blade stays on) at one of the troopers!! Then there's George Lucas too find in the film, but that isn't too hard!
  23. I really like Luis too, he's a great/cool character. I just meant that overall he isn't in it much and... So they might not choose to do him as an action figure. Be great if they did though!
  24. Yeah your right; hopefully it should help us to see more figures! I agree! Looking over the pictures you posted of the figures; I can't believe they let Leons final design look SO bad, it's a real dissapointment!! His hair doesn't look in the right stule and his face look so lacking and unlike him, like they've put very little work into it, especially if you compare it to Krauser in series 2 (and Ada to some extent). Also his arms look to big. Hopefully (but it's unlikely) we'll see a revised Leon in series 3! I'd like to see a New Leon, Ashley, Mendez (the Chief) and Saddler in Series 3 and depending on how many figures they do, maybe Luis (but he's pretty unimportant).
  25. Also I've got 2 threads about the Resi4 action figures with all the pictures and details if anyone wants an indepth look; Series1 http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1443 Series2 http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1689 What do you mean the latest figures may not have existed without the PS2 version? NECA say on their site that the PS2 launch was just a good time to reveal them! I don't have a PS2 anywhere for Resi 4
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