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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. And who says Nintendo Tee's can't get you girls! Congrats man! Looks ace!
  2. Gonna try GAME in town tomorrow for WarioLand and maybe Endless Ocean aswell. Gotta get De Blob at some stage, HotD aswell.
  3. Snooker Awesome session, John Higgins FTW!... My Favourite Player.
  4. You're gonna LOVE it!
  5. Filthy! What on earth is BonMarch!... like a 'good supermarket' or something? is it an Aylesbury one off?
  6. Actually yeah the middle handle of the N64 pad is very nunchuck like when you look at it from that angle. Don't think I knew anyone who had problems holding it, *it's pretty simple!* But I actually can't think of a time when I EVER held the left hand prong!... either left and middle, or left and right! What was the d-pad setup ever used for?... did Turok and a couple of FPS use it?
  7. Actually, looking at pictures, whilst the Panasonic Q seemingly looked great at the time, I'm not sure it's aged very well, or at leats it's not as nice as I remember it. Dreamcast was pretty nice... With it's nice orange light at the front.
  8. It's the space behind the grill that's showing up, she would have had to put something behind it.
  9. Heck no, I bought a purple Gamecube after all! But obviously I would have preffered the GC to have been styled like the GC Panasonic Q, but hey, in the end it's the games that count! I do love the N64 and especially it's controllers!
  10. http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm ^ This guys stuff is AMAZING, check out the website...
  11. Welcome to the forums!! Run... it's not too late!
  12. He also said Lewis hasn't had it easy and is a nice guy! ... crazy! Maybe he helped galvanise F1 in the past but honestly Bernie and Max's ego's are getting so big, they are growing completely oblivious to what the fans who make the sport, actually want from the sport!
  13. They've got it at £29.99, only got the Special Edition up atm.
  14. Did GT do that? I always thought with these that it was an interview/piece the devs put together?
  15. Huh... did quite wanna go see Wolverine, but may just wait for the DVD or something now.
  16. Developer Interview: Mentions Co-op, Controls, Achievements system etc... Possible WiiMotion+ unlockables could be interesting!
  17. Mighty Trailer:
  18. I'd prefer they did a new 2D remake tbh!
  19. Sold my Megazord, Dragonzord, White Tiger Megazord and Power Morpher at a car boot sales years ago, However, today I found my Goldar figure, and my Power Ranger Blaster that morphs into a sword!
  20. Just sorting through some old boxes of stuff to chuck/put on ebay, and found amongst other things... Starcom - have loads of this AWESOME stuff, but all the white vehicles have yellowed! Bucky O'Hare - Dead Eye Duck, Bruiser, Captain Planet - Captain Planet, Wheeler, Kwame Army Antz ???, Joker Ghostbusters Also found Swimming Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles figures, Boglins, Monster in my Pocket, a one legged Batman, Batwing, Robin Hood figures a Transformer that doesn't actually transform into anything, Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds and more!
  21. The visuals on the motobike levels are too unclear aswell IMO.
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