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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. WTF! America get the restart almost a whole month early!
  2. I got this game over Christmas from play.com. Completed it and loved ever minute! I'm now doing the secret chest hunt and am finding some of them impossible!! I go into some levels and literally have no clue whatsoever!! Such a great game though and would love a sequel! The shake to the beat game? I'd be surprised if that's what you're talking about; because I don't think any of them have ever taken me more than 3 goes and I've done a number of them them first time!
  3. When does this start on the BBC?
  4. Both Mee and Yow! IMO both 'Up' and 'Issues' walk all over the shit that was 'The promise' [which only got to no.1 because Cheryl was in the X-Factor, it was one of their worst ever singles!] and 'The Loving Kind', which is alright and has a good video, but is only half decent because the Pet Shop Boys know how to write a catchy tune! Plus Sarah who unfortunately now seems to feature a lot more on their songs, sounds like a bag of cats being swung around!
  5. Half-Pipe Gameplay http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45259.html
  6. Yeah they say single player should be around 10-12 hours [i think], if you 'gold route it', or something [meaning if you don't explore, find stuff, solve all the puzzles etc...], which seems a good length for a single player if correct!
  7. There are a number of free downloads on his website; i've just recently downloaded the two I posted above. http://www.partyben.com Though open the page and leave it for a while before scrolling or clicking because i've often found the page can freeze if you don't give it time; because there are alot of things going on on that single webpage.
  8. I hope it's not much like Forest Gump because I don't like that film, but am interested in seeing this.
  9. Get your money back?
  10. Maybe you've heard them, maybe you haven't... a couple of awesome Party Ben mash-ups... Single Ladies - Beyonce vs. Andy Griffith theme Audio Life your life - Rihanna vs. Vampire Weekend Audio
  11. Is it kinda like Love Actually then in that sense?... which I think is a great film!
  12. Get a lot of junk mail do ya!?
  13. It was a pretty short film by todays standards; managed to hold my interest throughout. I also thought the effects were really good, I think they may have been criticised at the time?
  14. Hancock A very enjoyable 8/10 Dunno why this wasn't recieved better at the time, I really liked it.
  15. Comic-Con: Gameplay http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45243.html WTF @ the controls! Why was the ball barely moving when the level was tilted extremely sideways, yet when the level was tilted forward it really rolled and resulted in the player unexpectedly flying off the platform!
  16. Comic-Con: Developer Walkthrough Gameplay http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45246.html Comic-Con: Gameplay http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45196.html Looks much nicer than those last IGN vids! Great amount of stuff going on on-screen. Still un-decided, but impressive work!
  17. Urghh!... that is all!
  18. Yeh I see this Metroid announcement is most likely a Manga, but we shall see! Buy some rechargables!! HOTD: Overkill I'm sold on, though not sure I'll get it right away as I still have a few games to do more on including Shaun White, and getting all the secret chests on Zack & Wiki. I also started a Luigi Galaxy run-through which I wanna complete sometime! I'll look forward to your impressions of Deadly Creatures though, I do worry that game just isn't gonna sell!
  19. Lets Tap got an 8/10!! look forward to some more previews/reviews of that! Anyways, I'm pretty much sold on this now!
  20. Didn't look all that fun from those gameplay videos. Seems to share more in common with Secret Rings than I thought. Not really sure about this now, will probably give it a miss, at least at first, and wait and here ALOT of impressions!
  21. Hunters was a Prime series side story.
  22. I did post this here [as it not necessarily a Wii game, or game for that matter]: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22984&page=20
  23. New Metroid project?
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