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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That was hillarious!
  2. OK can't believe I even asked the question now!
  3. New screens: http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/142/14286556/imgs_1.html Looks AWESOME!!
  4. Seems to now has just 2-player co-op!... This is one time where I wish either the PS3 or 360 had copied the Wii's motion controls! The Wii-mote proton pack and Nunchuck ghost-trap is really cool, but the latest trailer of the game on the other consoles is just awesome!!
  5. New Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43352.html Looks ALOT better IMO! Still not RE4 quality [why exactly Capcom?], but looks good enough!
  6. Extended 5 min trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43364.html Tap Runner really does look awesome! The Tap Beat game; does it expect you to tap with certain fingers at times, and there are 3 tap hardnesses? surely the game is not gonna recognise any of that properly? Either you could probably get away with doing anything, or it's gonna be impossible because the game will be constsantly misjudging your actions!
  7. Yeah, and maybe a Robbie Williams in there as well.
  8. Gameplay Videos: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43304.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43301.html Not liking the characters!
  9. As a quick MK2 solution can't Nintendo do something like port over Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Only with the gameplay [single karts etc...] of Mario Kart Wii and of course motion controls. I didn't enjoy the game all that much on the Gamecube, but I absolutely LOVE MKWii because of it's controls and single karts etc... I'd like the chance to play through those tracks again!
  10. Gametrailers Review - 8.7 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/43264.html
  11. No Afro Thunder then, but there is Simon Cowell!
  12. Let the countdown begin...
  13. Yeah they could at least be offering different colour Wii-motes by now; like they brought out all the coloured controllers for the N64! Ah yellow N64 controller how I love thee!
  14. Another class episode. The fight's about to begin! But get your bloody surgery!!!
  15. My Favourite 5: Super Smash Bros Melee Zelda: Wind Waker Metroid Prime Resident Evil 4 Super Monkey Ball
  16. Cheers Dante! Hyrule Field eat your heart out!! t'is how Hyrule should have looked!
  17. Yeah, NO WEAPONS! Analogue stick to drive and wii-mote waggle to spin attack, flick left/right to side slam could work. But I can't help feel that with a game that demands SO MUCH precision in your driving and the smallest adjustments left and right that you would need two hands on the controller?! It can't get watered down speed/level design wise though. 30 player races, are they possible, I dunno what with the speed and level design. Might have to be say 8 humans and the rest AI and with a drop in scenery. 30 player F-Zero X style death races could be good though as that was on a simple oval track.
  18. haha yeah I know it's rediculous! Personally that excuse is a load of crap to some extent, because they could make a fantastic game by designed an awesome level, and then having different routes through it for Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Sonic runs and grinds, Tails has flight paths and Knuckles climbs, glides, digs and punches his way through a level. They could change the gameplay by having Sonics level as they are now. Tails' could be a race [like they are in Sonic Adventure] where you have to hit all the shortcuts to win. And Knuckles could have to deviate off the paths slightly to hunt out say 3 emeralds in each level.
  19. They seem to lack the character of the F-Zero X tracks somehow; which are absolute classics!
  20. This is getting rediculous!! Hockenheims never been the same since they removed the 'forest run', but still, it's another classic track in danger of being lost!! I read on the autosports forum that Hockenheim changed it's layout to what it is now because Bernie wanted a circuit with more laps, so that spectators/VIP's could see the cars passing more frequently. But in doing so he took away the circuits character, charm and appeal, and now they are loosing money! I would hate it SO MUCH if the future of F1 was modern characterless circuits [built in wastelands; hello scenery!!], street circuits and Middle Eastern countries! And under Bernies control it looks like that's where we're heading!! That moneygrabbing hobit needs to go!!
  21. Why the Werehog:
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