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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. 65 Euros is rediculous, that's something like £55! Amazon.co.uk is the place to buy it, if they ship to the rest of Europe?
  2. Oh dear, what a mess F1 is becoming: After publically announcing the points system change, turns out it may not even be legal to make the change so close to the new season: FOTA says points change is not valid http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73809 How does the FIA not even know it's own governing rules! what a joke! Hamilton saddened by FIA's decisions http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73797 Montezemolo slams 'absurd' rule changes http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73791 You've gotta agree, and ask what's the point of a global F1 fans survey, if you're nor even gonna listen to the responses. Without the fans you've got no sport! EDIT: The BBC website is now reporting that the new system has been scrapped, or at least defered until 2010. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/7955790.stm Good! I don't think this system being introduced in 2010 either.
  3. Video Interview No Friends Codes! Created levels can be uploaded and distributed through EA!
  4. 8.3, very nice! It all sounds good, just a shame it's so far away for us!
  5. Looks really good visually. Why's it SO dark though, couldn't see a thing at times!
  6. I think conditions have been far better at Jerez this week; it's been much warmer. And it also goes to prove that you really can't read anything into testing!
  7. Sounding good to me!
  8. Just save your money for punch-out, or maybe Don King Boxing.
  9. Alonso also criticises the decision... EDIT: and it continues... Update: Enter Mark Webber!... Seems the rule change isn't going down overly well!
  10. As said above, Guiness is far nicer than any of the standard Bud, Fosters, Heini bullshite! A bottle of Bud will do, as will a Carling, but a good Guiness is definately right up front!
  11. I honestly can't describe how much I despise Bernie!... I just find him such a disgusting little creep, with eyes only for his own pockets! He just doesn't give a fck about what's best for the viewers [i'm not jst talking about this latest decision]. Maybe I'll start a 'Get Bernie Out' petition... I'm sure many an F1 fan would sign it, and FOTA would love to see it!
  12. wtf Flink?... moving on... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Haden!
  13. New IGN Interview http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/963/963176p1.html New Screens and Concepts
  14. I'm REALLY dissapointed with the FIA, seems FOTA weren't even consulted. I've really like FOTA's proposals [new points system] and plans for the sport, they seemed to really be getting on top of things and driving F1 in the right direction. I'm also annoyed because wasn't a statement put out a while ago saying how important public opinion was, and that the public reactions to proposals would be collected through opinion polls, before such changes were decided on. Yet this doesn't seem to have happened!
  15. lol, oh dear! How on earth did the game get past the testers if that's the case!
  16. Dunno, it certainly seemed to drag on in that video!
  17. Yeah it can be very unfaire and frustrating at times!
  18. Yeah I'm not happy about it going to the most number of wins, piece of crap. 12-9-7-5-4-3-2-1 was a much better solution, it gives others more chance of catching up. Also what a load of bollocks this is... lol, why not just call the tyre options: slicks, wets and extreme wets!
  19. Yeah I agree. I wouldn't say no to a sequel, but I'd much rather they put their efforts into so many of their other franchises they've yet to bring to the Wii. We don't really need another Mario platformer for another couple of years!
  20. Yeah actually, what one earth are Nintendo themselves doing with the balance board! We've got Shaun White, We Ski and Snowboard, EA Sports Active, Skate-It, Marbles!, that boxing game... But nothing new or even announced from Nintendo! and the balance board came out about a year or so ago now! Not even Punch-Out's using it is it?
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