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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. It may get a bit busier, and I guess it all depends if people decide to make more threads or something. If its all compressed into one thread, then...it's not going to make a huge difference, heh. Yeah, it's quite a nice forum as a whole, I think. There were always be a few pricks here and there, but there's considerably less than other forums. Ever want a laugh? Look at the GameSpot forums. Bluddy awful. They make a new thread for eveeeerything. Why have one thread talking about something? Why not six?! Gah.
  2. I wish they would have shown something with that sensor, though. If anything, just to give us some form of insight of how they'd use it. It's good that they're giving us ideas, but I want to see these ideas in motion. A nice interview though. Can't say I've heard of Venturebeat, though. Does that make me bad?
  3. I'm kinda inspired to purchase the Prime Trilogy now. I was half tempted before, but now it's a dead certainty. I always have a craving to get out my SNES and play through Super Mario All-Stars, as that is pretty much my most prized SNES cartridge. Ahh, those were the days. All in all, it was a good E3 for Nintendo. They're in that position where they're trying to please everyone, and to some extent I think they did well at that. Of all three console makers, Nintendo have got it the hardest, imo.
  4. I'm confused by what the first post is asking. But, it's been a strange generation, this one. We're probably about halfway through the lifecycle for this generation of consoles, yet people are abandoning consoles, "jumping ship", or forking out money to buy new consoles. Suddenly, if games like Pilotwings and Kid Icarus (which were not even released on any console during the last generation of consoles) are not shown in some form, or if games like F Zero are not released, people go into a frenzy. I always knew Nintendo fans were strange, but this generation has really been something else. I doubt many would be happy with anything that gets shown or released. Pedro is pretty much right in his last post, if the Wii was looked at on it's own merits and it's own games, then it would be seen a lot more favourably.
  5. It's not a multiplatform website or forum, though. Also, the front page for this board ends with a last post dated about 3 days ago. It wouldn't really make sense to separate the boards. Anyway, I'm still chuckling from the PSP banter a few posts up.
  6. Those are the nights where you sneak off to play Wii. Then, when she asks for a hug or comfort, you tell her that you are tired, or you have a headache and this will help you feel better.
  7. Hmm, I'm just gonna do a general "top 5" regardless of when they're coming out. Games that have been confirmed and we've actually seen footage of...so I'm not gonna say Zelda Wii, as that's a bit daft. In order, they are probably: 1. Silent Hill 2. Metroid: Other M 3. Dead Space 4. Super Mario Galaxy 2. 5. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle It's hard trying to whittle it down to just 5. Other notable mentions go to: Red Steel 2, ExciteBots, New Super Mario Bros, Sin and Punishment, The Conduit and Muramasa. There's reasons why certain games are above others. Silent Hill looks really refreshing and I've kinda been following that for a while, and it just keeps looking better and better. It would be wrong if I just...didn't purchase that after all the effort that has been put in. Metroid is another brave effort. It's different to its predecessors, and something tells me that this is going to be the next "Prime" in the sense that we'll remember this for years to come. Dead Space has something about it that has captured me. It's a certain charm. It seems very tense and exactly what I fancy playing. A tense space shooter. Galaxy and NMH 2 are both sequels to two brilliant and great games, so I want more of them. But, I'm more excited over the fresh efforts than these two. Only just, mind.
  8. Well done, dude. Welcome to a life-time of Sex On Tap! Sex on Tap! Sex on Tap!
  9. ...You Gonna Need A WheelChair!
  10. The interesting thing about ideas like that is that gaming is more "personalised." You could put two gamers, side by side, playing the same game, but both having different experiences depending on how they interact with the game. What about using this on something like Silent Hill? The game could identify if hordes of enemies is really not having an effect on the game, and instead focus on a different route. So, the quiet sections, with the odd enemy jumping out. The potential is there, I guess that is all the creators can do, put these devices out there. Then, it's up to the developers (both first, second and third party) to do something with these peripherals.
  11. I had the first Wario Land on the Gameboy and loved it! He really is a fun character. It's awesome that Nintendo have used him a lot more these days, especially in Wario Ware and The Shake Dimension. A Super Wario Bros. with Wario and Waluigi...I'd buy it!
  12. I think a Super Mario Bros. style game (sidescroller) which focuses on Bowser, Wario, Waluigi and the Goombas trying to overthrow Mario would be awesome. Wario is where it's at!
  13. Or else....Or Else.... Or Else You Will Diiiiieeeee! Edit: It is official. I laughed at my own post.
  14. Aye, that's what I was talking about. Ok, awesome then. I still need the first on VC, but I have a lack of Wii Points. Something tells me that this will be rock hard. At least, for me anyway.
  15. Haha, it definitely is interesting. Although, I think it all depends on how decent the swordplay can be done on the Wii, particularly with WiiMotionPlus. If the Zelda series were one which was orientated around gunfire and stuff, then I think it could handle the jump into 1st Person quite easily. One thing though, it would make exploring the dungeons very different. I'd actually love to see some footage of classic Zelda dungeons but in first person all the way through. Mmm.
  16. I couldn't watch the video with sound as people are too loud in this room and I can't hear a thing, but are we able to move the character on screen? I assume so, but just checking.
  17. Wow...I feel old. I've always thought a Home Console 2D Mario was overdue. One thing though...why the two different coloured toads? It does seem a bit like they ran out of characters. Well...we've got Mario..Luigi...Toad...we can't have Peach as she's obviiiiously in another castle. Let's have Toad 2! That's a bit lame, I think.
  18. That's the funniest reaction I've ever seen/read to a death. "Sir, your wife is dead." "Aw, shiiiiiiiiiiit!" Also, well done for posting that vid, Dog.
  19. That's a weird thought. 18 years, shiiit. That can't be right?!
  20. You got your comeback wrong. He switches from 3rd to 1st. Pffft, as if that counts.
  21. I wonder if the Metroid switch from 1st to 3rd will mean Zelda switches from 3rd to 1st, haha.
  22. You Know Me Too Wellllllll. The Bauer specific ones are great. If it's just Bauer's name pasted over Norris' then its a bit rubbish.
  23. I love the Bauer jokes. These are three that I literally cried at: Once, someone tried to tell Jack Bauer a "knock knock" joke. Jack Bauer found out who was there, who they worked for, and where the goddamned bomb was. When Kim Bauer lost her virginity, Jack Bauer found it and put it back. If Rosa Parks was in Jack Bauer's seat, she'd move to the back of the bus. You can't argue with that.
  24. I saw this literally about 5 mins before it got posted here. I'll always remember his "Superman" speech in Kill Bill The Second. R.I.P.
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