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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. In some ways it feels like Mario Kart as a series still hasn't caught up with Diddy Kong Racing. Story mode, explorable hub and levels, boss races, land v air v sea, stackable weapons for strategy... So, so, good! Having said that I thought Mario Kart Wii was great.
  2. Aside from the potentially awesome DK Minecart Runner, some other series that would be great on mobile would be: Fire Emblem/Advance Wars Mario Golf Wario Ware Brain Training etc... A Wii Fit app for Running, Yoga etc... Nintendogs
  3. Wasn't that impressed with it from the trailer, but we'll see.
  4. Then either you simply don't know about many of these games, or you have double standards.
  5. See I feel like you know better than this @Serebii, surely you yourself could pretty much justify the purchase of a PS4/One on the Indie scene alone? Rime, ABZU, Velocity 2x, Ori and the Blind Forest, No Mans Sky, Transistor, Volume, Apotheon, Everybody's gone to the rapture, The Witness, The Tomorrow Children, WiLD, Inside, Broken Age, Below, Cuphead, Drifter, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Valient Hearts, OliOli, Trials, Mighty No 9, Source The list doesn't end.
  6. I'm not really into JRPG's, however FFXV may interest me because having watched some gameplay videos and impressions of the demo it seems it's taking an action approach to the battles.
  7. @Ronnie have you brought this into the PS4 thread now because everyone is bored senseless of it in the Nintendo board? When I pick up a PS4 I'm doing it for: Lego Marvel, Infamous, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider, Drive Club, Tearaway Unfolded, Shadow of Mordor, Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3, No Man's Sky, Uncharted 4 Flower, Rime, Broken Age, Velocity 2x, ABZU That looks an incredibly diverse selection to me, no?
  8. 3D World is the first 3D Mario game that I'm just not that interested in buying though, so it can't be doing everything right. I just don't really like the vibe it gives off. I'm quite interested in it for multiplayer, but that's about it.
  9. The phone would need a stylus though, fingers would be way to imprecise especially in that size screen, and would also o'clock your view.
  10. So tired of this points scoring bollocks.
  11. £25 at Gameseek apparently.
  12. @Ronnie and @Wii your constant petty bickering really is such a drag. *sigh*
  13. Wii and Ronnie, haven't you both told us in the past you're on one another's ignore lists, or you would at least ignore one another.
  14. Yeah what on earth @Ronnie, that is one if the worst examples of something I've ever seen! It argues against your point far more than does anything to prove it.
  15. Yeah I have to say I don't really like the vibe of these Rayman games. I can appreciate the visual style but the character design doesn't appeal to me. I tried the demo and yes the music level is fun, but the floaty gameplay as a whole, not so much. 2D Mario needs to seriously raise it's game however. They should make an HD Shake Dimension graphics engine.
  16. The visuals are pretty disgusting tbf.
  17. Yeah I look forward to it every week too! I have to day I did enjoy the German character last week :p And funny that he referenced it this week.
  18. @Wii You could say the same about Luigi though until they gave him great characterisation through the Luigi's Mansion series, and now look at him go! It'd just be intriguing for you to give this game a go, or a rent or something and see if you enjoy it.
  19. What is your objection to this game again @Wii? Is it just the fact it was a full game made out of 'bonus levels' from SM3DW and thus deemed a bit lazy? You surely can't deny the visuals, characters, and quality of the levels themselves as puzzles.
  20. *insert Kyle Bosman voice* Twooo yeeears abaaybee
  21. Wait, I don't understand how the treasure hunt works. So you just have to have the pixel Toad on camera for the countdown to begin? That seems like the game would almost find it for you.
  22. Like another shooter? I'm more interested in this for the single player. Hope that turns out well.
  23. Awkward...
  24. Yeah Deus Ex is fantastic!
  25. And you don't see the need for it and get pissed when people mention it. We get it!
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