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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. But...but...even Ellmeister said that I wasn't a racist. My manager says you're bang out of order.
  2. Just seen Suarez's goal from yesterday. Excellent goal, but it's definitely not better than Crouch's against City. I also have to agree with Ramar and say that I prefer Di Santo's goal as well. Still, they're all amazing goals, all of them. Tomorrow...so excited and nervous at the same time. I always feel sick before these types of games, it's big. I'll even be relieved if we get a 0-0 from there, wouldn't care.
  3. Hey, hey, cmaan. That word means "like a brother" where I come from.
  4. It would take a lot of money. Even getting Capello to become England manager was a massive move, imo. Lots of money involved. I could see somebody like Rijkaard wanting it because there are some promising youngsters that are coming through that I think he would enjoy coaching. I have no doubt that England would play great football under him. Like you say, there's the media hounding, but I think you'd expect to get that from being a National Team manager, or at least a national team manager with lots of big names. You'd get the same from being France manager, Italian, Argentinian, etc. I do like Roy and I blame his problems at Liverpool down to the running of the club by the owners more than anything. But, it's taken a fair amount of time for the FA to get from Capello stepping down to this particular moment. I'm still not entirely convinced that going for an English manager is the best route to take. The failings of the last manager weren't down to him being foreign. There's far more problems than that. If he gets the job, I hope he does well, because I do like the man.
  6. There's tons of managers out there. Like you say, there's some that are already in jobs. If the right deal comes along, there's nothing to say they won't. What about the likes of Guus Hiddink or Frank Rijkaard? Hiddink has the international pedigree and has already managed some of the players in the Premier League, whilst its also clear that Rijkaard is special, winning La Liga and Champions League with Barcelona. You got it spot on when you talked about the media storm. The media don't help at all, and they sabotage our hopes when every competition comes around almost as much as the manager and players do. I like Roy and think he's done a great job for West Brom this season. But, there's a massive difference between being West Brom manager and England manager. There is so much pressure, and the reason why I think he's done so well with Brom is because the pressure has been off him.
  7. Yes. Yeeees. Keep this argument going with Ell please. Hopefully these mind games will fuck him up before we meet each other in the league.
  8. Out of curiosity, how come there are two teams named Seahawks? It's confusing my mind.
  9. I don't really seem why the next manager has to be English. We're shooting ourselves in the foot by doing this, as we're limiting our options.
  10. Fuck, what a crazy day. Wolves were 3-0 and 4-1 down and brought it back to 4-4. That Wigan scoreline is insane, too. The battle at the bottom is so exciting to watch. It seems like there's lots of big battles going on this season at this late stage: Teams going for the title, the rush to get fourth and the relegation battle. I reckon Blackburn have gone, so that final spot is between Wigan, Bolton, QPR and Aston Villa. Based on how they've played this season, I hope its Villa.
  11. I never said it was part of my main argument at all...but rather that it was something worth thinking about. It was clearly stated that way. If Nintendo do it, then great. But, they've got other things that are probably more important...such as showing off more software.
  12. Why or how is it a rubbish argument? At the moment, there isn't a way to buy a game once and play it on the 3DS and Wii. I don't even know if it's possible at the moment, hence why I said I can see it happening between WiiU and 3DS. It's nice to be able to have the choice to play it in more than one way. At the moment, Nintendo aren't giving you that choice. Maybe they'll surprise me and allow this to happen, but I'm not really holding my breath. This is the same company that releases 3 different editions of Pokemon every generation, for example. Also, with respect, Apple aren't Nintendo and Nintendo aren't Apple. Just because one does things a certain way doesn't mean the other will follow. You would think that Nintendo would allow us to buy something once and have it available across platforms, but it's nowhere near guaranteed.
  13. Heh, it's a bad time to work in the Cinema business. The person who organises the timetables is probably looking at that and crying in a corner somewhere.
  14. I can understand not wanting to buy the game twice, but there's such a huge can of worms here. It's not "essential" that you have it on both. You have it on Wii, you don't really need it on the 3DS as well. Also, another thought: I have a ton of SNES games from years and years back. I gave Nintendo my money then, and now I want to play these on the 3DS without giving my money again. Should Nintendo allow that as well? Just throwing that out there. (Note: I'm not saying that I expect Nintendo to make these available to me, but that it opens up quite a few possibilities, questions and arguments). Of course it would be awesome if they let you purchase the game once and it's available on Wii and 3DS, but we know Nintendo well. If there's an opportunity for them to make money, they will do it. I don't even know how it would be possible to transfer VC games from Wii to 3DS. I can imagine a system in place for the WiiU where you can play games on the 3DS and WiiU. Hmm.
  15. It would be a shame to lose those players, as the Spurs team looks like its in a good place at the moment. Just a few more additions here and there needed. Just watched Southampton against Coventry on BBC1. Managed to miss all four goals somehow. o_O
  16. Gareth Bale uncertain over Spurs future Three possible teams to get into that fourth spot. No guarantee that fourth will even get them a Champions League place if Chelsea beat Bayern. So, you'd have to say that the odds are against Spurs to get into the Champions League, as they are fifth at the moment. I could definitely see some of the big names leaving the club if Harry does become England manager or if they don't get fourth or above.
  17. Hmm, I'm not sure I would. It's a Wii game, I want to play it on the Wii. Now. Actually, no. I wanted this months ago.
  18. God, Seahawks. They're going to turn me over in the next game. Do you know when you just know you're going to lose? I felt the same way before Coloccini and Haden, as well.
  19. I didn't like MKWii, but I can see that they at least tried to mix it up and change it. The best one for me was the one on the DS and I would actually have appreciated if they had kept that the same but transferred it into the home console format. I don't really see the problem in "legacy" stuff, though. It's their franchise, and it's not like they're putting it out every year. It's clear that there is some progression between each game, but some of the choices being made seem to be bad choices. (imo) They've taken the series online and it's evolved beyond a simple single-player experience. It's nice that they've added stuff like being able to go underwater, it opens up new possibilities. What I actually think they'd benefit from is refining some of their ideas and releasing another one in the next few years, a better one, rather than having to wait an entirely new generation. I know your opinion on Brawl and Other M, but I'd have to disagree with you. Brawl actually felt a lot more manageable to play. Whereas, at times, Melee was a bit too crazy and "light". The characters seem to have more weight. I really like the game and they packed in so much content that I find it hard to dislike it. I don't really go for the whole "technical" fighting stuff that you go for, neither have I ever played any of the Smash Bros games in that way. It's always been an opportunity for me to smash Pokemans and Peach in the face with your mates. That's never changed for me. As for Other M, we could have a whole thread to discuss that. I loved near enough everything about it and found it very memorable. Also, it was just so incredibly fun to play. I felt exactly the same as when I played Fusion or Prime or Super for the first time. It's a true Metroid game, whilst being different in its own right. Hmm, everybody has a different opinion on this. My opinion is that I own twice as many Wii games than I ever did Cube or N64, that I think the third party support is better, and that Nintendo managed to re-invent certain franchises really well. Galaxy kicked arse, Epic Yarn is incredible from seeing Ine play it (I'll be on that when she's done) and that there's more than enough there to please different people. If they're willing to give it a go.
  20. Like what? Honestly, they're nowhere near as bad as you're making out. We get the mandatory Mario Kart per console/handheld, but I don't think they really go beyond that. They were worse in the past.
  21. Come on, now. There's a 5 year gap between the current and last Mario Party game. You can do better than that, Bard. It is quite funny how this thread can be turned into a negative thread aimed at Nintendo.
  22. ...I was just getting adjusting to life again, without the pain of getting this. Only for you to bring it all up again. I don't think we're ever going to get it. It's too late now. WiiU will be out later this year, and that'll be it. The most we can hope for is being able to download it digitally at some point in the future.
  23. I would love to be able to use this software, but it would seem too overwhelming for me. I can barely draw stickmen. It seems like it could be one of those that is too complex for somebody with little talent, but too basic for those with artistic talent. I want something similar but done with music instead of animation. Don't think there's anything like that on the system, though.
  24. I haaate packing. The whole process is lame. Packing something away, only to unpack it later. I'm going to patent some kind of teleportation device, where the objects get from one place to the other instantly. Good luck with the parents meeting stuff. I've only just braved it and had Ine meet my clan. Getting both sets to meet each other seems a long way off yet!
  25. Why would you need it on both? Nintendo isn't forcing you to do anything in that instance.
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