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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yep, same, got my confirmation through the other day. Went into GAME yesterday and they said they can take pre-orders for games (you get double points), and that they will have bundles, but they won't know what bundles and what games will be offered in them until around one week before launch.
  2. Update Trace The first collectable in the Metroid Prime Hunters series; Not a particularly interesting addition! After the AWESOME Samus collectable (see previous page), I'd have prefered them to show Phazon Suit Samus, Dark Samus, Samus' Ship etc... next!
  3. Also, how is that a good deal?? Wii with Wii Sports = £179.99 Zelda = £39.99 Red Steel = £39.99 Total = £259.97 Your Bundle = £259.99 (would actually be a few pence more! plus delivery maybe!)
  4. Just reminding everyone of the 15% HMV discount that expires tonight! http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=272167#post272167 You can pre-order Wii games for £28.04, Bargain!
  5. Charizard, Squirtle or Bulbasaur would be awesome!
  6. That's a US demo unit before anyone gets their hopes up!
  7. Can't really speak for Resi 2 & 3, because I haven't played them (though I've watched the whole games on Youtube, and they look great);but Code Veronica is a fantastic game! I had it on the Dreamcast and it's definately one of the consoles best games!
  8. Videos Character selection http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14677&type=wmv&pl=game Games http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14671&type=wmv&pl=game - Waterskiing http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14672&type=wmv&pl=game - Apple shot http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14680&type=wmv&pl=game - Tilt http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14678&type=wmv&pl=game - Flagpole http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14679&type=wmv&pl=game - Soda Fountain The graphics are definately better than the GC versions; check out the castle grounds!
  9. Yeah, Smash Bros is better without items IMO!
  10. I think Mario Party 8 will be a success! On the other hand; - GT Pro Series - Rampage: Total Destruction - Monster 4x4 World Circuit - Cars etc... Will not!
  11. You can't tell what the final levels will play like from that trailer, so don't judge too soon. Pit's level looks great with it's destructable environments, Snakes level looks to be more of a stage than just a few platforms, The outside Fire Emblem level looks AWESOME (kind of the new Hyrule Temple), With the Metaknight level; in the first trailer that introduced Metaknight, the video started off with all the characters fighting in an aircraft hanger, then on a 'lift' as the ship took off and then the level flew around outside. It's likely the level will play out that way, just think of how the F-Zero level worked, with the platforms flying above the track and landing back on it at different stages! It was awesome!
  12. I'm sure the Wii-mote will make Mario Party 8 a really great game. Mario Party 9 should still be fun; 10, 11, 12.......... however!
  13. AWESOME VIDEO!! - Mario Kart Level looks AWESOME; LOL at Pikachu crossing the road!!!!! - Yoshi Island level, love the art, but it's bound to be as dull as all the Yohsi levels are! - Awesome Pokemon Stadium level! - Metal Gear level looks cool: First Area of Metal Gear Solid 1? - Destructable environments! (on all levels? or just the 'Icarus level?) - Fox's level looks cool! Don't know what the level is set on though; is it a ship from one of the latest Starfox games? or just a random flying ship? - Fox's design is rubbish!! Still don't get what Zero Suit Samus is all about (and it wasn't explained in that trailer), when will the suit appear?
  14. One reason not to get White consoles is that they tend to gradually loose their whiteness over time (because of the sun); like the Dreamcast! I couldn't decide between the White and Black Wii (I was kinda edging towards the Black one), but Nintendo made the choice for me! I'm glad there will be different colour Wii-motes!
  15. I'd say yes! It was a fantastic and comfortable controller at the time! The Z trigger was awesome and the analogue was great! It's not as comfortable using it now, but that's because of the Wavebird!!
  16. Not one Sonic game in the list, shows how people now regard the series! Nintendo did great in the Top 10!!
  17. The game is to be called: Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn
  18. Well at the moment all other control they incorporate is a D-pad! so they wouldn't allow for much else!If they wanted to use it for other genres; they'd have to develop it alot further than that and implement numerous other buttons and attachments to get it anywhere near the complete control setup Nintendo has developed! And that will cost them money!
  19. They might aswell all be the same thing! There's no point them developing a range of them to look like the actual piece of equipment, because you aren't actually going to use it like that! You're not going to rest that golf club on the floor when it's the size of a pencil! Looks rubbish to me! There's no way they could be a Wii killer when they can only be used for the sports genres anyway! It's not as though it's coupled with a complete control setup like the Wii-mote and Nunchuck allow for! allowing for use in FPS, 3rd Person Adventures, RPG's etc... etc...
  20. I think it's probably because there's been such a lack of info from Ubisoft about the Wii version! where as the 360 and PS3 are getting regular trailers etc... Looking into the game to create this thread my interest has really gone up! I was never really sure whether the Wii was getting the game because of the lack of info; until I saw it in the Argos launch list! This is definately one of the best launch games, along with Zelda, Red Steel, Super Monkey Ball and Raving Rabbits and I too hope this game isn't forgotten about!!
  21. First of all, this game looks fantastic!! However, we're apparently getting this game at launch and yet there is surprisingly little known about the Wii version of the latest Splinter Cell! Last info on IGN: Anyone have any new info on the game? Anyone planning on getting this at launch, or soon after? I think I'll probably get it at some point. Here's a Review of the 360 version for anyone wanting to know what to expect; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14136&type=wmv&pl=game I hope that they've managed to implement a good Wii-mote control sceme; hopefully Ubisoft will use aspects from Red Steel, such as the grenade throw etc... Also, hopefully there will be some good multiplayer content and that Ubisoft have decided to use WiiConnect24 for updates!
  22. There seems to be quite a few Third Party missing though! - Ubisoft 7 (I thought they were all supposed to be launch games?) - Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Super Swing Golf Pangya - Madden 07 - Spongebob - Barnyard - Rampage - Pinball weren't alot of those meant to be launch games?
  23. I'm not including Wii Play because it's not really a game, just a collection of a few mini-games (at best)! It's just something free to give away with the Wii-mote to help people understand the whole Wii concept better! The Third isn't Wii Sports because it's bundled with the console and is therefore not a launch game to choose from! Yes there are some great Third party games, but there are a number of rubbish and rushed games aswell!
  24. Having already pre-ordered, I went into GAME the other day just to see if there was any more Wii info around. They had a sign up over the counter saying something like; 'Pre-order to guarantee you're Wii for Christmas: 6 Left!!' That was a few days ago, so chances are they've sold out of all their initial stock by now (and that could even include a 2nd stock I guess)!
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