Maybe, I just had a feeling that it would be somewhat overlooked on the PS3/360... I'm not sure the original sold overly well on them did it?... especially given big games out around that time like GTAV and Splinter Cell (and who knows what else to be confirmed at E3), combined with people beginning to maybe save for/look towards next-gen.
To me I thought they could do a really great push for the game now on Wii U given the lack of games, it could basically be treated as a First Party title given the beautiful graphics and Gamepad support... a feature that will get less attention in a multiplatform release as people just consider the version for the console they already have. They could then push it again for the 360/PS3 at maybe a £10 cut price... It'll likely do the predicted numbers on the PS3/360 whenever it's released given the constant first/third party competition.