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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. N64 like graphics?! Looked to me more like an early build of Kameo would have looked!
  2. Hope it's not true! I think she's been fantastic in the role! I wasn't sure how the series would be after Billie Piper, but Freema's been great!
  3. Great episode! probably the best of the series so far!
  4. Gametrailers Video Review - 8.3 http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=20015&type=wmv&pl=game Actually looks really good! The review also shows and talks about the use of Mii's in the game.
  5. Rosie and Pepper That really annoyed me! Second time the EXACT same thing has happened in Neighbours in just a matter of weeks! First Toadey and Steph, now Stingray and Sky! Can't stand Stingray and especially don't like the whole Stingray and Sky thing! haha yeah! She has fish lips and really isn't all that attractive! Everytime Elle would stir things up and say to Boyd how attractive Glenn was, it was just like, um... no she really isn't!
  6. Oh I hadn't noticed they'd moved from his wrist to around the arrow! Thought they just stayed around the wrist and were either there or not!
  7. Same!! This looks SO much more exciting than the original!
  8. What do the 'rings of light' do? Sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not!
  9. It's Ridley picking Samus up in his mouth which was the start of their fight in the 10 minute or so playable demo of the game (you can watch the video at IGN http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748547/vids_1.html);
  10. Yeah I'd forgotten about the beam sword (though is it definately original and not rfom custom robo or something we're not to familiar with?).I agree that there shouldn't be too many original items.
  11. Anyone know what game that's from? All the items are Nintendo games aren't they (or in SSBB, MGS aswell).
  12. Same! I hate it when that happens, got to fight it!
  13. Gonna be another night of coursework! 2 modules down, 3 to go!
  14. Wish they'd started showing it on BBC2 earlier, so the boxset wasn't so far off for the UK! You probably won't be able to buy it here until Christmas!
  15. Retro_Link


    More Pictures http://uk.media.xbox360.ign.com/media/784/784481/imgs_1.html Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19899&type=wmv&pl=game Interview http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19897&type=wmv&pl=game IGN Preview http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/790/790910p1.html This looks Awesome! and 4 Player co-op!!
  16. Gameplay videos http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19895&type=wmv&pl=game http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19872&type=wmv&pl=game http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19915&type=wmv&pl=game
  17. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19867&type=wmv&pl=game Gameplay Interview http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=19891&type=wmv&pl=game
  18. Well her and Ted know each other a fare bit from what they went through at her house; and I'd hope anyone of the heroes would reach out for her if there was trouble, as it looks in that picture! Plus Ted was the only 'hero' left so...
  19. Well looks a bit like him if his hair was swept back and also it's more like the clothes Ted would wear then Noah.Also you can't make out the glasses on the small pic (hadn't seen the enlarged one), and Noah isn't a 'hero' so I hadn't thought to include him. Anyways you thought it was Claires future boyfriend! so I feel no shame!
  20. Trailer http://www.cubed3.com/news/7614/1/Raving_Rabbids_2_CG_Trailer haha, very nice!
  21. I thought that was obvious! It's blatently Ted standing behind Claire! And you call yourselves Heroes fans! So basicaly clear everything up!? Wouldnt' be much fun going into Season 2. When you saw that clip of the countryside at the end and someone fall down into the grass, I thought it was Peter who fell but then they got up and it was Hiro!
  22. Cool! I expect we'll get them pretty soon after!
  23. Yeah same! I can't wait to see what happens, I hope there is some sort of Peter v Sylar fight (a more basic version of the one glimpsed in the future).Don't want it to end either though!
  24. August/September was always a likely date for Metroid Prime 3 (When you place it in relation to Mario Galaxy and SSBB); wouldn't be surprised if this is a real US date. Maybe Europe will get it September/October. (then Mario November/December and SSBB around March; although these may be the other way round now, what with all the latest rumours about SSBB)
  25. Just watched that and was surprised to see Fox lifted out the box at the start as that wasn't how I remebered it; so I looked around on Youtube and found one I did recognise with Yoshi at the start, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMlwNVqdhNc Was it a random character each time (I remember Yoshi, was there ever Mario?), or was it Yoshi in Europe and Fox in the US?
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