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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Yes, it's lovely that the game has a multiplayer, but it's missing the point entirely. This was touted as the unofficial sequel to Aliens. They've got Michael Biehn and Lance Henrikson on board to do the voice acting, which shows you how high they were aiming for. This game didn't even have a multiplayer until it was late into its development. The disappointment is mainly with the lack of atmosphere, which makes the films what they are and separates the franchise from being your ordinary "monster movie" or space-flick. The scene in Aliens where Ripley makes her way into the hive to find Newt is nervy because of the lighting, the inability to make out really what's in front of you, the fact that you don't know what is around every corner. She is effectively blind. And scared because of her previous encounters with the Aliens, which killed her crew in the first film and annihilated a squad of marines in the sequel. Who cares if the multiplayer is good or not? If you wanted that, you should have just picked up any of the previous AvP games, which already feature more than decent multiplayers, especially the second. What was supposed to set this game apart from previous games and shooters was the single-player campaign, which was effectively "playing the movie". To illustrate just how far this game has fallen short, look at the trailer from above which details just how different the game appears from what is promised. Even by removing some of the lighting effects, it changes the tone of the game completely. How would the atmosphere of the films compare if every corridor was brightly lit and you could see EVERYTHING? Even then, that's only one aspect. There are so many more. So, no. Normally I'd be polite about this and say something positive, but not this time. This is a series which I am passionate about and have loved ever since I first laid eyes on it. It's already been dragged through the gutter with rubbish such as Alien Resurrection and AvP: Requiem. This game just adds to that. Very disrespectful to the fans for how the development of this game has taken place, including the complete farce with regards to the WiiU version, which we know next to nothing about.
  2. :p - this is what I said. You sound really bitter and it's making it difficult to have a proper discussion on this. I've put forth a sound argument, in my opinion. This game isn't really hurting you. If you've already played this, then be happy for those that haven't and are about to play this great game. There's already been 2 or 3 people in this thread who say that they haven't played it, and we are amongst those who are in the know.
  3. I hurd his favrut band wuz bullet 4 my valentine.
  4. I've done fuuuuck all for eet, and I feelsbadman. When I'm feeling better, we'll go out for a nice meal or do something.
  5. Fair enough, but just relying on stats isn't really wise. As I said, he's been played out of position, so it's obvious his stats aren't going to look as great.
  6. Not sure why you're getting so riled over this. That bolded part: Because some people will just prefer handheld gaming to console gaming. DKC:R will work great on a handheld, so it makes some sense to port it. Nobody is going to want to buy a Wii to play this game if console gaming isn't their thing, but if they already own a 3DS, then they'll be much more likely to pick it up. As for your part A, it just sounds really petulant on your part. What is trash to you might be gold for somebody else. If Nintendo didn't see any sense in doing this, they wouldn't bother. There's not really much more to it than that.
  7. It'll take some getting used to. But, unless things really go topsy turvy and it doesn't work, then it's here to stay, I'm afraid. Just looking at the Nintendo Gaming board today, it's refreshing to see it alive and bustling with new threads and replies. If the boards were separate, you would have two boards that were pretty quiet, which is what has been happening for too long now. Even on this board with things being busier, we still have threads on the first page that haven't had replies in them since Monday. This isn't really the type of place where threads are going to get lost quickly. If you can't find something, use the search function. Even then, unless the thread you are looking for is months old, it won't have dropped too far. I visit some forums where the first 5 or 6 pages have last posts from today, on a daily basis. Now THAT is busy and that is where you need to have separation, to organise things. At the moment, it can't really be justified. Why separate two boards when you can have one board which brings both communities together and looks more alive? If the forum does grow in size and popularity, then we won't hesitate to change things again, to improve them and to make things better. Give this new look a try and you'll soon get used to it and love it.
  8. I know it's the defence, you know it, but there will be plenty who will just say "Arsenal sold Van Persie, and now they're fifth." Mainly because it's easy/lazy journalism. It's not comparable in the slightest. Danny had a good first season at United, and now with Van Persie arriving, he is having to play in positions that won't help his goal-scoring stats. You put Wayne Rooney on the wing, you'll see less goals, same with Danny. He's a striker, not a winger. But, he's played in that position numerous times this season for 3 reasons. 1. Because the other forwards are in-form, so the only way to get him in the side without disrupting them is to play on the wing. 2. He deserves to be in the squad because of how he's played, even if that means playing him out of position. 3. Even though he plays out of position, he's probably played better than all of our wingers, which shows how well he has done and how badly they have played. If he played up top as a striker in each of those games, then the stats wouldn't look good. As for Chamakh, he has been terrible even without looking at his stats. He's never really given it all for the shirt and aside from a few good months, he never really looks capable of doing it at Arsenal's level. Also, he's 29...he's not going to get any better. Also, we seem to be under the assumption that "returns" seems to be goals. Football isn't really that straightforward now, is it? By being in the team, Welbeck creates opportunities for others to score. Look at Luka Modric's stats, they never really set the world on fire, but he went for a lot of money, because of the job he did for that team. That alone sets apart Danny Welbeck from Chamakh.
  9. You might think that, but Nintendo don't. If they can make money out of something, they will. They obviously think that there are enough people out there who will buy it for the 3DS, and they're probably right. Well, Aneres above just said he's never played it. There are plenty of people out there who haven't played it. Put it this way, if Nintendo didn't think they could make money out of it, do you really think they'd bother releasing it?
  10. What did you pay his wages with? Carbon Dioxide? He's still a waste of money.
  11. They didn't remake a DKC game or port a Gamecube game because the point is that this game is pretty fucking good and they wanted 3DS owners to experience it. I'm pretty sure that is all there is to it. Also, yes, there will be new gamers since 1998, but they have had many opportunities over the years to play Ocarina of Time as well (during the GC era, it was included with the Wind Waker, and then the Zelda collection as well as the Wii's virtual console). So, really, if you're saying that it's only 2 years old and that's not a huge amount of time, it's not all that different to Ocarina. Gamers have had the ability to play it multiple times over the years. Including new gamers. There will no doubt be new gamers who didn't get to play this on the Wii. So, for them, they're getting an excellent game. If it's fine to "re-make" Ocarina on 3DS, then it's fine for this too, imo.
  12. That surely depends on the architecture of the Wii and the 3DS, which I know nothing about. I'm not even sure it is as simple as "porting it from the Wii to the 3DS".
  13. It's an insult to compare Danny Welbeck in the same sentence as Chamakh. Chamakh, aside from his opening 2 or 3 months, has been awful for Arsenal. Terrible player and a bad buy. Danny is a million times better, in every single way. I thought you knew better than that. :p Well, it depends. Van Persie was there at the right time for you last season. Without him then, you would have struggled to make it into the top 4. As good as Arsenal's goal-scorers have been, you are still only 5th. That could mean the defence isn't as good as last season, or it could mean something else entirely. There's a strong possibility that Arsenal will finish outside of the Top 4, in which case a lot of people will point to the fact that this happened down to the sale of Van Persie.
  14. This is clearly aimed at people who haven't played this before, for whatever reason. Not everyone who bought a 3DS will own a Wii or a WiiU. Some people just prefer handheld gaming. Not everything will be aimed at you. Nobody is forcing you to buy the game twice. I didn't buy it until a few months ago. There's probably still tons of people who didn't play it. A sequel would have been fantastic. But, it's hypocritical to moan about this and yet praise and buy the likes of Ocarina of Time 3D.
  15. Excellent Nintendo Direct. The ones after the release of Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing will be even better, I think it's time they were just released now. It's getting a bit boring have to hear more stuff about those 2.
  16. Yeah, that doesn't make a whole of sense to me either. Wiimote was made for Golf and Tennis. A huge opportunity wasted by Nintendo with this one.
  17. Very shocking news. That tweet from his girlfriend is quite difficult to read now. Not sure where this story came from that he mistook her for a burglar, but it's looking increasingly likely that it isn't to be the case.
  18. I'm happy that he's getting into positions and wants to score. If he was doing fuck all and lazing about the pitch, then I'd be angry. The truth is that he is getting better all the time. It's unrealistic to expect all 4 strikers to all be scoring 10+ goals each at this stage of the season. Van Persie has 23, Rooney has 13 and Hernandez has 14 (in all comps). It's a shame in a way for Danny because he played upfront quite a bit for us last season and bagged 12 goals in his first full season at the club. He's had to sacrifice his position to accommodate the likes of Van Persie and Hernandez for them to be able to do their stuff. But, he'll do that, because football is about the team, rather than one person's personal glory. He understands that. I didn't shift the focus over to Liverpool, Ell did. I went along with it for the lolz.
  19. Also, only ONE developer working on it. Gearbox Software.
  20. How hilarious would that be? If the WiiU version was the ultimate and definitive version of the game. What are the WiiU specific features of the game? Has anything even be said?
  21. No, they were slating Suarez for being a cheating racist.
  22. 2 out of 26 is also the fraction of passes by Joe Allen which go forward. Oh yes, I went there.
  23. Everybody knows that the best rivalry is between Dragooooo and AC Elites. Built on nothing but pure hatred. I hope all of his kittens drown. In a fire.
  24. You know nothing. When he has played, he's been pushed out wide the majority of the time. Like how Rooney hardly scores when pushed out wide, he benefits from being up top. With Rooney, Van Persie and Hernandez at the club, Welbeck usually gets played wide. Or as a sub, sometimes. He's been excellent this season. Gave his all for the shirt and knows its about the team rather than his own personal glory. That goal is his reward for all the hard work he has done this season. To say Welbeck is "bad" shows you that either don't watch United's games, or you know very little.
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