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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Dante, can you stop spamming news quite so much. You already posted it in the MvC3 thread, which is really the only place it belongs.
  2. What on earth was that? That was possibly one of the worst episode's I've ever seen! It was so all over the place, with no coherency, poor acting and dialogue! One minute the Doctor was all 'Cassandra... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'.... the next almost skipping down the street! and "Did you just say something about my mother?" And how come the Doctors completely stupid and irresponsible all of a sudden... seemingly not really bothered about sending Amy into any situation? I'm not really liking the relationship in this series... it's all a bit wierd. But you've gotta love the old, 'walk along the floor as though you're walking up a wall trick!' Next weeks concept looks interesting, but I'm beginning to loose interest tbh!
  3. So in summary... Rosberg's been fucked over! Red Bull are immense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. No, never been confirmed, it just seemed a good possible option.
  5. Yeah it's true that they are too similar. I hope the writers have the courage to keep the cast quite tight and not go OTT. They can really build the team up if they go ahead with a sequel (like they did with Transformers 2, albeit badly), but just having IM, CA, Thor, Hulk, NF, BW all together in one film would be enough for the first outting! I just worry that we could come up with a better script on this forum, than over eager directors having to meet a deadline!
  6. Can you PLEASE post a picture of your collection in the comic book thread, or somewhere?!!
  7. You mean unenjoyable?
  8. I think he should be, only as a supporting character mind you who will be in the background and pop up during battle scenes etc... Because he'll be an additional character, which will make it appear like more of a team, but someone which they won't have to spend any time on introducing.
  9. Yeah thanks!
  10. Oh right, yeah!
  11. There was a Wario Ware for Gamecube?!
  12. Goafer is that using a wide angle lens? Also, any chance you could post the original photo for conparison?
  13. Yeah but as Happenstance said, I think they should loose the first fight due to inexperience, and then they can fight him again at the end. Or maybe the first time it's just Iron Man, C.A. and Thor, then more join before the finale. ... Wasp, Giant Man... Really? Personally I'd prefer it stuck to Iron Man, C.A., Thor, War Machine, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Hawkeye (looks cool), and Hulk!
  14. I think 40mins in, is way too late to effectively start the story of a pretty complex movie!
  15. I'm a bit worried for Nico... Do you think Mercedes have completely built this new car for Schumacher?... I think they would and I'm pretty put out by that. ALOT has changed on that car and suddenly Schumi is 0.5 quicker than Nico. And considering Schumacher has been 0.5 slower up until now... what... he's suddenly found 1 second! Yes it's only practice, but still!
  16. Yeah it CAN but potentially at major detriment to the film. The last thing this needs to be is Wolverine or X-3, too many characters or too much going on. If this film was coming out in 2014 I'd be confident, but it seems to be beeing rushed. Thus the safest thing to do for the benefit of the film is try and lay out a bit of the groundwork first in C.A., and keep the cast of characters down, using already established characters to give it some bulk, consistency and familiarity.
  17. Hang on, how can they give Presentation 9.5, and some of you lot are saying it's like an N64 game.
  18. Yeah, this announcement could have been Star Fox, Wave Race, F-Zero, Kirby, Pilotwings... but no, because that would have been what us fans actually want!
  19. Yeah I really don't like Hulk much either, and would be a bit concerned to see him back again the The Avengers. However, I really think he is the best way to go enemy wise, because otherwise it's surely gonna be way to much for the first movie to take!... especially if it's a wave of enemies!
  20. Hmm... so a new Mario Party... but without the instant charm! But it's bound to be a lot of fun, given the latest games in Wii Fit Plus like the Obstacle course, Chicken flight, Bubble River etc...
  21. I have a feeling they may all be introduced to one another in a short scene at the end of Captain America. Given the film is called 'The First Avenger'... and then you'll see him, Iron Man and Thor introduced to one another at the end? We could then assume they've gotten to know each other a bit between this film and The Avengers... which could open with a huge fight/action scene of them on thier first mission. This 10/15minute opener could then be used to showcase a few other Avengers who have joined... with the team all shouting too/at one another, wanting to take charge, getting in each other way, trying to beat one another to the shot etc... and yeah ultimately failing as you said Happenstance! Hulk as the enemy would make a lot of sense for this first outing (as we know him like you said Paj)!... and who could then go on to join in a sequel?
  22. Not forgetting Hulk as well, whether with or against The Avengers. I think Black Widow will definately be in the film (though again probably just a supporting role), because Scarlett Johansson has said she hopes people really like what she did with the character as she hopes to be included in the bigger story. The problem I foresee is just HOW MUCH there is to fit into this film. Are they all just gonna be together as a unit from the beginning, all already knowing one another and working as a coherant team?... Because otherwise, you've got to introduce them to one another... introduce the concept of this superhero fighting squad, convince all the characters to join/that it will work, introduce a bunch of new characters (whether main roles, or supporting/cameos), introduce the enemy etc... that's already more than enough for 2+ hours in itself! And that's without any characters disputing the team/setup and just going along with it (which would be unconvincing), and arguing with one another (which wouldn't be believeable to the concept at hand)... Seriously how are they going to do it!
  23. Ah right ok, I don't think all these characters will phase the audience as such, but perhaps those who had bought into Iron Man's world... which all of a sudden will be bought crashing into a total mindfuck of characters! ... well yeah, just Thor really!
  24. Where's Thor from then?... just a different time, or an alternate reality or something? I thought he was banished to Earth from Asgard after being deemed not yet fit enough to rule?
  25. Do you think the Iron Man movie world is gonna be negatively effected by the surrealness of The Avengers cast? Many put Iron Man's success down to it's 'realness/this could happen', because Multi-millionaire, turned flying mech suit superhero is essentially a possible concept, all be it far fethced one... But suddenly throw in the Hulk (who has never been realised perfectly), and a God from another Planet etc... Do you think it will have an effect? Question: How does Tony Stark in the comics, react to finding out about all these other 'superhumans'... because let's face it, they're a pretty alien concept to both him and his alterego! ... surely he'd have a hard time buying it!
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