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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Dev Walkthrough: Pretty much sold on this, looking forward to a good old unique platforming experience. Though if I had one criticism... I'm wondering if the whole paint/thinner thing will get a little old after a while? I hope there is more to the combat system than keeping your distance and spraying one or the other. Hopefully Mickey has a few moves himself. The 'stetch' moves, like the TV look like they'll add a little something else though.
  2. Dickhead in the video talking to Retro's guy... 'Yeah from a core game to a kids game, you know' 'Umm... I'm not sure that it's a kids game' ... I'm glad he couldn't make it through the level! Cause now he sucks at a "kids game"
  3. Hmm, it's no "Nice to see you, to see you... nice!!"
  4. I love the 3DS! Nintendo are just going absolutely all out... it feels almost like the Wii's successor, let alone the DS'!!
  5. Ah ok thanks guys, best give that option a miss then!
  6. Is it a realistic option to buy one from the US, is Sim Free basically the only possibility, is it not worth the hassle? Or if you did buy a Sim Free, then what do you do back in the UK. Yes I'm crap when it comes to phones... I don't buy them very often.
  7. Anyone worried this may not sell too well though?
  8. All we need now is for Rare to announce Banjo-Threeie-De-es-ie.
  9. Seriously though, I don't know why'd anyone would expect more than a graphical update... Nintendo have enough games thier bringing to DS... and I'd rather they focused the majority of their efforts on the new games like Paper Mario etc...
  10. This looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
  11. Personally I think it looks like they've stepped it up alot since Gears 2, which IMO they had to do (I wasn't overly keen on what they did with that and think I much prefered Gears 1 as an experience), but from what was shown it's kinda just more of the same! But I'll still play it and have some fun!
  12. Better Gameplay Video: (faster and Act 1 & 2)
  13. A look around the console:
  14. Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, De Blob, HotD: Overkill, Dead Space Extraction, Sin & Punishment 2, Silent Hill, PunchOut, New Super Mario Bros... These would all make fantastic rentals. Also Little Kings Story, but that would make a better full purchase, because it can be found really cheap and has 40+ hours of gameplay.
  15. E3 Trailer: Currently playing through Okami and really liking it! Great to see recognisable characters and areas in that trailer... makes it feel like a real continuation... and they've found a neat way of doing it! Very much looking forward to this now!!
  16. E3 Trailer: Currently playing through Okami and really liking it! Great to see recognisable characters and areas in that trailer... makes it feel like a real continuation... and they've found a neat way of doing it! Very much looking forward to this now!!
  17. E3 Trailer: E3 Gameplay: (off screen)
  18. First Gameplay: (off screen)
  19. Yeah the art style is suddenly lacking in this game after all the amazing announcments at E3. This will be a tough sell to me, what with all the amazing new Wii and 3DS games on the horizon.
  20. This really did look SO much better at E3. Looking forward to this ALOT more now!!
  21. Urgh, I'm pretty bored of Sonic tbh. 3D gameplay still looks like they can't get any decent controls sorted out, movement still looks awkward. I think I'll be saving my money for the 3DS and it's games instead!
  22. Awesome!! And they come with a hot girl attachment!!
  23. Hope this isn't just another Umbrella Chronicles/Darkside Chronicles. I'd like a new chapter to the story, not just some extra bit fitted in somewhere or retold.
  24. Yeah that's what I'm thinking, hopefully it will have a decent length and isn't just a short extra chapter.
  25. Yeah absolutely agree! The change in style really has me interested and I love that this seems to have a bit of a Sin & Punishment type gameplay, and on a handheld, in 3D!!
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